Ogre Combo Thread

s.HK, QCF+P, hold P, press F, release P.

Can’t really help you more than this, have to practice.

It’s not even worth doing to be honest, can just substitue one of the HP Ancient Powers with s.HK x HP Ancient Power for the exact same damage, less timing and less work lol. Also in the corner, s.HK is better than s.HP, you get 10 more damage so… why not? s.HP is only needed midscreen to get uf+LK~MK after an LK Owl’s Hunt.

As a side note, I’m starting to drop trying to get too fancy and go for lower damage, but more consistent combos. What I’m doing right now is:

poke from far with c.MP and chain into s.HP, option select qcf+PP (EX Indigo). If I get the far s.HP, I’ll get a Cross Rush, if I’m close enough I get the EX Indigo punch which I can follow up with j.HK, c.MK, HP Waning Moon for 389 damage with 1 meter.

It’s true that you can do much more damage without meter… but to be honest, practical combos and max damage combos unfortunately don’t go hand in hand and with Ogre not really having as many good tools as other characters.

Also I found in the corner you can do Infinite Kicks x HP Ancient Power, close s.HK x qcf+P and charge up a counter hit, dash cancel backwards and you’ll have a charge right before they are able to get up. Then you play the guessing game:

If you think they will stand up in the corner

  1. (against masher) s.HP punish them. (Works basically against noobs and we all need noob killing tools for those mashers who just have no sense of mind games).
  2. Walk up throw.
    3#) Walk up c.MK x qcf+PP, s.HK x qcf dash cancel, s.HP x …
    3a) qcb+HP (399 damage for 1 meter)
    3b) qcf+PPP (510 damage for 3 meters)
  3. Infinite Kicks again lol. (265 damage meterless)

If you think they will roll out of the corner
Honest not much you can do except jump back with j.HK and then doing:

  1. Infinite Kicks (High, Mid, Low, High High) x whatever
    2a) c.MK, qcf+PP (+2 on Block), j.HK, c.MK x dp+LK (342 for 1 meter… gets them back into that corner) if you end with HP Waning Moon you get 378…
    2b) c.LK, s.HP x dp+LK, qcf+PPP (427 for 2 meters)
  2. Throw
  3. s.HP (+3 on block, basically best advantage you can get on block with Ogre) x qcf dash cancel, mix-up/throw

I feel like Ogre really needs a good cross-up, a lot of his options are basically unsafe because he’s really just guessing, he doesn’t have much in terms of pressure compared to other characters and even worse, characters with easier to do pressure all have cross-ups for some reason and Ogre doesn’t.

This stuff is still in the works for me, but hopefully it helps the Ogre community out.

st.hp Counter hit combos:

counter st.hp - cr.hk - dash cancel - cl.hk - dash cancel - cl.hk - heavy. waning moon - 448 damage

counter st.hp - light. owl’s hunt - j.lk - j.mk - cl.hk - dash cancel - cl.hk - light. indigo punch - 432 damage (really really hard midscreen)

counter st.hp - light. owl’s hunt - j.lk - j.mk - cl.hk - dash cancel - cl.hp - light. indigo punch - 427 damage (much more reliable)

counter st.hp - light. owl’s hunt - j.lk - j.mk - cl.hk - heavy. waning moon - 426 damage (less bar gain)

you can take a little step forward after the counter st.hp to improve your success rate of the followup after owl’s hunt

counter st.hp - cr.mk - ex. indigo punch - j.hp - cl.hk - heavy waning moon - 462 damage (1 bar)

delay the j.hp a bit to get the cl.hk after.

corner naked owl hunt combos (for the risky flashy machos):
owl’s hunt - cl.hk - dash cancel - cl.hk - dash cancel - light owl’s hunt - light indigo punch - 404 damage

btw, i haven’t tested online yet, i’m not responsible of your missed combos.

Do you really start with Hunting Hawk(2hit)? I like using j.M / j.H as ambiguous cross-up (j.M for cross-up, deep j.H to stay on the current side) … I was then thinking xx Snake Blade xx Hunting Hawk(2 hits) but I can’t get either of those finishers when putting the SB before…

There is still really so much variation on here…as Xiii said, I’m not trying to do crazy stuff in game, I’m looking for reliable and easy BnB in corner/midscreen with decent damage and average execution/timing

Edit: Xiii…on your BnB (EX Indigo punch which I can follow up with j.HK, c.MK, HP Waning Moon for 389 damage with 1 meter) … I’m able to end with j.HK , s.HP , HP WM)

You can even squeak in a s.HK x HP Waning Moon if you time it perfectly for a little bit more damage if you switch from j.HK to j.HP, but then the timing changes depending on where you are when you hit the EX Indigo, but c.MK x HP WM always hits if j.HK hits. I sacrifice a few points of damage because it’s really not worth it to get a far s.HP or far s.HK instead and lose the HP WM damage.

I said post-tag.

Sorry, was mixing up all the posts I’d read. If I do your tag in the corner the cr.HK whiffs after the 2 hits of HH. st.HK xx lk.DP works in the corner after the 2 hit HH post-tag, but I still can’t get that to land every time either.

