OK guys i decided that the first thing to do was to try to test out the evidence loadout thoery which was shown today (since if it were true then we would be back at square one with the evidence being luck based depending on the loadout for that particular match) so without further ado que the investigation music.
Basically the way i conducted this test was so that i could test out to theories, those two theories being the loadout theory and the frame based theory. To make this as a fair test as possible, i decided to go with a complete team mirror match consisting of PW, Ryu and Wolverine, with the only thing being not the same was obviously the colors of the team. I set the match timer to 30 seconds so that i wouldnt have to go through the process of going to the character select screen after every match (This test was conducted on Versus Mode). At the start of every match I would collect 3 pieces of evidence with both PW’s and then waited for the timeout to occur and then i would go straight into the rematch option. I tried both theories ten times each, and the method of conducting both theories is shown below.
Load out Theory: One PW collects all three evidence first, then the second PW collects all three pieces of evidence afterwards. This would test to see if they would both have the same load out regardless of the time they collected the evidence.
Frame Based Theory: Both PW’s would collect evidence at the same time, which would prove that if they collected the same piece of evidence at the moment they found a piece of evidence, would prove that it would be frame based to collect good pieces of evidence.
I completed 10 matches for each theory. Before I go into the results I want to say that I had to complete this test by myself so the frame based theory may be slightly off, but I will include this in the summary.
Load Out Theory matches
Match 1 = PW 1 - (Meat, Folder, Knife) PW 2 - (Flower, Watch, Phone)
Match 2 = PW1 - (Phone, Watch, Photo) PW 2 - Watch, Photo, Flower)
Match 3 = PW1 - (Servbot, Folder, Phone) PW 2 - (Flower, Watch, Servbot)
Match 4 = PW1 - (Tree, Meat, Meat) PW 2 - (Flower, Photo, Phone)
Match 5 = PW1 - (Flower, Meat, Meat) PW 2 - (Watch, Photo, Phone)
Match 6 = PW1 - (Folder, Watch, Bottle) PW 2 - (Flower, Servbot, Meat)
Match 7 = PW1 - (Knife, Meat, Photo) PW 2 - (Knife, Photo, Watch)
Match 8 = PW1 - (Knife, Meat, Photo) PW 2 - (Sunglasses, Watch, Bottle)
Match 9 = PW1 - (Flower, Meat, Meat) PW 2 - (Bottle, Meat, Knife)
Match 10 = PW1 = (Phone, Meat, Meat) PW 2 - (Meat, Meat, Knife)
Frame Based Theory Matches
Match 1 = PW1 - (Tree, Watch, Folder) PW2 - (Meat, Folder, Knife)
Match 2 = PW1 - (Phone, Knife, Folder) PW2 - (Phone, Meat, Knife)
Match 3 = PW1 - (Meat, Watch, Knife) PW2 - (Meat, Folder, Knife)
Match 4 = PW1 - (Meat, Photo, Watch) PW2 - (Meat, Watch, Sunglasses)
Match 5 = PW1 (Tree, Photo, Meat) PW2 - (Tree, Photo, Knife)
Match 6 = PW1 (Meat, Sunglasses, Folder) PW2 - (Meat, Photo, Sunglasses)
Match 7 = PW1 (Phone, Folder, Tree) PW 2 - (Phone, Tree, Knife)
Match 8 = PW1 (Meat, Phone, Watch) PW 2 - (Flower, Photo, Watch)
Match 9 = PW1 (Knife, Plunger, Meat) PW2 - (Knife, Plunger, Watch)
Match 10 = PW1 (Meat, Watch, Folder) PW2 - (Meat, Plunger, Flower)
OK so first of all thanks to my findings on the first 10 matches, I have to conclude that the Load Out Theory is false (For Offline play at least) because everytime I collected evidence with the two PW’s I had irregular sets of evidence as the results above show. Secondly, I conclude that the Frame Based Theory is more plausible then the latter theory. This is because although I completed this test alone, at time I was able to collect evidence at the exact same time with the opposing PW, and as you can see in the results I had at least one piece of evidence aligned correctly with another piece (For example: Phone, Knife Folder/Phone, Meat, Knife) every time except for the first match in that set of tests.
Sorry if it seems like im just spamming shit but im just trying to make it as detailed as possible to present my case. I believe our next step is to find out more about this frame based theory and to dive deeper into PW’s frames (such as whether there recycled or not, what frames you could collect good pieces of evidence etc.) Also if someone can do the exact same test as I did here but with a partner and maybe a capture device, it would prove whether or not my conclusion holds any reasonable ground. Thanks Guys