Ogre Combo Thread

Okay, couple of notes

Anytime you do a Hunting Hawk that isn’t off a Snake Bite or aerial counter hit, you can end with a Cl.:hp:/:hk: xx :qcb: :hp:

Off an Air to Air :mp: you can do a Cross Art the moment you hit the ground and connect; 470 damage if your partner does 300 on a Super, add or subtract their damage off that (so Hugo will do 560 for example, while Vega does 450). You can also tag cancel it, your partner can do a cr:mk: or whatever their standard ground bounce combo is.

If you get an aerial counter hit that isn’t a :mp: you should go into Hunting Hawk Cl.:hp:/:hk: xx :qcf: :lp:

I tend to avoid Cl.:hk: if I’m canceling into Owl’s Hunt; it pushes you further back, which can lead to you missing the Hunting Hawk or other move after the Owl’s Hunt.

Infinite Kicks makes me loath autoblock gems. It’s also a pain to cancel it into Blazing Kick and tag cancel that in time for my partner to do anything with it; will probably stick to just LP Waning Moon for now. Can also cancel into Cross Art for 429 damage at 300 on the secondary (add or subtract 50% of the difference)

sometimes when the first 2 hit of snake blade is blocked but the last hit hits them, your opponent doesnt get launched high enough to be combo’d into hunting hawk, dont know why tho

I mean exactly as I said. Clearly you haven’t encountered the situation yet. Go test it lol

At max range you can’t follow with hunting hawk. In that case, the best you can do is cr.mp, cr.hp, or super art although it’s timing is pretty strict.

I don’t like hunting hawk because the midscreen followups are very limited, and you’re left at -3 on block, making it hard to keep your momentum.

MIDSCREEN: Snake blade, hunting hawk, cl. hp, light indigo punch - 283 damage
[INDENT=1]1. Snake blade, cl.hk, owl’s hunt, light indigo punch - 313 damage (take a step forward after snake blade, delay the hk or they’ll be too high for hunting hawk)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]2. Snake blade, infinite kick (1 hit), cl.hp, heavy waning moon -** 321 damage** (step forward after snake blade)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]3. (not reliable) Snake blade, cl. hk, dash cancel, cl.hp, waning moon - 342 damage (super hard. take the step and don’t do infinite kick as that lowers the damage to 321. You got to press up after the cl.hk so you don’t get a dp instead of indigo punch)[/INDENT]

CROSSUPPED HP ANCIENT POWER (not autocorrected, extremely spacing dependant)
hp ancient power, cr. mk, heavy waning moon - 288 damage

I just wanted to add to this:

st.mk, uf lk mk, st. fp xx light indigo punch = 280 dmg
st.mk, uf lk mk, super = 390 dmg

What are people using for their post-launcher combos both in and other corners? I tend to use uf:lk: :mk: cl:hp: xx LP Indigo Punch, but have seen some :mp: cr:mk: xx Waning Moon

if i have three bars i use hunting hawk (2 hits) cr.mk xx cross arts.

otherwise if they are corners afetr the hunting hawk cr.HK xx Ancient Power HP switch cancel

Not sure if this is appropriate, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone posting in this thread and others… It’s so awesome to read pure creativity. I can’t wait to get home and try some more ogre combos =)

Well, since I just made a team CMV with Ogre in it, I guess I must post it here too then. I’m pretty sure most of the combos are known. That character is fun to combo with.
Part1: [media=youtube]-luuXlFtHXA[/media]
Part2: [media=youtube]7b-MggK2C-Q[/media]
Also I’m pretty sure you can do this with any team if your other char got a wallbounce:
(Starting as other character) wallbounce attack cross cancel j.mp, j.mp, dash, dash, cr.mk xx anything you want I guess. Heck Ogre can do it alone with his EX indigo punch.
Yes you can do a j.mp, j.mp link, look it up on this video: [media=youtube]EGG5F7kbuRQ[/media]

double j mp after ex indigo… damn im stealing this. one combo to push them into corner. i would probably end with c.mk into lk owl’s hunt tho

Hunting Hawk, St.HK xx(any special, depending on where I want the opponent). Max damage is prolly Waning Moon, but it scales bad.

And @ the weird Snake Blade thing, this has happened to me so often. I think its a counter hit thing or maybe they try to backdash/jump out of the string. If anyone has an idea on what it is, I’d appreciate it :slight_smile:

Try s.HK dash cancel, s.HK xx Waning Moon.

OK I don’t know if it’s new or not but I just dicovered something on trainning mode today.
You can link Ogre’s s.:lp: s.:lp: target combo into cr.:hk:. It’s a really difficult link but it’s worth it!

So you can do this:

s.:lp: s.:lp:, cr.:hk: (2 hits) xx dash cancel, s.:hk: xx dash cancel, s.:hk: xx Waning Moon for a lot of damage without using bars.

You can trade the last Waning Moon for super art/cross art if you want more damage.

This link is great because it can help with hit-confirming since the s.:lp: s.:lp: is very safe.

Yeah, that’s a nice combo. Not that hard to link, it’s only problem is you got to be quite close for the 2 hits of cr.hk to connect (won’t launch if only the first hit connects) and only works on standing opponents. But you can neat some beastly damage off of that.

Searched quite a bit in the Ogre threads but couldn’t find it: what’s the best/most damaging combo with Ogre coming in after a launcher?

Either :

  • uf+lk x uf+mk, cl.hk x qcb + hp
  • uf+lk x uf+mk, cl.hk x dp + lk, Switch Cancel (mp+mk), Character specific combo

Why is st.HK xx LK OH - uf LK - uf MK, etc not working?

after the hunting hawk you have used up all your juggle points. if you want to use st.hk you have to dash cancel it into itself a couple times.

chiviet234: You da man! Thanks for the vid.

Came into the Ogre forums hoping he could replace Sagat in my Sagat/Hei team. So glad to see others have the same setup. Woo!

What are Ogre’s options in terms of block strings?