**Official SRK SFIV FoF Page**

Send Request

Basically what I am purposing to do create a tool for SRK peeps to use to play SFIV with eachother without unnecessarily going through the process of sending everyone and their mother a friend request. This also will conserve space on your friends list if it is tight already.

This is how it works:

I have set up a Xbox Live Silver Account by the name “SRK SFIV FoF”(FoF=Friend of Friend)

You can send a friend request to this account and I will accept it, I plan on checking the account 1 maybe 2 times a day until the list is full. Which I will then state in this thread and invite someone else to make an SRK SFIV FoF2 account if this idea does indeed take off.

In theory there will be 100 SRKers that are avid SFIV players on this one account’s friends list. This will then give access to all 100 SRKers a list of 99 people interested in playing SFIV with an assumed level of common decency being that they are from SRK.

So by having this SRK SFIV FoF account on your friends list you can then go to said account in your own friends list select it and use the “view friends” feature that allows you to see the friendslists of your friends(hence FoF). Thus showing you the list of 99 other SRKers and their status. From there you can send invites messages what have you.

If you guys really like the idea feel free to extend it to other games like HD Remix, Hyper Fighting or what have you.

Anyways the account is setup Click Here to send a quick request

I really like this idea and will be giving it a try when I get home.

das a real good idea…ill add wen i get bak on

I’m on it

Great idea, FR sent.

Like the idea too, FR sent.

Sorry went to a casual yesterday so didn’t check my invites, checking them out as I speak

Wow…very cool idea.


Sounds like a nice idea.

I will add you tonight. Thanks for spearheading this, Downside.

Added. Good shit.

Awesome, I’ll try this tommorrow.

smart idea :smiley:

FR’d. Online now if anybody wants to play.

Think we are up to about 20 people so far

Just a reminder, the account you are sending the Friend Request to is “SRK SFIV FoF” not my GT: Downsideup. I’ve gotten a few random requests from SFIV players and I’m not sure if it’s just random FR’s or people mistaking who they should be sending the FR to. So remember send it to “SRK SFIV FoF”.

Good idea, i’ll add it later ^ ^

FR sent.

My GT is the same as my username, i’m on just now if anyone fancies a game.

Sent a request, my gamertag is SweetBeard B.

Question about how it works exactly, since u can’t send the fight request thru live unless guys r already on ur fl. How exactly do u guys get around this?