Official SSF2T: HD Remix General Discussion Thread

nos: i have no problems getting hit with random hurricane kicks. except maybe ken’s rh HK. But that shit is wicked fast, so it’s understandable.

tj ernie: understandable. Like i said, just an option. Granted, all the people could just agree that after a 10game streak, that they need to use random select. Just do it manually. I was just doing some random thinking with this concept =)

margalis: agreed

3s and just sf3 in general turned supers into nothing more than glorified combo enders. I wont say its really a bad thing, but it’s definitely preference

i look at st and 3s as extreme opposites when it comes to super. like i said, 3s is just a glorified combo ender. 99% of the time. It has to since most supers have horrid recovery. And ST super design was mainly based around a last ditch effort to make a comeback. Hell I dont even know if Capcom’s intention was to allow supers to be comboable. Most supers in st have relatively safe recovery, allowing the super to be used in many more situations where it is not guaranteed to hit.

I always thought alpha series to be the middle ground of this concept. while there are hit confirm opportunities into guaranteed super. its usually limited to a multi short/jab combo into super. But it really ends there, unless you count link combos, that lead to supers. but those can be strict. Anyway, alpha seems to balance the supers as combo enders, and last ditch effort to sneak a win or comeback. you can use supers as poke extensions, use it randomly, or as combo enders, etc…

supers just have more roles I think in alpha and ST. while 3s, you throw out the hit confirmable normals and “double pump” the stick everytime you throw it out. Always seemed really silly to me.

Before 3s lovers come in screaming blasphemy, im not bashing 3s, i actually like the game. I just state some things I dont particularly care about . just an IMO

This is a great idea, and holds true to arcade mode!!!

I know I said this on the other forum but… I strongly agree with this idea. <.<

And I still think Double Blind should be a part of the rules for ranked play.

Make it easier to combo into supers? Wait. Easier combo into supers? Easier to combo? Combos?!?! COMBOS!!?!?!?!?! Jesus fucking Christ. Can we please keep this thread exclusive to people who have actually played Super Turbo? Holy shit guys.

I would like an option to set up the tournament mode with random select only, that shit would be hella fun.

This is a nice idea.
At least random players should get a benefit of playing with all caracters. They should be some kind of ranking bonus over the other players, especialy the boring players abusing of Claw and Boxer …

when is the next update :frowning:

Haven’t played alpha 3 in ages, but from what I remember I’m inclined to agree with you about the use of Supers, particularly in 3S don’t forget you can charge your super bar for free to just mashing strong :rolleyes: , you could do it in alpha as well but the super bars were so big it was pointless.

take deep controlled breaths, you’ll be okay now :lol:

That’s why I use SA1 Ibuki. Her super has like 9 uses and none of them involve comboing into it. :lol: It’s not even really that effective to combo into the super unless you use it after a DP to get out of a corner. The damage reduction is so shitty that it’s usually not worth comboing into. It’s still her most useful overall super and not just because of the amount of meter it gives her.

Oh and if this doesn’t turn into a 3S vs. ST war by the next page…I’ll give someone cookies. It usually starts up once someone who doesn’t like 3rd Strike brings up some shit any ways. Unsuspecting victims can’t help but ask why. It’s ok to not like one of the 3 billion SF games. Yet…you’re still better off just not saying anything bad about it just because that’s initially what turns the thread to shit. Same thing with the “ST is just hadoken fest” people.

I think the problem with 3S supers is not just that all the supers have horrid recovery…it’s definitely also the fact that the super that is used most often for Ken, Chun and Duds also tend to do the most damage and have the best opportunities for meter storage (EX use) and what not. Like Yang uses SA2 a lot simply because it gives him a ton of meter to use his EXes (which are basically supers you hit comfirm). Urien’s Aegis works similarly in that the game pretty much allows you to build bar as you are using it to hurt the opponent. Allowing to seemingly have endless meter.

I dunno…I personally think there’s a good bit of supers in 3rd Strike that have some interesting uses but yeah…the characters used most often in tourneys just tend to have supers that are most effective simply for their hit confirming and meter storage.

never! :confused:

Sven said that there wont be any, not for awhile atleast.

After watching a few YouTube vids on the beta, I noticed that the music will change pace on Round 2 no matter who has low health. Yeah, I know it was like that on the original SSF2 Turbo, but I was thinking they would of made it like HSF2 where it will only do this if the player that lost the first round was at low health.

like I said, Ken, Ryu, Fei-Long, Cammy have had in ST easier time canceling into Supers than the charge characters have.

While Bison had the high potential of fubbering in a regular Scissor Kick in the process.

some of you guys are coming down too hard on some us who commented.

They are going to remove Honda’s charge glitch, something many of us Honda users took advantage of for over a decade.

Im not for combos made too too easy, words are being misconstruded.
I am just saying, that QCF x 2 Supers have always been easier to use in combos than Charge Supers.

We don’t need to use high sarcasm to bring a discussion down when some of us are just speaking in normal tone.
Besides, aren’t the command inputs in REMIX more forgiving now?

I have to disagree.

Rog’s super is EEEEEEAAAAASY to combo.
Guile’s is easy too off jabs.
You can link to DeeJay’s after any upkick.
Bison’s after j.strong.

Now, while Ken’s is also super easy to combo, I don’t think you can realistacally back up a statement like " QCF x 2 Supers have always been easier to use in combos than Charge Supers".

To “cancel off a normal” maybe. Maybe. But people don’t have any harder time making these supers connect in combos. Especially with the Karas, and linking.

The only one I think is real hard is Bison. …and it’s because of the startup on the super making it hard to kara jabs into or link after a grounded normal.

and… I hope to fuck Chun can’t ‘easily’ combo her super in HDRemix. lol.

2-3 seconds really dosen’t matter, Sabre’s idea is still a great idea. I think they *-capcom- * should do that will all their fighters from here on out, for it eliminates all random pauses during gameplay.

i also think QCF supers are easier to combo
except maybe deejay/bison

without a doubt QCF supers are way easier to combo.

if they did that, then Guile’s j.roundhouse, d.strong, super would be buff. then again, the super would have more practical use, rather than just blah chip damage, crap anti-air, and scrubby wake-ups. :x

because they gave Ryu a Fake Hadoken now, I noticed that I have been getting screwed by Negative Edge with the Fake Hadoken coming out instead of comboing from c.LK into Super

uhh it’s easy to say qcf supers are easy to combo into but who have the most practical combos into super in ST? balrog, ken, ryu, guile? seems like it doesn’t make much difference either way…