Also, idk how I feel about the cr.HK since if it hits twice before you cancel you’re screwed…I’ve missed a few times cancel’ing after one hit as well. I’m still working on finding something a little more consistent for me, I like ending with the Owls for untechable knockdown though

Also, Infinite Kicks can be cancelled into H. Ancient Power anywhere, and in the corner you can land 2 of them after it

Why not just do cl.HK cadc s.HP x special move of your choice for the situation?

Anyways, I’m assuming most people didn’t read my block of text so I’m just going to directly ask and sort of answer my own question. Why do 2 HP Ancient Powers in the corner? Sure you can do it, but you can also just do Infinite Kicks x HP Ancient Power, cl.HK x qcf+P charge for CH and backdash into oki. So which one is better when both do exactly the same amount of damage?

^ya that’s the better option. If I hit them with infiniyekicks in the corner I often like to spend meter tho and do qcb 2kicks, stand heavy owlhunt
And remember you can cancel infinite kicks into crossart anywhere on the screen, so if its going to kill its an easy mixup into confirm into 500 dmg

Cancelling infinite into super only works in corner tho I think

Yeah, super only works in the corner, but you only get like 350 for 2 meters, it’s not really worth it. Might as well do the 250ish damage and go for oki unless it’s going to kill them.

Some people suck at cadc, the charge back-dash for oki is a good option regardless though

I said cl.HK… I appreciate the criticism, but make sure you know what I said before you try to correct me. =p You’re 0 for 2, Oni. =p

Mr.Wizard must be ninja-editing your posts before I read them! ^^

Cross Assault can connect after crouching target combo (cr.lk,cr.mk,cr.mk)

Counter hit AA st.mk, cr.mk xx fp.waning moon

(In corner) St.fk xx lk.owl hunt, instant nj.mp, st.fk xx fp.Indigo Punch. (replace indigo punch with owl hunt for cross cancel starter)

How good is s.MK as an AA? I haven’t really used it, mainly just use dp+HP because it doesn’t seem like there are any consistently good AAs.

The other stuff isn’t really optimal so meh, but we need combos for all levels of execution so taking a hit in damage is fine if you can’t do the harder combos.

His Ancient Power (hp) seems to work really well as an anti-air and anti-cross up as well.

This- timing is goofy, though. Definitely something worth mastering, though.

Ogre seems to excel in close range, due to his great high/low mixup game. Ancient Power pushes your opponent away almost full screen.

This works alright for turtle Ogres, but if you’re low on health, or need to make a comeback, mastering st.mk as an AA is the way to go. The ability to combo after it on CH mid-screen is valuable for damage.

How is it “not optimal”? Doing instant nj.mp is better than hunting hawk because it saves on damage scaling, and isn’t even that hard to pull off. Mainly I’m talking about if you’re wanting to do a cross cancel, cross art, cross assault, etc.

I posted about j.mp more than a week ago on the first page of this 2 page thread. I don’t really want to sound condescending, but the thread isn’t that long and you posting that just means you don’t care what anybody else posted, you just want to post stuff. I’ll still respond directly though as I want push Ogre tech along and the more people trying to find stuff the better.

My test with comboing j.MP for the ground bounce basically boiled down to this:

Corner 655 j.HP/HK, cl.HK x dp+HK, jump up j.MP, land c.MK, cl.HK xx Cross Assault
Corner 687 j.HP/HK, cl.HK x dp+HK, cl.HK, qcf+P dash cancel forward, cl.HK xx Cross Assault

My combo is basically the more optimized version of yours trying to go for the most damage possible with just Ogre minus gems in the corner. You could squeeze in a c.MK and still get a cl.HK after landing and you can cancel that into anything, but damage and situation-wise HP Ancient Power is the best (Owl’s Hunt is similar as well as it’s the most badass looking special in this game so I’m not going to discriminate anybody just throwing that thing anywhere, but for switch cancelling Ancient Power and Blazing Kick for less damage are both better for easier tag juggle follow-ups).

A nitpick as well, but ending with Indigo Punch is like the worst possible option you could pick. All normal versions deal the same damage (90) and does not give you anything special, Owl’s Hunt and HP Ancient Power deal 100 damage and keep the opponent in the corner while HP Waning Moon deals the most damage, but throws them out so it’s not as good of an option. If you’re going to sacrifice damage at all, might as well go Blazing Kick for a switch cancel since it actually pops the enemy up so you can get the most amount of time to juggle your opponent with your other character.

Basically, in the corner, you don’t use uf+LK, MK in your combo ever, unless new technology comes out where you can get a powerful setup off of something related. You only use that mid-screen because that’s the only thing that will hit after Owl’s Hunt. In the corner, you’ve already confirmed the combo and so the best possible thing to do is to go for the CADC string found in his trials. If you want to maximize damage, you really need to learn at least cl.HK > CADC > cl.HP x whatever. If you can add more, great, but that option alone does more damage than anything else you can think of and the only thing that really beats it is if you can do cl.HK > CADC > cl.HK, but the timing there to me just seems too hard to get consistently and cl.HP is infinitely easier.

Indigo punch literally has 2 uses. After l m m, 2hit hunting hawk stand fierce, and to dash cancel/build meter
The move is slow and you always hqve better options