OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

It’s pretty ridiculous if people are seriously telling us to simply grin and bear this. It’s even more ridiculous that some people are actually in favor of the nerf. We have every right to complain about a nerf to a move that wasn’t even a problem to begin with.

Yes, we’ll move on and we will still main Wright, but we’re not allowed to voice our opinions on the matter? No one can deny that this was an extremely stupid move on Capcom’s part.

So, instead of promoting the development and discovery of Wright tech, you prefer to contribute to flooding it with personal rants that help the learning process in no way whatsoever? I see.

Dude, it’s not like we’re only ranting about it. I mean, didn’t you notice all of the other changes people quickly found with him?

Better question:
If Capcom doesn’t want invincible assists in the game, why did they give him one in the first place?

Yes (tested w/Elastic Slam). Hooray. :tdown:

The assist is what extended Wright’s viability. With that gone, what do we have?


Normal throws also go through, too. Plus, with the whole “always throw tech” glitch gone you’re gonna have to be a lot more wary about what your opponent is doing.

Yeah but my point is how would you get behind the assist? The only way is to somehow teleport behind your opponent not to mention this is only viable if the opponent doesnt teleport behind you bc you always have to face the point character. Approx 18 characters have moves that are made to cross up and thats including moves that PW can probably hit them out of.

I definitely agree that you people werent using him just for his assist but I’ve gotta admit, there’s a lot of online players who are using him for other reasons besides loyalty. Pretty sure 90% of the people who still play him after this are the loyal ones.

It’s honestly not THAT hard. Here’s a list of ways just off the top of my head:
-do a combo and get evidence while the opponent is down
-do a grab and do Maya H and collect evidence
-do Maya L, get in between the shield to bo invincible to almost everything except throws
-DHC into Maya super and grab evidence
-call lockdown assist and grab evidence
-call Vergil assist to push opponent back (even on block) and grab evidence

The thing is, he’s still a good character:
-invincible during Judge super
-omnidirectional instant lvl3 that does 600k unscaled without XF
-can combo off throw
-H in Turnabout has ridiculous range and combos into itself
-has 1mil health
-can stun with Hold it!/OBJECTION!
-can zone with his evidence

My point is, him losing his invincible assist isnt that bad. As far as I can tell, all this means is that he shouldnt be left in the anchor spot and he’ll have to use assists more rather than be used as an assist.

Grabs still go through shield? He sucks now. D:
Seriously though, you still have some good stuff in Investigation/Trial (like Hold It dealing stun and the simple combos into Maya/Judge that deal huge damage with the wright DHC). Not saying to grin and bear it. Saying to find out what else he has and move away from the assist nerfs (and those assists are still pretty good regardless, imo).

^You forgot about Slip-Up.

I made a video detailing some of his changes and I tried other things. My internet is ass, so its going to be a while. I’ll have a link in the video topic when its done uploading.

I’m honestly thinking of dropping Wright. I picked him because I love his games and the series as a whole. The invincible assist though is what sealed the deal for me. It was great cause it gave Wright some viability in the competitive scene, some incentive. Now, I’m pretty sure I’m going to drop him. I’ll still play him causally for fun and for love of the character.

And why does Haggar still have some of his? And Iron Fist??

Right now I honestly do tbrh. I’ll get over it eventually, but atm I’m pissed enough that I gotta get this mad off my chest. “A problem shared is a problem halved”, or so they say.

And I’ll reply to your post later Kaiten, gotta head off now.

Iron fist does not have any invincibility in his Dragon Fang.
Just good hitboxes

Aight, stand corrected.

Let us all dwell in the memories of what once was funny and awesome, but now is only a memory of a past gone by…



Lariat drains life and is pretty much taken straight from FF (you can’t just mash it, you have to cover the start-up). It’s not fully invincible. And long range hyper combos always blew up bad lariat calls in vanilla.

You know, I almost half-believe that the invincibility was taken out for HvH purposes. You know, with cards that allow you to constantly call assists or call them while being comboed.

Although my sanity won’t allow me to convince myself of that.

While I like the idea of TA Wright as a point character, I doubt it will work well. Why? He has no mixup game in TA mode. All he can really do is spam evidence and finger and get chip damage. Since his only lows are cr.M and cr.L, which still have horrible range, the opponent can just hold back/upback and pushblock everything. Sure in lvl3XF the amount of chip can take out a whole team in seconds, but if the opposing player has their xfactor, Wright is just going to be jumping around wagging his finger for nothing. The opponent can simply run the timer out until Wright is back to being a horrible character.

Run at opponent, threaten with grab. Opponent can’t just hold up back and push block against grabs. Grab -> Judge xfc is a character kill. Grab -> lvl 3 hurts. Grab -> Judge DHC hurts. Grab -> OTG assist, etc.

Which brings up the next idea. Judge DHC (trial mode) xfc, raw tag to character that can OTG and continue the combo.

I guess Turnabout Mode would heavily benefit from a low-hitting assist… but since Get 'Em Missile is PW’s only good assist now you’d be having two low-hitting assists on the same team, which severely limits team composition and also makes it redundant. =/

Hm, what to do…