Yeah, I think the first sighting of the game in someone’s hands that wasn’t in the industry was like 12 days before release.
-Tha Hindu
Yeah, I think the first sighting of the game in someone’s hands that wasn’t in the industry was like 12 days before release.
-Tha Hindu
Yea, you don’t have to reserve it at least I’ve never had to reserve a game there. No lines either, I only every see lines during a CoD early release there.
Found this deal, thought I’d share it with everyone.
Newegg has Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom Pre-order for** $29.99**:
Checkout Codes
Xbox 360: EMCJKHK97
Shipping is free
-Tha Hindu
Any in michigan near the metro detroit area? hmu
Gameplay in LA usually gets them a week early. They sell em as soon as the get em.
god I wish I was still living in SoCal
if anyone finds them in ny give me a shot out…ill travel far and wide
Probably should have pre-ordered from them then. Already put in my preorder at Amazon.
I’ve heard about this place and was recommended to them last time. Yeah, they got MvC3 like the Monday or Tuesday before release. I called later in the night and they still had copies. Mind you this is after news had spread that they indeed did have copies.
-Tha Hindu
any place in ny that might have the game earlier than vgny?
Anyone know of any places in San Diego that will break street dates?
Highly Unlikely. They’re usually the first. Only thing I can recommend is looking up all the independent gamestores and calling them.
I just moved to MA, If anyone know where I can Fine One, PM ASAP, Thanks.
Texas…no… ok then leaves thread
anyone know if a store in michigan is selling umvc3 early?
I called them today and they said they expect to receive them on Friday or Saturday and they will be available for purchase then.
I’ve scoured pretty much all the independent stores in the greater Metro Phoenix area for many early releases including MvC3. They’re all unfortunately well aware of street dates.
Just called up Game Repair in Las Vegas. They said that they should be getting copies a day or two early.
-Tha Hindu
…do you mean this Fr/Sat or next?
The Friday before its release.