Ogre Combo Thread

I don’t know if I would use Indigo Punch after LMM or off uf+LK~MK, cl.HP…

LP Indigo Punch is +2 on block so I don’t know if you can use it for frame traps… don’t have a copy of the game on me until the end of the week so I can’t test anymore stuff, but at least that’s a positive? Honestly I think the only positive is that you can cancel it before it comes out lol.

Anyways, MP and HP Indigo Punch are just slow and are both +0 so… actually I’m not sure why they’re in the game. Maybe there’s something missing we don’t know about the move.

I like it in ending combos while safe tagging my other char in while maintaing the corner, the move is really good at throwing your opponents to the corner and setting up safe tags to zoning characters like Sagat/Guile.

Other than combos I really dont see any use for this move, if it had more active frames like Jin it’d be useful, but as is now I have no idea on how to use it outside combos, that seems to be its only use. Someone should post the tech they find with this move.

Does indigo punch push them further to the corner than HP ancient power? I’m not at my console atm. Also now that I think about it reading some other stuff, maybe indigo punch is there also because it doesn’t use juggle points while I think AP uses juggle points?

Indigo Punch has a Juggle Priority of 5. If you can fit in into a juggle at the end (especially in the corner), do it… One I’m pretty sure works is

<Stuff to Juggle State> cl.HK xx Owl’s Hunt, cl.HK xx Owl’s Hunt, Indigo Punch.

Hey SirSerpa, where are you getting the Juggle Priority information from or is that just self-testing?

Self testing.

???indigo punch is the only special move you can connect after the sequence of low kick target combo into two hits of hunting, cl hp. Clearly you would never use it if you land a raw owl hunt or a raw hintinghawk

CH Far St.Fierce, j.MP

Causes ground bounce. Curious to see what type of nasty damage you guys can come up with off that. =p

Oh, okay. I didn’t understand because of how you phrased your sentence, looked like 3 separate things instead of just a combo and cadc.

Good Stuff

Aw poop… My “new” tech was already in that vid. =p

Ogre can combo into infinite kicks from a cl.st.lp, and since the last hit is special cancelable, if they somehow manage to block the whole infinite kick combo, you can either dash cancel to back away or to extend your pressure by dashing in, st.lp to frame trap or even combo into infinite kicks again.

Very hard to block against all of that. It’s much more likely that they will try to reversal you.

You can reset them with Counter hit far st.HP. As they’re falling down you hit them with a close HK, then cancel into H waning moon.

When you hit them with the Cl.HK they flip over and then they get reset.

Also mowr, can you explain your post to me? At what point can you backdash or dashcancel the infinite kick combo?

Well I believe other special cancelable are at the end of the move. I thought that meant you had to use an actual special move though… no? I didn’t know you could cancel it with dash. For example on the last hit of demon slayer it’s special cancelable so you can end it with indigo punch to make it safe. Pretty sure they can mash out a hit in between the last two mediums though as I don’t think it actually combos if my memory is correct. Infinite kicks is cancelable on the 5th hit (last one).

OK. i’ve been beasting online with ogre for a week and this are my b’n’bs so far:

HIT CONFIRMS: (edit: mix it up! try to start with a st. lk)
0 bar:
[INDENT=1]MIDSCREEN: st.lp, st.lp, hunting hawk (2 hits), cl. hk, heavy waning moon - 284 damage[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]CORNER: st.lp, st.lp, cr.mk, blazing kick, cr.mk, light owl’s hunt, light indigo punch - 296 damage[/INDENT]

1 bar:
[INDENT=1]MIDSCREEN: st.lp st.lp, cr.mk, ex. indigo punch, j. hp, cl.hp, heavy waning moon - 357 damage[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]CORNER: st.lp st.lp, cr.mk, ex. indigo punch, cl.hk, dash cancel, cl.hp, light owl’s hunt, light indigo punch - 360 damage[/INDENT]
MIDSCREEN: owl’s hunt**, hunting hawk (2hits), cl.hk, dash cancel, cl.hp, light indigo punch - 357 damage
CORNER: owl’s hunt, cl.hk, dash cancel, cl.hp, owl’s hunt, light indigo punch -
396 damage**

ANTIAIR CR. HK COMBOS i swear, this are total mood killers for your opponent
0 bar:
[INDENT=1]cr.hk (1 hit), dash cancel, cl.hk, heavy waning moon - **265 or 303 damage (delay the cl.hk after the dash or waning moon will wiff)[/INDENT]
2 bar:
[INDENT=1]cr.hk (1 hit), dash cancel, cl.hk, super art - 385 damage[/INDENT]
if you are close enough just add a cl.hk at the beginning of the naked owl hunt combos - 385 - 418 damage
if not
: **cr.mk, ex. indigo punch, j. hp, cl.hp, heavy waning moon - 399 damage

in general, i don’t recommend spending bars to use the super art, you’ll perform better using it for ex. indigo punch chain cancel pressure and stuff.

all this combos are realiable online. my execution is pretty on point but if i can do it, you too. now, go and destroy.

so what we just block high against you?

you need some snake blade combos to put in that low threat

you’re right, i don’t really use snake blade. But i do st. lk to start my low hit confirms into st.lp. Anyway i’ll add some snake blade combos later, thanks for pointing that up.

snake blade is weird because if you do it at point blank against certain characters (cammy is one) it crosses them up semi-randomly on the third hit. however it’s also the most unsafe way of doing snake blade.

The one weird thing about snake blade is if the last hit only hits them (maybe counterhit maybe not Idk) they get launched at a different distance. You can’t hit them with hunting hawk followup either. Ive been punished for mistakenly trying to follow up with hunting but whiffing and getting quickrised on.

i’ve never missed hunting hawk after only the last hit of snake blade hits them. EVER. so i’m unsure what you mean.