Old Sim

Anyone else ever use him?

I don’t think I’ve seen an O.Sim but in AE people would use [media=youtube]zxWQxJ_iFwE&#t=1m21s"]versions of Sim [URL=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DkoQ0mfyWA”[/media] than his ST form.

The only [media=youtube]sZvyWZlcXDg"[/media] I could find anywhere was Jason Deheras and that’s from B4 which is quite a while ago.

^ Jason Deheras is Shirts, haha.

It doesn’t matter which version you pick; he’s ALWAYS old when YOU use him! :bgrin:


We’re all old. Yeah, I was bored and was wondering if anyone really played him the way I used to. Just reminiscing. Ahh, the good ol’ days.

Since you played him and I haven’t a clue about the differences, what does o.sim play like compared to n.sim? Does he have any real advantages or was is just because you liked the different playstyle?

I used to play O.Sim early when ST was out (couldn’t get used to the controlled limps), N.Sim turned out to be light years better.

O.Sim can cancel close Fierce (1st hit), standing far Jab/short/Forward and low far jab.

I have a few questions! I guess some of them are just re-phrasings of stuff that’s already been asked.

  • Evidently, O.Sims are quite rare, especially when compared to N.Sims. Does O.Sim have any notable properties that he can use to his advantage against players who have only learned their character’s matchup against N.Sim? ie. Are there any/many significant differences that O.Sim can exploit versus opponents who are trying to play against him like he’s the N. version?

  • Does anyone know if there are there any prominent O.Sim specialists in Japan or any other countries?

not sure how you played, but .SF.robbiers or just robbiers plays O.Sim on GGPO

Isn’t O. Sim just for people who don’t like to differentiate between close normals and long normals? I don’t understand why you’d ever sacrifice his bomb ass super.

I believe Vintage does.

Yep. DGV used to use strictly O.Characters in ST. Remix dropped so DG had to adapt I believe. I could be wrong though.

O.Sim fucking sucks and so does Shirts!!

I second that! jk:arazz:

I do sometimes.

someone named “Mokura” (an alias no doubt) has been using O.Sim and is pretty good.

Some of his limbs are faster and have better hit boxes. I was going to do a post about them on my blog… but then HDr came out…

Ok, there are faster, but I could not find better hit boxes… FYI

his super is too good…

o. sim close standing strong is better making a noogie into a block standing strong into noogie a lot easier

Mokura on GGPO is very good with O Sim, while im not really good at st i couldnt beat him 1 out of like 15-20…

I vouch for him