I use Infinite Kicks xx LP Indigo Punch, and the Snake Blade chain (Cr. LK, Cr. MK, Cr. MK). I’ve also started using Cr.MK xx Indigo Punch Dash Cancel into either Infinite Kicks or a throw.
So what have you guys been doing for Raw Tag/Whiffed DP punishes? The Owl’s Hunt BnB or the CADC stuff? Both seem to do similar damage last time I checked, and just wondering if it’s worth it to try the harder combo or not.
So anyone still playing Ogre? This board isn’t the most lively.
Anyways I just started working with him again. After Snake Blade, Hunting Hawk (2), cr.HP/HK, I can cancel into Indigo LP, but cannot seem to land Waning Moon LP?
Also as a beginner I’m finding it a lot easier to link Hunting Hawk after Snake Blade than Owl’s Hunt. Just practice to get the latter down I guess, but it seems to be a big part of Ogre’s game.
I still play him. And I play at least one other a day online, it seems, so there are Ogres out there.
I would learn to master doing both combos. The Owl’s Hunt is useful in punish combos, for instance Cl. HP xx Owl’s Hunt, Hunting Hawk (2 hits), Cl. HP/HK xx Owl’s Hunt/Waning Moon. Snake Blade is better for hit confirms. I usually do cr. LK, cr. LK into Snake Blade to confirm. I wouldn’t spam Snake Blade though, it’s easy to Alpha Counter or reversal through the last hit.
Edit: Also, never use LP Waning Moon in combos… Kinda silly not to go for the HP version for more damage, especially considering the moves cause the same effect other than the damage. The reason that the combo you mentioned doesn’t work is that Waning Moon doesn’t have enough juggle potential to be used there. You pretty much need to use Indigo Punch.
These are his basic tools:
s.MP (medium punch has a lot of plus frames)
LP>LP (lotsa of plus frames)
LP>MP>MP (you can special cancel the last hit, beware there is a big gap between the last 2 hits so you can cut it off at the 2nd hit if your opp is mashing)
c.LP, s.LK, c.LK (the s.LK has quite a lot of range, i find a lot of people try and back away after the c.LK and get caught with snakeblade)
snake blade (once opp starts fearing the lows try ending with c.HP or mixup with c.LKxxOH)
infinite kicks (you can cut it short after 2nd or 3rd hit and go for throw/more mixups, for safety end with Indigo, CADC, or Blazing kick, for a hail mary end with OH)
Take these strings and mix them up, be as random as possible, throwing in a OH here and there when I think they are scared to stand, going for snakeblade when they are scared to crouch.
Picked Ogre up after trying him for a bit in week 1
What are you doing if you wanna tag out after connecting with snakeblade? In the corner you can do LP QCF, but midscreen I usually go for snakeblade - HH first 2 hits - Tag. Is this the best option?
Midscreen I’d say it’s the best, easiest option to do HH, but some characters can actually combo after the LP Indigo Punch followup (for instance, Kazuya can land a delayed sweep or Cr. MK xx whatever if near the corner). You could also just do Snake Blade, HH 2 hit, HP Ancient Power xx Tag, but this might be tricky.
If I want to tag, I usually just do a boost chain into launcher except in the corner, where you can easily tag cancel from just about anything. For instance, Snake Blade, St. HK CADC (or J. MP), St. HP xx Owl’s Hunt xx Tag for max damage from Snake Blade.
Yeah, I played around a bit. With Gief I think the best option is to tag after HH 2 hits, then I can connect my BnB with Gief.
Blazing Kick?! I can’t connect that after SB-HH…I thought only LP QCF is possible after that.
Is it correct that I can’t even connect Super after that? So SB-HH 2 hits-stHp- Super doesn’t work.
Or is the timing just a bit strange?
Highest punish for Ogre in corner is j.HP-HP-LK Owl-jMP-HP-Super? 564 Damage. Is that most I can get?
No i meant just do c.lk x mk Blazing Kick x switch. If your goal is to get a safe tag with minimal damage scaling then leave out the SB.
Of course the ideal switch would be something into OH.
OH can be punished though, BK is completely safe on block, tons of blockstun.
SB kills all the juggle potential so your’e really limited with followups. I think you can do SB, uf+lk>mk, super? You might have to omit the HH.
Oh right, you were talking about a crLK-BK that’s it.
I meant more in a combo. Love the possibilities to tag back and forth with Gief and Ogre. Always between 400-500 with 1 meter.
Will try a bit online after practicing more.
up close: lp>lp, lk, s.mp, SB, IK. I go for SB shenanigans. If they just lowblock all day I’ll test them by doing c.lkxxOH or c.lk>c.mk>c.hp. Both of those are unsafe but its worth the risk if you can really mindfuck people lol. If they are stand blocking cuz they’re scared of OH I’ll go low. Also been messing around with IK. Sometimes end with cadc, sometimes charge for a sec and let it rip, sometimes mkBK for the immense blockstun, sometimes stop after 2nd or 3rd hit is blocked and go for grab or jabs.
halfscreen: c.mk, c.mp, s.hp, s.hk, HH. I usually hitconfirm off c.mp into s.hk launcher. Sometimes i’ll hitconfirm off max range s.HP into launcher. HH can actually whiff punish a lot of stuff and since you aren’t doing the SB first it doesn’t limit your followups so you can go cl.HPxxOHxxswitch afterwards.
Eh i just saw Ryan hunter do SB, uf+lk>mk, c.HKxxswitch. Looks like more damaging variation of what you were doing…
Damn Ryan was doing all sorts of awesome stuff in this vid… I wanna try it out when i get home lol!
The crHk was what I was looking for. If I wanna tag Gief in after a SB BnB to connect his combo that must be the best option. Could have thought of that lol
Anyone noticed that setup he used? After finishing a combo with Lk Owl, he does (I think) Mk Owl into BK on opponents wakeup. Nice one.
HELL YEAH! I was able to land it during a first to 10 set against a local player and after that I was able to get it consistently for the rest of the set. Ended up going 10-3 woooot!