Official Hit Box SSFIV Thread

Weird … first time i tried it, i was able to hit it 2 times in a row ( and i thought, pffff i got this ), but then, i failed a lot of times in a row :slight_smile:
It’s a good one I’ll tell you that, but 23236 comes out faster for me, so I’ll just stick with it.

The videos posted and shortcuts are indeed very helpful. Are there any additional videos/tutorials on things related to instant air attacks? With the Hitbox, things like Adon/Makoto instant air are very manageable. For other characters’ instant air (Gouken tatsu), it doesn’t seem to work as well (seems a delay is necessary). One area that seems to work very well: Oni’s instant air U1.

After playing with Hitbox for nearly a year, there are definitely some characters/moves that work out much better (for me) and others that simply don’t work as well (charge characters, 720 motions).

Some air specials have height restrictions. Compare Yun’s divekick to Rufus’. (Hold down-forward, then plink or roll up~kick- you can’t do it with Yun, but Rufus will barely go anywhere.)

Came up with this on the can. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was thinking about the crouching ultra (23236) and the crouching shoryuken shortcut (2323 or 323). I find sometimes that I hold down-back for dear life, so letting go of down-back to do things like punish or anti-air can get kind of hairy (like accidentally inputting 12123 instead of 12323 because the finger on “back” is lagging behind…)

I think this could be a better way of using these shortcuts from a defensive position. If anything it’s different… Maybe some people know about it already.

From the 1P starting position (L - left, ring finger; D - down, middle finger; R - right, index finger) enter commands in sequence:

L+D (crouching)
D+R (let go of L)
L+D+R (keep holding D+R)
D+R+button press (let go of L and press the attack button shortly after)

This should result in the input sequence 12323. In the event that you hit D+R too early (skipping the initial L+D+R) you will still input 1323 which is still an acceptable input.

Double QCF super/ultra is the same, but one more step.

L+D (crouching)
D+R (let go of L)
L+D+R (keep holding D+R)
D+R (let go of L)
R+button press (let go of D and press the attack button shortly after)

This should result in 123236.

This feels a little easier to me (though you might have to work it a few times in practice to wrap your mind around it). though, admittedly this is a little complex at first, and you can’t really mash it… But maybe the act of transferring tension from down-back to down-forward takes some of the difficulty away from releasing L?

Let me know what you think.

Something I was thinking about today.

I was reading a topic that eventually started talking about DP shortcuts.

Now… I’ve tried various ways of doing DP (specifically AA DP) with mixed success. I think my failures (along with lack of practice) may be due to the “release” of buttons.

There’s the classic f, d, df - which I try to use as much as I can now- but it can be somewhat slow. Tap f, release, then plink d~f. I like it because I can interrupt my train of thought when moving backwards easily, but I find myself getting interrupted half of the time too.

There’s f, df, f - which is very fast, but can be awkward as your attack button press needs to land when you release your middle finger.
I don’t know how many times I’ve gone for DP and got f, df+attack, f.

There’s df, d, df or d, df, d, df - great for keeping your hitbox low to the ground, but I’ve always found this awkward to use outside of combos. Something about the double tap throws me off- I may press the buttons too fast, or my finger might lock up and not complete the second tap.

So here’s what I propose now:

f, df, uf.

Basically, on 1P side, you press and hold index on right, press and hold middle on down, and then with your right hand, use your thumb and desired finger to press up+attack simultaneously (or plink up~attack).

Clenching, grasping, holding down- is much more natural to the human hand, I think. Grabbing is one of the first things a baby does…

You have to be calm to tap and release precisely, but clamping down I think anyone can do when panicked or stressed.

I haven’t tested this in the field yet, but I think it could be useful. If anything, it’s just another option Hitbox users have.

Let me know what you think.

You can just do F, DF, F, no need to press up. That’s how I usually do it when I’m forced to play on keyboard: Hold F, tap D, then the attack button.

First time poster here, but dude, you SAVED ME with this! Sincerely, THANK YOU!
I can’t remember how many times I tried the 636 shortcut, only to get stuffed for not properly releasing down, but with 637 I am 100% consistent! Due to SOCD, the last 7 cancels down, and also it is an active button press, instead of a button release… just … so good!

[s]Secondly, I’m using a Ghetto-box I made myself (I don’t really know the etiquette of this forum and probably it shouldn’t be posted here but…) which you can see here (pictures and source code available).

Now, on to the real question: I main Ken and I try the EX hadouken FADC Ultra 2 and it is a SOB to pull off! With some mashing and luck, I can get it 20% of the time, thus it is unusable :frowning: . Any tips on how to get better with this, especially inputting the Ultra 2 motion after the FADC? The EX hadouken FADC i’m using is the SOCD version, i.e. 236+mhp -> (holding 6 down)4+focus -> (release 4 + focus). [/s]

Edit: ruh roh…
Just realized this is the official product thread. Striking out the above 2 paragraphs, I’ll be showing myself out, and towards the “Stickless arcade stick” thread. Still…

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

“636 - Walking Dragon Punch - F, DF, F + Attack”

I’m sorry for the noob question but do you know where can i get a glossary of all the numbers and their corresponding directions?
7=Up ?

It’s the same layout as a standard numpad:


Where 5 is neutral. So 7 is Up-Back. So the input mentioned above is 639.

Thank You!

pleased delete post accident

I used to do this in SFIV and you’re right it worked amazingly. Yet in SFV I can’t seem to get it to work. I’ve tried xpadder and joytokey to get the hitbox working with SFV (windows 8.1) and I’m pretty sure it is setup correctly but that shortcut no longer works. Have you tried it?

Same question to you man