Played Yun for the first time today at MGL. Really awkward, I don’t quite have the range on far st. jab down so I’m whiffing easy combos, also in a lot of situations were I just don’t know what to do. Also when it comes to footsie time, it’s really difficult for me to do anything. Also, how are you guys keeping pressure on with dive kicks? They seem to have almost no block stun on them even if I hit my opponents toes, 3 frame jabs, grabs and shoryus are beating me if I try to keep pressure on with normals. Also, really awkward timing on follow ups after EX Up Kicks and EX Lunge, I can’t find it.
Going to try him out some more, but he seems much more difficult to play than I first imagined.
^ what are u trying to do after ex lunge? if you get that to hit its not hard to follow up with another lunge. ex up kicks follow up timing is weird but once u follow up with the dash punch you pretty much get the timing and you wont really drop it. you have to hit like the shins to be able to do something afterwards (at least from my experience). like do dive kick crouch tech, if they dont tech you get and you can do another to hit confirm. if you hit them too high it can = free punish (throw,spd,jab etc) i played against a hawk and i literally held the joystick up after i did a dive (the dive hit like mid body or somethin) and he SPD’ed me.
yeah i know what you mean, he feels awkward and at times i feel like i want to do 3s stuff when i play him heh.
Assuming opponent has full health, and you start the combo with,, xx lp shoulder xx GJ mode.
Does at least 45~50% on Yun, but NOT including the possible 2choice mixup after.
Theoretically this would be a much more damaging combo in comparison to what we have seen, due to the amount of HP palm and included.
I didnt get a chance to try it, but I was thinking the following combo is possible only with opponent in corner.,,st.mpxxlp shouderxxGJ,, (HP palm, x4, HP palm, lp lunge, HJ Dive etc.
I know for a fact that connects to HP palm in the corner.
I will try it tommorow if I have time to goto play AE.
I always hit my dive kicks low, but it feels like I just cannot apply any pressure afterward and I’m not sure what’s wrong. Is it possible that LK Dive Kick has less block stun than MK Dive kick? I was using LK Dive Kick all day, so I might have to test out another strength or set up. Dive kick to crouch tech is a good idea though, I’ll scoop that.
Also, it looks like cr. short, close st. jab, cr. strong, st. strong xx whatever does combo. Might be a good frame trap. MGL is closed for Christmas, but I’ll be back to play more come Sunday.
I went to the arcade the other day (I live in sydney, australia by the way) to try out some of the genei jin combo’s I saw in the EVO 2004 SF 3rd Strike match between daigo and KO and they actually work plus I get to squeeze in a couple more hits. I think the super meter lasts longer than the 3rd strike version so I could easily do 20+ hits. One example is when I activate genei jin right after the LP,LK,MP target combo and then I keep doing MP shoulder slams in the corner (if I activate from mid-screen, I’d need to use the HP shoulder slam to force the opponent in the corner, then switch back to the MP version so they don’t rebound off the wall). Right when my super bar runs out I could squeeze in one more shoulder slam, then F.HP and then into lounge punch. In third strike, I could only do 5-6 shoulder slams while still having the super meter. But in SSF4 AE, I could do 8. That’s really insane. This is a really easy combo by the way. Anyone can do this.
One thing that I haven’t tried yet which I really wanna try is to juggle into the ultra right after super.
yun has a lot of options after a PALM in the corner.
In the corner, Palm --> Launcher --> Ultra 1.
Palm --> EX Dragon kicks or Regular Dragon Kicks.
Palm --> sweep sweep. pretty much any normal will hit.
You can do 1 2 3 ex lunge and follow it up with ex dragon kicks, have only pulled it off in the corner.
you can do launcher --> ex dragon kicks -->
i’ve managed to combo low strong x3, standing strong xx EX dragon kicks on RUFUS so far. Most characters i can only get low strong twice only.
You can do low short, standing jab, low forward Xx GENei JIN XX low forward , standing fierce punch – fierce shoulder.
standing strong, fierce, palm target combo is very unsafe on block. just make sure you get the palm out only when it hits, the combo is punishable if they block. for example Sagat can punish with low jab–ex tiger shot.
c.lp+lk (for OS throw tech as well), c.lp, st.lp, xx whatevers (you can skip the c.lp for one less hit confirm and go straight for the st.lp, for HK upkick enders vs everyone. Since you have to change you ender accordingly vs some characters, since HK upkick whiffs if you do that full block string vs some characters)
c.lp+lk+mp (OS throw tech again, now with instead),, xx (I think this is best when youre divekicks hits on their wakeup, so you have more frames to work with. Or if you hit your divekick really low to the ground in the open)
Other Easy Hit Confirms for whatevers
c.lp x3, xx lp lunge
c.lp x2, st.lp,
c.lp, st.lp,, xx (iirc this works, though not 100%), st.lp, xx
Pretty much you get the idea, just mixup and match those in the right order and do whatever ender depending on range.
Is there anything that does more dmg than the upkicks in genei jin? Also, is there a way to lessen the amount of hits to go into the loop w/out doing a dash punch? So far I’ve only been able to get that do work. Straight upkicks doesn’t combo, neither does far st.strong xx upkicks, I tried roundhouse cancelled into a dash, and then upkicks but that whiffed. Roundhouse into dash, then st.forward hits but then the upkicks miss. Roundhouse into upkicks works but it has to be medium and then the timing is weird after that. Only the dash punch seems consistent, but its too many hits already. Although trying this off of cr.strong x 2, st.strong xx lp shoulder xx geneijin already reduces the dmg a lot anyways. Maybe it would be helpful if you did it off st.strong xx geneijin. Also I noticed st.roundhouses misses on some chars crouching? I think chun was one of them.
What’s up Myk…you had a nice lunch with you today at Vid94.