Official Ga Thread: "Our Time is now"

We should be having meetings at Tech every Friday until December (minus Thanksgiving weekend).

Good shit guys, I’ll be posting later on with some news in regards to something Sunday so stay tuned.

Anyone from Albany GA?

I wanted to cross post this since the georgia group is only displaying the latest 3 posts or something.
Third Strike Thursdays:

I’m going to be starting up a weekly Third Strike session coming at you on Thursdays. The plan is to do a once a month gathering and the rest of the Thursdays do organized online sessions. We can upload our matches and run small tournaments all in order to improve our own game. We’ll be doing PS3 and also x360 since I know we have strong players on both. I’ll be providing some commentary and we can get some discussions going too. It should be a pretty good source for anyone interested in leveling up and having fun playing 3s. The gathering won’t take place on a BnB night but the online sessions will still be going on Thursdays. I might even do some online things from Bnb but the problem there is the TVs.

Also, the interest in AH3 has waned but I know there are other people who are still interested - keep on playing and we can make sure something happens at the next tournament.

I do plan on having the offline gathering match up with the bnb sc night so people don’t have to chose between sf4/mvc3 and 3s (even though the choice should be obvious :wink: )

Oh yeah! Count me in for every single online gathering for 3s!! Lets power up! Im on ps3, and if there are any others on here that have ps3 and love 3s then hit me up… jennidee19 is my gt for ps3.

There isn’t really anyone you need to contact. Just make sure you have someone’s phone number (like funkyp who’s usually there), but even if you don’t there’s this asian church thing that goes on in the same building so someone will usually be near the door and let people in.

Hey guys I mentioned this in the Impact Clash Tourney thread but I’ll post it here too. Is Guilty Gear really going to be played on PS3 or is that a typo? Because if so it will lag. We need PS2’s for it.

Been a while, anything going on in ga today?

I am. I’ve been really into MK9 lately, but i’ve been trying to finde any type of scene going on here locally.

Go find Brandon Smith are Zach Freeman they been dying to play people in anything.

if anyone is interested i am selling a ton of stuff, everything from Arcade parts to import fighting games to sticks. This is about 1/3 of what i am going to sell so if you are just curious of what you can collect after 30 years of gaming take a look.

I know Zach Freeman. I didn’t he was into fighting games

I don’t know if any of guys know me outside of Shin and Pok Chop but I’m gonna be in Atlanta, GA for the next couple days.
Was trying see if anyone wanted to get some games in in AE/3rd Strike/MK9? Message me if so.

Ask him about smash bros.

Is the 3s scene gonna pop back up? God I hope so

GVegas Beatdown 7 is official November 5th. With over 100 people last time in attendance this one should be bigger!!
Third Strike

I know that there is a few places in GA thats not that far from us but the Charleston Community finally has a place to game on the reg and to host bi weekly tournaments. This one right here is on Sept 11, and the next one after that is on the 25th. I hope some of u guys can come out and support and give us fresh new comp.

3rd strike thursday! hopefully it helps. you want in [ps3/xbl for this thursday]? been awhile since i’ve seen you around…!

Dude I thought you were going to attempt to get back into the league this season.

I am hosting a gathering at my home this weekend, text me 1st cause I may be at work 404.399.1920

I have to get a next gen system besides the wii lol. Where the hell is 3s thursday? Also, I heard you stay around my side of town now, is this true?