Oh hell yeh I don’t give a fuck what Capcom’s thinking of course I’m sticking with Wright too. I’ve already made adjustments to my team and such. I will still own with him.
forward throw mid screen, dante just misses.
I’d love for more testing to be done with Wright’s evidence. The best explanation I can give it that it’s mode-based. Online and offline seem to have two entirely different sets of randomization for evidence. Online, Wrights will always or nearly always get the same pieces, and when fighting the same opponent in repeated matches, Wright will get the same evidence repeatedly. I fought someone the other night, 13 matches, 7 of which were Wright matches. Every match with Wright, I’d gather Cell Phone - Servbot - Steel Samurai Figure. Gathering them in different slots didn’t seem to matter, I was still ending up with those three. Also, timing didn’t matter: spacing the evidence collection throughout the match or picking them all up immediately gave the same pieces.
However, I’ve done extensive testing of this offline and the results are way different. Two Wrights often get different pieces of evidence and when fighting the same opponent multiple times, I couldn’t really see any patterns developing in my evidence collection. At first, I thought that your evidence might be decided by your opponent’s team or something, so multiple matches against the same team would yield the same evidence, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I tried gathering them at the same time on the game clock in each match to see if that effected things, but it did not. Similarly, I tried timing them evenly, but nothing.
Honestly, the only conclusion I can draw from this is that it’s mode-based. Online seems to be far less random and seems to repeat when rematching, but offline (both standard VS and training) don’t yield the same result.
I could see this being a strong possibility, because I’ve seen the same results. This video here even shows it [media=youtube]uYXKsZLLSJU[/media] Both Wrights get the same evidence in the same order, but there is some difference in time from when they search for it/discard it.
That means that Phoenix Wright loadouts are decided at the start of the match. The dice have already been rolled before you start collecting.
…POLT lol
One reason H&H needs to add a local multiplayer mode or some “noncompetitive” mode. Phoenix Wright Multiple Man mirror matches.
I dunno, Paperwork Storm seems like a decent alternative. It’s got good range, but it’s not just a walking hurtbox begging to be snagged. Plus it beats out a lot of other projectiles.
How convenient that you posted that, because I was going to report some Paperwork Storm assist findings. Outside of Turnabout Mode, it’s awful, it hits the opponent twice and doesn’t protect the point character from anything projectile wise (it cancels out one of Sentinel’s drones).
In Turnabout Mode, it cancels out low-strength beams (it completely cancels out Doom’s L beam, but loses out to the other two beams), so it may have a lot of use for characters who want to get in against characters with beams, because I believe most people go with L beams because it’s the fastest beam.
I didn’t see a Phoenix Wright video topic, but I thought I would demonstrate some changes I knew earlier today.
Not sure how well known this is but if Maya’s super gets blocked in the corner you can do Slip-up near the end for an unblockable.
Yeah, it’s fairly well known, the problem is that you really can’t do much of anything after that. It’s neat, but not really worth the bar and the effort.
After spending pretty much an entire day with the new Wright, I have to say that the speed up on Maya is nice. It doesn’t make up for the invincibility loss, but it’s definitely nice.
I’ve adjusted well and I had some pretty solid success with Wright today. Plus because of the changes, I replaced Frank on my team with Doom, which I’m loving anyway. I replaced shopping cart with plasma beam and since Doom is probably my best character, it’s working out great.
Our reaction when Phoenix Wright was announced for UMVC3:
Our initial reaction when Phoenix Wright’s assists were nerfed:
“the miracle never happen.”
I’m done.
Really, I’m kidding myself to think I’m actually going to get anything out of this game with the fucking retards behind it.
I will admit that the time I had this game playing with PW as plenty of fun, but nerfing him and not touching actual problematic characters just broke the camels back. PW is the only fucking reason I bought this game and to be quite frank I don’t want to stick around for another shit they’ll pull off in the future.
Keep on objecting fellow PW players.
The invincibility nerf sure was uncalled for. I’m pretty sure PW’s terrible mobility, non-existent priority, lack of range, character specific combos, lack of damage, and low health were all meant to even that out.
But what ever. Moving on. Has anyone noticed if Maya’s Shield has received any buffs to projectile durability?
My PW has been pretty good at holding his own against rush down no problem. I always abused Paperwork(High) to keep them off me and sneak in dashes to attack. But keep-away characters were my bane. The papers fail against multi-hit moves like Plasma Beam. Especially with another projectile assist mixed in.
I would think Maya was meant to block projectiles, but a Ghost Rider plus Plasma Beam assist would knock her down before she even got the shield up.
would have renewed faith in Phoenix Wright as a character is they increased durability on Maya. Can anyone test this out?
I tried that but it just sends the other player flying lol
Pretty sure he can do the c.H infinite with his finger in level 2 xfactor as well. Easiest way is to do the wallbounce first then the ground bounce then spam c.H in the corner.
The way it seems to me isn’t necessarily that Wright is hopeless. It’s that we’re back at square 1. Wright does have tools: Fairly good anti-airs, Paperwork for deterring small projectiles like Wesker gun spam, an invincible hyper, the Maya shield, the strongest(albeit situational) level 3 in the game…
We simply need more ways to capitalize. One strategy of mine I’ve used for a while with decent success is the use of assists to start a combo with Investigation Wright hiding inside Maya to go all the way to TM to get a kill on 900k characters with only one bar, death on nearly anyone with DHC. Then after that, crazy chip on the incoming character, possibly causing them to blow their X-Factor early.
I haven’t played much against other humans with him, but the Maya buff is very much welcome. Most of the times I get hit as Wright is because I was stuck calling the shield. And from what I’ve noticed, everyone runs from TM Wright, XF or no. So learning corner combos/infinites is a good idea.
Oh, hey GDX. =P
I used to run Wright/Doom before I went for the synergy of Wright/Ryu. Try Molecular Shield, it is disgusting when used with Maya. Ridiculously good lock-down assist too that allows you to combo off of slip-up and forward grabs, chip away and pressure with Press the Witness and covers Wright’s back perfectly (dealing with many cross-up tactics). Then you have the subtle things like the great defensive cross-over counter it provides and the AA THC that provides time to pull a few pieces of evidence on block, damaging on hit.
Plasma beam is good too, though (just stay away from missiles, imo. Too slow and hard to cover without the proper evidence).
What’s your team set-up?