Official NEW Alternate Costume Thread

You will never have a job in marketing.

I like Ibukis alternate,it makes her look like Maki from CVS2 because they have the same sort of stance and the schoolgirl outfit exagerates this.Also they both wear sneakers,and sneakers on any character look cool.

her face always has the same grin expression with only her eys changing.

don’t really notice invisible mask grab.

Anyone else having issues getting this from PSN? I bought it, downloaded it (it installed itself after the download), and i can’t select the alternate 2 on anyone.

**Juri’s new outfit is lame.
And Ibuki’s outfit I thought was gonna be good but, with the size of her body it looks like some grown muscular lady in a school outfit.

Not like in the intro video where it looks normal.**

I don’t know the exchange rate between USD and Microsoft’s creepy new currency, but the complete pack for SF4 is 6.50, and I understand it was on sale from an original price of 13 USD, so it’d stand to reason that the new complete pack would be somewhere between 14-15 USD

Ibuki is training to be Chun Li I think.

What? Juris new alt is awesome, its her as a normal (evil) woman. I duno, I like it, I also like Sakuras new alt a lot. I do not like Ibukis. It makes sense but doesn’t look that good.

seems like some educated opinions on ibuki’s alt, ithink i’ll hold off until i play someone who’s bought it. seth in a business suit wuld be col, kinda like urien(?)
cody’s altis the besti’ve seen

This is kinda an old problem buuut:
So i originally got the vanilla SF4 collectors edition which came with the free costume voucher. But apparently after using that voucher it looked me out of getting the original All-costume pack for the first game. Meaning I have to download each of the vanilla costume packs one by one. Anyone know of a way to bypass this? ie. disabling the first download

Seth in a Business suit doesn’t work cuz they need his stomach cannon for a bunch of moves. I think his alt 1 is supposed to be the lower half of his business suit though…

Ibuki’s… has a lot of problems.

Like other people have said, her animations aren’t adjusted at all, so she tugs her mask down… without actually wearing a mask ( annoys me almost as much as Juri using her “I didn’t even have to use my eye to beat you” winquote after an ultra combo finish )… and YMMV ( I don’t mind it but I know some people hate it ) her legs make it look like she’s training to be the next chun li.

Beyond that, something I can’t quite explain doesn’t look right about the costume, just feels off when I see it used, sort of intangible, but eh.

Ryu does that all the time in his taunts, he adjust his headband and belt but they dont even move yet his hands make the gesture clipping through them. lol

really? y’all expected new animations. these costumes are lazy shit just to get whatever money they can. Get real now…

Ryus - Ok but nothing special. Still the best of the Shoryuken Alternate Costumes 2 though.
Ken - Are they trying to turn him into a joke character? Why could he not have got a suit?
Dan - Silly but suits Dan.
Gouken - Silly but not terrible.
C Viper - X-Men Viper. Looks good.
Rose - Flamenco dancer Rose. Looks ok and suits Rose but I prefer Alt 1.
Cammy - Reminds me of the outfit Cheryl Cole wore but looks good. I would like to see a jeans and t-shirt outfit for Cammy.
Ibuki - Broken regarding the animations but the outfit is logical according to the story.
Dudley - Goes with Dudley’s character I think.
Cody - Ok but I would prefer the Final Fight outfit.
Balrog - Very nice but I think Codys alt would be a better fit. Hopefully Balrog will be able to remove his sunglasses mid/-battle as a taunt. (Similar to Guile)

It looks like Ibuki’s outfit is made of plastic.

Haha, I was playing endless, I was spectating a match. It was Ibuki vs Gen, they both had the NEW costumes.
The ibuki player was totally creeped and started yelling on the mic: '‘Ewww, get off of me!’'
THe Gen player totally raped him. I lol’d.

Question about regional costumes, not sure if it’s been mentioned but are “Asian” regions(ie Hong Kong) for PSN the only region to get dual compatible costumes? Hong Kong’s PSN Shop lists if the costumes are either compatible for “English version”, “Japanese version” or “English/Japanese version”.
As some already know, Japanese SSFIV isn’t entirely the same as the English release meaning colors 11 & 12 and Vanilla costumes(if you bought them from North America’s PSN Shop) will not be unlocked if you have English SFIV save and currently own Japanese SSFIV. Same goes with titles and icons if you played the English version of SSFIV then went to play the Japanese SSFIV on PS3.

I already bought a majority of the vanilla costume packs and it sucks that they don’t work with my Collectors Edition of SSFIV but hoping that there will eventually be a method where I won’t need to spend the addition $7.50 for a 1,000 yen PSN card.

I would rather like to see chun li with her hair down and wear a skirt. Not some gender confused buddhist.

Chun-Li’s costume actually looks like a Chinese opera costume, Xingtou, but more casual without the head gear and make-up. Rufus has a costume of a Geung Si. It is ironic because the tag on his forehead suppose to put him to sleep.

They should have given Chun her alpha costume with the sagat pants.

Don’t like Juri’s Alt… looks like she has a bulge under them pants. Kinda like Viper.

Patiently waiting for the pack with Sagat’s Alt 2… shit looks mad hawt.