Official SSF2T: HD Remix General Discussion Thread

There should just be an option. Like have a tournament mode setting, so you can’t pause at all, or you have to hold start for 2-3 seconds. And when it is turned off, pausing is normal. I think that’s the best method.

Btw, I’m really liking the loosened inputs more and more in this game. It’s nice when the dp comes out every single time =)

Ludos to sirlin in that area. And thx for the matches tonight =)

I think me saying 3+ seconds was probably too much. Whoever said just 1 second makes the best suggestion. It’s not too long, but long enough to evade pausing on accident.

I agree with this. I find that the ST series has the hardest input difficulties in any SF game. DP in ST is a lot more strict that a dp in 3s.

I’d also like to see easier normal into super commands. Doing a -> super with Ryu requires also requires strict timing and specific input (you have to do this input, qcf, d+mk, qcf+p). In most other SF games (3s, alpha franchise, CvS1/2), you can do that way, or do, qcfx2+p. It’s a subtle change, but it will give access to a lot more non-seasoned players.

like combos like that being hard, separates the men from the boys. Nothing that training mode can’t fix.

the above is a totally retarded justification, but the cancel window for supers does need to be small because having many hit confirmable supers would really gay up ST… in fact I think most games would be better without so many hit confirmable supers really

Yes. Next question.

A while back i think sirlin said he didn’t want to do this because of the impact it would have on the game.

making supers easy to combo, would just be silly. With it’s insane damage output, it would be overkill.

and i agree, i like less hit confirmable supers. I like it better at times when you can throw it out on chance. Unlike 3s, you could ONLY use supers when you can guarantee it will hit (unless you are yun). It’s less interesting to me

I think Super combos should be made easier for charge supers, closer how comboing in the Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 for charge character goes.

Like take Bison from Alpha series when doing combos into Super, much easier to perfrom than in ST where the Scissors would come out by accident

I always had angst how comboing Supers were always easier with Ryu, Ken compared to charge Supers.

I don’t think anybody wants Balrog’s super to be easier to combo, reduced damage or no.

LOL I am in favor of making Balrog comboing into his Super to be just as easy as in Alpha 3.

how about no.

Fuck it just remove all moves except for low forward and supers

apparently that’s what the people want

:: jumps into game designer arm-chair ::

I think balrog needs a projectile – how about his win animation when his shirt rips off?

Those pecs could propel spandex at near-deadly speed.

Three full seconds is way too long for a pause, count out in your head how long that is. A second and a half, maybe two seconds would be enough. i like a multibutton pause anyway. how is it in the beta when playing non-online matches?

now you are overreacting with bad sarcasm

rogs super isn’t even that hard to combo.

A hell no to easier combos into supers on my part.

This is the one game undeserving of easy combo-able supers. This is not 3S, where you get exactly 3 minutes to do the super art input while comboing.

Isn’t it one of the few supers that you can actually combo into with a jab too?

I dunno, I kinda like that really decent combos to supers are hard to pull off, this is ST/HDR shit like that hurts reaaaaaal bad, hence you gotta be reaaaal good to snap out a crazy 3-5 hit combo into a super.

A hit confirmed super (1 hitxxsuper) only takes a bit of practice, I picked up Guiles cr.fwdxxsuper pretty easy (just use a neg edge on the kick, and shazam). Cant wait to see that happen with new HDR Guile though…