I play Trish/Wright/Doom. I lame out with Trish until I can score a knockdown and get her spin scythe super out, then tag in Wright and use Doom’s missile assist.
Gives me plenty of time to get evidence and Maya shield out. Works fairly well but would do much better if I had good execution.
Haha, Chris G was awesome with his PW team in the GFs of Big Two #4. =P
It was designed to counter Zoners.
True. Zoners just allow PW to get free evidence.
Liked the way he landed the Objections, though. I think he hit the assist all 3 times…?
No idea what the durability on each piece of paper in Paperwork is, but I’ve seen Paperwork L cancel out Zero lvl 3 Buster + Hawkeye arrow assist. Any guide info on this?
Anyone know how gathering the evidence works yet in case of what you get? By this I mean like if it’s a time like hsien ko’s. I played a team of Nem/PW/Hawk, and everytime I would DHC into Wright from Nemesis I would gather evidence at like the exact same speed every time I did it and every time I got 3 correct evidence in a row. Other times on point there have been times wheres I’ve got like 3 meats in a row.
He did a THC immediately when Dimeminon threw a projectile. This gave PW plenty of time to land an Objection.
Trial Wright, two meters and a safe, damaging DHC (like Sent). Hear assist call, Judge into DHC. Goodbye assist (gonna try that strat vs Strider…I hate Strider).
Also, anybody else notice how ridiculous Trial Wright pressure is (as in, plain Trial Wright)? Press the Witness/Paper + assist with Slip Up thrown in for good measure. Anybody found a way to solo combo off of Slip Up? Best I can think of is doing it while an assist like Doom Rocks hit, making the rocks juggle and following up with Press the Witness to combo.
Just realized Judge DHC into any power-up hyper/short duration hyper (such as every good hyper for continuing DHC glitch in vanilla) could be really good. Probably best off of Slip Up or grabs. Unfortunately, I don’t use any characters like that (maybe Strange and the Sevens Rings hyper, I’ll have to try it).Maybe somebody else can try it (hint, Dante and Wright).
The durability on the paper is fairly strong. It just stops every hadoken or other fireball that comes my way. It’s just so clunky that having a real piece of evidence works better unless all you have is the Vase, Cell, or Document. Though the Vase can provide cover for a while simply because of it’s execution speed and arcing angle.
As far as slip-up, I haven’t found anything I can combo off of it without the use of an assist.
sick of people using hidden missiles and a projectile character(like taskmaster or deadpool)to try and teach me a lesson about not using wright…
@Kagato & View
^ Not sure if you guys already knew, but Inv-Wright gets H-M-Maya!? off a Slip Up into a combo…
that’s only in the corner though, i think they’re talking about mid-screen
So I was playing some with my friend yesterday, and he has a team with a Shuma anchor. And I noticed Wright would get tagged by the Mystic Ray assist a lot even when he was behind/inside Maya.
On the flip side, apparently, if Doom does his S between Phoenix and Maya with her shield up, it only hits Maya.
Anyone else notice any moves that act weirdly with the shield?
I came up with this solo PW combo while messing around in training. I can see it having some uses I guess, but I figure if you’re down to PW as the last character and he’s not in turnabout, you’re kind of screwed anyways. But here’s an option for him in the corner
Opponent can grab Wright during chain combos that Maya blocks. As long as they forward + H at the H portion, you get grabbed. Hoping that’s a glitch because it makes no sense to me. So, ofc people are going to start mashing forward + H when they notice Maya is being hit.
^^^We were talking mid-screen slip-up combos.
Word of advice…never tag in turnabout phoenix wright if you don’t need to and your winning…
made that mistake and lost a ranked match because of it today
Interesting tech. I played around with it a bit in training mode while procrastinating for finals, and at the very least, you can get slip-up -> Maya THC -> transition to Court -> Objection.
In L3XF, he can get Slip-up -> Maya THC -> Transition to Court -> Objection -> Maya THC -> Objection -> Maya THC -> Objection -> Maya THC -> Objection -> Maya THC -> Launcher -> MMHS.
Edit: Also interesting to note, chaining the Maya super into itself 3 times actually out damages his level 3 in TM and L3XF due to the reduced scaling in XF, and doesn’t cost you your Turnabout (plus it leaves you open to do something else afterwards). So I could see some practical value in it.
Adding a little to the above, you can actually THC Maya 2 times at midscreen. You just need to time it right and wavedash like crazy. 3 times if you’re willing to burn X-Factor. At that point you’re probably in the corner already, so go nuts.
Also do you guys remember that glitch where Maya kinda just stands in place in a derpy pose?
I found out today by accident that if you win while that glitch is active, Maya’s head is just kinda growing out of Phoenix’s stomach. Same pose and all. I’d forgotten the glitch happened earlier, it was kind of creepy, haha! Hopefully it’s patched out, it almost cost me the match too.
Wright + Sent for life
And I’m one of the PWs that wants to actually fight you, instead of trying to grab evidence all the time?
oh dearrrrr
source: http://shoryuken.com/2011/12/14/wakeup-shoryuken-e082-clockw0rk-and-drdeelite-dm-brandon/ [/details]
If this winds up being true (what with the patch coming out next week) then