Official Ga Thread: "Our Time is now"

Damn i still play tekken :frowning:

For any of you who do play AE and have XBL, Iā€™ll be doing another online tournament tonight at 8pm.

ingame tournament mode, first tourney is winners bracket, 6 losers stay and fight another tourney for losers bracket. Winner of that fights the second place of previous tournament and winner of that fighters the winners champ. Each tournament is capped at 8 entrants, if you miss one donā€™t worry weā€™ll run another.

If youā€™re interested post your gamertag.

will be streamed at

SSF4: AE Tournament at Battle and Brew Thursday at 8pm sharp, meaning that there will be no late signups this time. Bring sticks for both systems if you can and please bring a sync cable if you plan to play on a ps3 pad. If anyone can bring a setup, please message me.

Rocket Raccoon didnā€™t make the cut into the official marvel encyclopedia :sweat:


Come on man you grown dog, donā€™t get exposed


tell kobe to stop beatin up ppl at church man!

[Aug 20, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Aug 20, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Aug 20, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Aug 20, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Aug 20, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Aug 20, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Aug 20, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Aug 20, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Aug 20, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)
[Aug 20, 2011] Elite Zone (Fayetteville, NC)

So I hear thereā€™s a tournament in Bama and SC this weekend, which ones are people trying to go to?

Hey guys, Iā€™m at Georgia Tech right now. Going to get my Masters in Architecture. Just wanted to say hi and that I look forward to playing you guys in various games. I play BB, GG, and Marvel.

I already talked to the guys on Dustloop so I know about the GT weeklies coming up so Iā€™ll have my BB fix. Anyone here in ATL play Marvel regularly? The front page appears outdated.

Hey Zoogstin its me again, as this place seems pretty barren we are most active on the facebook group. If you have a facebook you can try to find one of us from Tech on there and we can look to invite you on there. But as you can see most of our Tech crew is active on DL.

As far as marvel goes, its pretty up and down in this community, we do have Battle and Brew Marvel monthly next week and Atlanta Revival that same weekend, it might be troublesome to get a ride up to marietta though. Once weekly gatherings start back up at Tech we can hook you up with whats what though.

hey man I donā€™t have a facebook. I was surprisingly able to make it though undergrad without one. But if you guys are more active on there then I guess I may have to get one at some point. But yeah weā€™ll hook up later.

live at Battle and Brew

Whatā€™s good everyone. Iā€™m new to the GA thread around here. Iā€™ve been at KC this past summer and I joined their community over there. Iā€™m back at Georgia now getting ready for the school semester and looking forward to joining some tourneys and grind sessions around here.

What about Team Final Round. I think that has Toomuchdamage and themā€¦ Do they play much anymore? Sorry just trying to cover all of my tracks before I get a facebook.

Team final round is rather active, youā€™ll find most of them attending whatever local tournaments we have and almost each week at Battle and Brew

Top 8 from Battle & Brew

Here are the results for this weeks Battle and Brew tournaments:

1st: F.R. Firemage Drew
2nd: Cardell
3rd: Too Much Damage

Birmingham Yupz Get Money monthly results 8/20/2011. full results in bama thread
ssf4ae 32-man bracket
1 Pokchop
2 Launchpad
3 Red Zo

MvC3 32-man bracket
1 BDP Orpheus
2 Red Zo
3 Launchpad

Whereā€™s the new blood?