I don’t know where OG Ken lies on the tier list, but according to the old AGSF2 newsgroup archives, back in 96 he used to be pretty feared.
I’ve been playing him for a few days now, and I definitely think I will delve into his game because his combos (the ones I figured out by myself) are fat and easy, a late LP shoryu is big damage (and is ridiculously fast in recovery), I like his fireballs (they can be walked behind and there are some traps, but I haven’t seen them much), and his hp shoryu knocks Vega out of damn near any walldive. (albeit with no damage, oh well)
He has a versatile fireball pattern that can work at about full screen plus about 3 character lengths. Mix up the strengths and use lp hado to force a jump, then HP DP it if far, if close, do a lp dp for bigger damage. Other anti air options are standing strong, chp, neutral jhk, hk (w/ range and timing) and I think forward might work as well but in my experience, I’d just do a mp/lp shoryu instead at that range. In the corner, it’s something like bufferable normal (chk/cmk) x fast fireball, slow fireball. If they jump neutral they should eat the slow fireball. (this should cause cornered midscreen range) If they do anything else, tag them. It’s not as tight as with Ryu, but sometimes if you hit a slow fireball, a trip can combo for good damgage.
Air to Air jHP is great priority. jhp also leads to a good combo which is pretty easy, scores a knockdown, and stuns. (jhp x any tatsu chk) He can also do a jhk crossup hp x HP Shoryu for big ass damage and stun, if you hit the opponent normally with jhk, change the hp shoryu to a fireball or something. Ken also has cmkxhp fireball, but it won’t combo from max range.
Hopefully somebody better than me with a shoto/og ken can post up some good shit. I am a charge character player for 14 years… I finally decided to try out a shoto. =)