wow…that would really kill phoenix wright…Turnabout lasts 20 seconds
does capcom really want us to just use the justice finger and then try to gather evidence all over again?
If this is true, then god damn it, Capcom.
You’d think they’d have higher priorities than a partially invincible assist that has to be earned on a character who’s not even good. >>;
I guess he’d still be decent for pressure strings or for Paperwork Storm assist, but still…
this is all the whiners and complainers fault! if they didn’t scream and complain about turnabout press the witness all the time
then capcom wouldn’t of done this…especially since it’s not a glitch
Nah. This is typical Capcom’s classy fashion in wishing us all, an early Merry Christmas.
Cheers asshats!
i really can’t continue using him if i have to waste turnabout mode as soon as i get it…
But… no one even complained about this. It wouldn’t make sense to patch it out due to complaints if complaints didn’t exist in the first place.
apparently you don’t play online which is what i am guessing capcom decided to base this decision on
Well, shit.
I’d assume the assists still keep the other TM buffs (Wallbounce etc). But doesn’t CM Press The Witness have a crappy hitbox…?
S-Kill lied to us. So much for: “Best assist in Mahvel history”. =’(
If they removed SOME of the invincibility and made him less bad on point with increased attack range/better good evidence odds or something, I’d probably have more fun with the character. I dunno, but I don’t like how it feels like I have to play him for the assist only. Not getting my hopes up though
Well, I’m gonna TRY to reserve my judgment until the patch actually arrives. For all we know, they could simply be lessening the invincibility, kinda making it like vanilla Haggar. Maybe they won’t even touch Paperwork Storm, which fast characters could easily combo off of. Or it could just be a rumor blown out of proportion.
If it turns out to be true that it’s just flat out gone, though, and if the rumors that Wesker won’t change at all in the update are also true, then what the hell, Capcom? Sentinel, Tron, now Wright. Capcom seriously hates all of my mains if this comes to pass…
Turnabout Mode=20 Seconds
you work hard just to get the evidence and land the objection
and all you’ll get is a chance to demolish the opponent
a chance that expires after 20 seconds then you have to do the whole process all over again…
tagging him out will be pointless as his assist won’t be any better…
there are no true GTFO assists and it’s a pain to get wright to turnabout mode so taking this away means you’re forced to use him on point and try to combo with him meaning you won’t have to use the other characters unless either wright dies or TM Runs out before you can kill all the characters on the other team
Trying to take this with a grain of salt too though honestly, the fact that this rumor exists at all is worrisome enough. Might have to abuse the assist this weekend just as an in case sendoff, assuming I can even play during the weekend. But yeah, I totally agree with you (and feel your pain).
And if nothing happens then I apologize in advance for causing Wright mainers grief lol.
I’m pretty sure Capcom just hates everyone that I run on point. Vanilla Tron and Ultimate PW? Yee haw.
Wait, Wesker is going to stay the same apparently? I use him, but I really think that no-glasses buff has to be gone or his damage should be lowered to a certain degree.
About PW, I don’t know what to say. You can always save him for XF3 shenanigans, right?
Purging the boards so soon? Capcom not fucking around this time. Clearly not a message that Wright isn’t all about Turnabout, right? >_>
What the fuck is Capcom’s idea. Wesker blows up everybody all over the world with his crazy damage and speed buffs, and they said they will not balance him, but they find PW, the worst out of all the new characters, needing to be nerfed? I like the idea of making PW more focused on getting to turnabout them blowing people up with TB PW on point, but unless you’re fighting someone unfamiliar or someone who likes to press buttons they can literary super jump and hold up back to avoid taking anything more than chip.
I get this is only a rumor but the fact that this rumor exists is inexcusable. I can’t imagine anyone saying PW is overpowered except button mashing casual scrubs who can’t do ABCD.
i just can’t take this rumor seriously especially when seth killian acknowledged turnabout press witness and it’s immense power
Sure, take off Break the Witness’s invincibility…
…But make Turnabout mode an actual mode (a.k.a. no timer :3)
Yeah, I believe it was Nitsuma(not 100% on that) who said something along the lines of "Oh, Wesker is a difficult issue, we’re already working on so much this update."
Which sounds more like they don’t have their priorities straight as far as balance. For a while, I thought it simply meant that they weren’t doing balancing at all this update, which wouldn’t have bothered me honestly, but this rumor has me worried…
Oh, that earlier statement he made. Well, they can always do a 2nd patch, though I don’t know if that’s going to happen given the fact that the game didn’t do so well financially for Capcom.