One of 2 things happened. PS3 owners were LIED to and 3s online didnt release today!! Or, Im a retard and cant find it! Can someone please tell me that they have it and tell me how to do it. Either they haven’t made it available yet at this exact time or I’m an idiot.
PSN updates on every tuesday between 5-6PM EST. 3so is on there now.
lol stay hungry nato
MvC3 Tournament at Battle and Brew Thursday at 8pm sharp. Bring sticks for both systems if you can and please bring a sync cable if you plan to play on a ps3 pad. If anyone can bring a setup, please message me.
Thanks! And yes I woke up at 7 and it was there!!
Very hungry Ben! lol Btw, bad news… Im scheduled to work this Saturday… :((((( always on the saturday that i want off i gotta work
@Iceman yo, what’s goin on this weekend I’m finally free on the weekends and I wanna get some sessions in.
Hey everyone. I Just wanted to know somethings about Atlanta Revival. First, is it a monthly ttournament? If so, then on what week of the month does it happen on. Second, what games are mostly played there? I know about SF4, MvC 3, Blazblue, Arcana Heart, and MK9, but what else? I mainly looking for super smash bros brawl since that’s what I most play and I thought I heard about it at the previous tournaments. Lastly, are there any other monthly/bi-weekly/weekly things I should know about? All I know is Atlanta revival and Battle and Brew.
I hope to come to Atlanta tournaments a lot more. You may just think I’d come just for smash bros, but I’m also hoping to play SF4 and/or BlazBlue also. However, I need both those game. But, when I get them I plan to start playing those at tournaments.
Atlanta revival is this Saturday (27th), but its a team only tournement 3v3. Not sure if they still do smash or not. I know nothing about that game =P
Also, Wizzle hosts SSF4 AE at battle n brew every other week, and MvC3 one week of the month.
Most players don’t post alot here anymore except for tournament info, you should look up the Georgia - Fighting Game Community[COLOR=#ffffff]on Facebook, thats where most players post now. I know a hand full play BlazeBlue and AH3 also.[/COLOR]
allshort17 doesn’t know it yet, but he’s gonna be playing 3s and kof xiii too. he has no say in the matter. :badboy::D:badboy:
its only a team tournament this month
it’s ok nato, 3s is singles anyway. let’s hangout sometime soon though man let me know when you’re free.
[SIZE=11px]IN REGARDS TO THE OFFICIAL Atlanta Revival Teams Tournaments Pre-Registration List:[/SIZE]
Alright Ladies & Gentlemen This is how we are doing this.
Team Captians [SIZE=11px](Meaning one representative for the team)[/SIZE]
Post your full name,Your handle, each of your teammates names, there handles then your team name [SIZE=11px]In bold print, only one team name,choose wisely because come saturday the name you’ve Chosen here will be whats on the brackets, no last minute changes because it is time consuming and we really want to get the ball rolling as soon as humanly possible.[/SIZE]
One location to represent your team because there is no skill seeding, or points seeding in order to properly place you all.
Trayveon “Lordiceman” Maxwell III
Brandon “Aceuno” Clements
Johnathon “Xero15” Wooden
**[SIZE=11px](The Impact Players)
All of this information needs to be posted in either the Facebook community group:**[/SIZE] Or Search us Georgia Fighting Game Community
[Aug 27, 2011] Atlanta Revival- 8/27/11 Atlanta, Ga. (Atlanta, Ga.)
Which is the actual tournament thread
Man oh man! How I wish work was miraculously cancelled this saturday… the past 3 revivals ive missed because of my job… what a hate and love situation
Zo, Solidplay, and myself are coming to Atlanta Revival.
None of this “I hope we have fun!” crap. We are coming down there to take your money.
So guys the Ga Tech Friday Night gatherings will be returning tonight, hopefully same place and time. If y’all don’t know what its all about its just a friday night social gathering of fighting games all night. Its also a place to practice right before saturday’s tournament. We also stream these every week, so tune in and check it out.
Most importantly please bring full setups, TV and everything. Don’t complain that we dont have whatever game you wanna play if you didnt bring the proper stuff for it. More details here
I’m going to be hitting this up about once a month. Tech isn’t far from me.
3rd Strike is the greatest!!! <3 :lol:
Is this every friday?
GGs at Atlanta Revival. Marvel 3v3s didn’t end until a little past midnight =/
Had fun playing people at my first Atlanta Revival.
I was the Viewtiful Joe player. Look forward to playing your guys some more. And next time I’ll hopefully know enough people to actually enter the tournament next time rather than just spectate.
Are people meeting at GA Tech this Fri? I dont work this friday night (finally) and i want to play some street fighta!!! lol
Who do I contact about this?
yo nato you’re ridiculous. i’m going to the beach this weekend. why can we never play together
hit up vic+vince to see if they wanna go with you. otherwise talk to paul (funkyP)