OFFICIAL UMvC3 Early Sightings & Street Date Breaking Thread

Just checked with Japan Video Games in LA. They don’t expect to get it at all so don’t bother checking in with them. Apparently, they reshaped their business in only retailing in import games and paraphernalia.

-Tha Hindu

Someone get them a FOR SALE sign lol

Scouting out myself later today, got a friend in KY checking around there too.

im so lucky im off work that friday

Anybody in the Greater Toronto Area know any stores in or around Toronto that might be letting early copies go? I’m hoping to get my hands on one before Saints Row: The Third consumes my life, haha.

If there’s anywhere in the Northeastern Ohio area, let me know.

C’mon Miami don’t dissapoint. I hate when I get excited that this thread gets update but there’s no good news :frowning:

EDIT: @catbond: so true.

You’re part of the problem! lol

Will you be getting a copy there early/ trying to? I’d love to know if they have them there for sure!

I just gave them a call, they said to call back around Friday.

I thought that we kept store names out of these threads, in an effort to help protect their identities? And once it’s sighted, we pass it around via PM. That’s how it’s always been in the past. Putting the name out there in the public just paints a big target on them

Agreed. It’s easy enough for game companies to do a search, find this thread, and go after those stores breaking street date.

That being said, if anybody in Cincinnati/Northern KY area finds one, PM me!

oh really? oops, my mistake :sweat: I edited my post and took out the name of the store. If this is the rule on SRK then I suggest the others that named stores do the same.

I don’t know it’s a rule, I just know we kept names out of threads in the past. Just seemed the proper thing to do. But yes, the place you listed is where I get mine too : )

Anyone ever hear of early sightings in Atlanta? I don’t remember hearing anything about early dates here for vanilla, but it’s a big ol’ city. There’s gotta be somethin right?

I’m keeping an eye out in Pittsburgh, if anyone finds anything first, please let me know!

What the hell is all this I’m reading about buying games at 7 Eleven? Am I being trolled?

Nope. 7-Eleven sells new releases and they have a bunch of bargain games too. I go there for mircosoft points.

Yeah, Friday is when their shipment comes in. My buddy works there and is trying to get his hand on a copy for me so he could ship it to me.

Remember, any talk about bootlegs being available or where to get them, will result in a immediate lifetime ban.