Official AXISdapter Thread: SIXAXIS/DS3 Hacking Made Easy (ONLY PACK A avail)

Hey Jizzmirk, just wondering what solution you came up with? I have the same problem and was trying to find a way to do that as well. Thanks!

Yeah…I figured it’d be helpful for others so I made a new thread about it. The thread is at

Check out the pics and let me know what you think.


So far, the whole day playing with the stick, plugging and unplugging, the inputs worked perfect. I believe my problem was putting too many usb peripherals in my USB hub. After restarting the hub and ps3, the problem never appeared again.

Thanks again guys for the AXISdapter contributions. Wireless is the way to go!

Thanks ShinJN!

Hey, I know it’s been awhile, but I just finished making my custom stick with ShinJN’s AXISdapter. It works beautifully! Thanks ShinJN!

Glad to hear it’s fixed. Don’t hesitate to let me know if it misbehaves; I’ve always been open to criticism, good or bad.
Pictures of the stick look gorgeous BTW.

Glad it arrived just fine. Hope you get to using it soon. Wireless joysticks ftw. Yea, having slight OCD comes in handy sometimes. I have a few spare ones I’ve made for myself. Do know that you cannot do the LED mod with the SXIAXIS PCB. At least that is the current stand on that issue. Let me know if you want one. It’s not a fancy professional board, but it works. It looks just like the one in my joystick if you wondering.

Cheers! :woot: Good job. Very innovative way of using the adhesive tie mounts.

No problem. Enjoy wireless fighting games!

And just a little update. Tracking information says my screw terminals are due for delivery today. I will get to soldering and packing tonight and tomorrow night. Packages will be ready to ship out Wednesday morning. Those on the pre-order list should contact me about payment via the instructions in the first post.

Please add me to the pre-order list…


Hey ShinJN,

I sent you an email about preordering a couple of these. Hope to hear from you soon.

hey guys,

i was wondering if anyone has had any problems using this usb adaptor for their sixaxis pcb!BKSIUB!CGk~$(KGrHgoH-D8EjlLlyV52BJZIrTRW3!~~_1.JPG

Can someone please help me? I am trying to get an Axisdapter asap, since lizardlick is 3 weeks behind with their orders… however I can’t PM ShinJN because this is my first post. Is there some way to get an axisdapter sooner than 3 weeks from today? :slight_smile:

ShinJN’s email address is in the first post, along with a note that he prefers emails to PM’s.

Hey JAV, the biggest problem I found (or not find) was getting a male to male micro-b.

What I used (Jayducky’s VSHG mod) a short 1 ft male micro-b to male A, female A to female A converter (similar to the one you have in your picture) and then male A to male A for charging.

Added to list.

That’s awesome, I’d definitely be interested in one. What is your asking price, and could you kindly point me (or provide tutorial) in which direction to find instructions on performing the mod? I have another stick that I’m hoping to build in the future using Toodles Cthulhu board. Thanks ShinJN! :woot:

Read that and see if you still want one. It’s really easy to make.

Ooo in for one, do you have stock where I can just follow the instructions in your email?

Oops looks like I didn’t read the previous post. Sending email…

Awesome work on that mod Jizzmirk! Now is that one of those optical audio cables? Or is it an optic fiber from one of those ornament light up thingies that spin around slowly changing colors? lol :karate:

Why not just get a short male mini-b to male usb cord and to extend/sync/charge, use a female to male usb cord. I got these two from monoprice and they work without a hitch. It cuts out the need for the adapter (just more stuff to worry about).

Sure you’d have to buy two new cords, but they’re ridiculously cheap at monoprice.

btw, do you mean mini-b? micro-b isn’t the same connection on the sixaxis, it’s even smaller.

maybe try one of these? you’d have to use a different cable though

They’re actually the same thing, but the only difference is that an audio optical cable has at least 3 different layers (the fiberoptic cable and two different types of protective sheathing). The optical audio cable that I picked up was on big markdown at Fry’s. It was an open package MadCatz optical cable - almost 10ft in length.

I tried to look for that lamp (I swear, out of people my age, I don’t know anyone that DOESN’T have one of those lamps), but I couldn’t find it.

The thing that was nice about gutting that fiberoptic cable from the MC optical was that it had a semi-translucent sheath around the actual fiberoptic part. I cut the end that goes to the PCB at a very sharp angle. Unfortunately, it didn’t photograph too well. The best I could describe it would be that I cut it like the “sharp” end of any straw for a juice box/juice pouch drink.

Once the cable was cut on the PCB side, I snipped maybe 2mm of the actual fiberoptic part to make a little divot. That empty space allowed the sheath to sit over the entire LED. It was then hot glued. I suppose if I covered the ends of the fiberoptic over the LEDs with some opaque paint, I could probably get rid of the light pollution that causes both fiberoptic cables to light up - but right now, a simple on/off indicator helps out. Since the PS button’s relative easy to push, it helps to know when that thing is on.

I hope that wasn’t too confusing. If there is anything that I wasn’t clear on, please let me know.
