OJ reportedly going to confess!?


Would be kinda funny for him to publicly admit to it after all this time, though.

But this doesn’t make any sense, the late Johnny Cochran told us “If the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit!” That was an infallible defense.

I’m so confused right now…


Means you don’t convict them. It doesn’t have to mean you consider them innocent, you can simply decide to let them go. You can think someones guilty of something and acquit them because the crime is bogus (happens when people get charged with something but it turns out it was self defense or the entire situation was just stupid).

I don’t remember anybody thinking he wasn’t guilty at the time. But we’ve long had the situation in this country where fame means people will let you walk simply because of status, and with a good enough lawyer you can get out of just about anything.

He probably wants to make money off this. Dude’s broke and there would be a book deal, and there will be bookings on multiple shows. It’s also been long enough that nobody cares enough to go after him and he can’t be tried again.

so can white people riot when he admits his guilt?

i just really wanna riot, but Vancouver is too far away :frowning:

What’s there to riot about? If she was stupid enough to marry an athlete she can deal with the fallout from it. Given their track record it’s playing Russian roulette with beatings, cheatings, death, they are scum. It’s not worth caring about other than “well, you were stupid and it got you killed”.

We’ll riot when our stocks crash and taxes go up.

you ol’ uncle tom ass nigga, how dare you!

pretty sure he’s doing it because his brain is messed up from football

think about it. robbing some guy for memorabilia? then writing a book if i did it? now this?

someone should check his mental health

I said the same thing back in the day I said why is Kato on the stand…oh shit OJ paid Kato to do it thats why the glove dont fit, ask Kato to try it on…lol.

Watching it on youtube right now. Maaan i had no idea what was going on when i was this age.

You know he fucking did it anyway.

And fuck him for doing it. When I was a kid I used to love coming home and watching Eek the Cat on FOX. But NOOOOO this nigga had to kill two people so FOX started cutting that shit off to cover that boring ass court case.

He’s been in need of cash for some time, I’m not shocked. Keep in mind most athletes are utter morons, bottom of the barrel level crap. They only get forced through schools just to be able to play on teams so the school can keep $$$ flowing. They then go off to the pro leagues and have no earthly clue what they are doing. Hence why so many of them end up broke from buying stupid shit, women, or agents. If they are lucky they hook up with good brokers and other people that can actually manage their money and slap them upside the head when they do stupid things, but all to often they end up broke, in massive debt.

You’re not talking about a group of people that are known for their money management skills or life skills in general, baring a few rare exceptions. And many of them commit all sorts of crimes while they are still playing.

The thing is, you can get away with that while you’re still playing and making cash, once you’re not you can’t, as nobody gives a fuck.

OJ’s been retired for sometime so he can’t get away with it, and he went broke paying for a legal defense, a top end legal defense costs millions of dollars. So unless you’ve got hundreds of millions or a corporate lawyer that can back your ass up, it’s going to break you.

Athletes that ran out of cash and are reduced to pulling stupid antics to scrap funds together are really common, but you don’t hear about unless they were part of a massive circus, see OJ and Tyson.

I recall it was a leather glove and those shrink when exposed to moisture, which is why the prosecution trying to use it was moronic from the word go.

“it never hurts to help!” an fuccin sharky the shark dog

Yes it messed up my afternoons of cartoons an phone bonin…

Man, every community knew this shit. Does anyone even care about this shit, or OJ, anymore? Dude must need some money or something.

I still think that could be a hit song, all you need is a black church chorus backing you on vocals during the main section and you got gold.

i didnt understand shit when this went down…i was like in 4th grade or sumtin. i went to a fuckin catholic school and yet they pulled us all into the auditorium to watch it. btw i was the only black kid at the time…besides some drake lookin cat. i still dont get why they did that.

Because the media blew it out of proportion for various reasons. OJ had a mixed reputation as something of a cultural icon, but also something of a jackass. The entire police chase added a really bizarre angle to it. He hired a crazy ass defense team that did everything in it’s power to turn it completely into a race issue, and the LAPD was famous for race issues and being as crooked as possible at the time. People also thought there would be race riots.

It shouldn’t have been as big of a deal as it was. Man kills wife, end of story. But given the histories of both OJ and the LAPD, and given the tactics his defense used, it turned into a massive shit fest.

i get all that, but my catholic school went from k-8th grade. i feel like kids that young have no buisness watching a trial like that. or in our case the results…cause we dont understand whats going on…and then when we look into it…its clearly bout stuff most of us cant even comprehend.

The same can be said for 9/11, Columbine, insert major news item here. They are just trying to place it so you can “remember that day” when you are an adult. Dumb shit like that happens all the time. Then you get to go home and annoy your parents about it.

come the fuck on OJ, your suppose to be the Lex Luthor of the game…Lex wouldnt go out like that