OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

Oh my god you’re right. I never thought of that. I wonder if he could be hit from the rear with his other two assist.

Well, considering that Get 'Em Missile! Is not invincible regardless, that’s a given.

Unsure about Paperwork Storm, though.

Paperwork Storm is like Break the Witness, it’s vulnerable from behind.

Plus, making someone salty over WRIGHT is probably the most satisfying thing ever.
No joke, my brother honestly says he’s the cheapest character in the game because of me. And he plays Wesker.

i usually don’t use the evidence projectiles but thinking i should…although once i hit turnabout mode
i focus on using his justice finger and pay little attention to his buffed evidence

It will clearly be Coffee Liqueur. Besides, we all know Godot mixes some whisky with his coffee from time to time.

They can actually be very good. If you’re a far distance away and time is running out instead of wave dashing with the finger spamming evidence deals alot of chip damage, plus it catches people off guard. IMO the only two evidence that don’t work for this are the vase and the documents, but even if you get those two the third piece has to be something decent. Don’t forget hitconfirming these into his level 3.

Breathing life into this dead thread with a sorta OT post but Turnabout!Wright saying “sorry” after that obnoxious assist of his is a little rude to me.

legit what i see



any chance we could get a match-ups thread started? wanna hear how some people handle certain characters,especially the fairly safe teleporting characters/

I agree with this. A matchup thread would be great, especially for Wright.

What I do against teleport rushdown characters, is try and predict then and him them with OS jumpback H. If I get an airthrow, setup maya, go inside the shield, call assist, and get evidence and what not. If I’m really getting rushed down by some zero going crazy with teleport plus assists I’ll do a TAC with ammy for free evidence and to get them off of me. If I don’t have enough meter I’ll tag to Ammy and try to build some.

yeah i’ve definitely found that the jump-back air throw makes short work of Dante but I’ve been struggling with Weskers and ESPECIALLY Vergils. However the instead THC sounds like a good idea, however your set up would obviously do much better than mine (Your Ammy Hyper vs. my Nemesis Rockets). Definitely something to try against my friends whom all have seemed to gravitate toward Vergil.

Vergil is a fucker. Jumpback H doesn’t work all the time if they don’t go for the air cross up teleport, and then there is a chance of one of Vergil’s big ass normals hitting you into big combo. One idea I just came up with actually is if you are in courtroom mode and you see a teleport coming and you know they’re going to attack after “Order in the Court” would probably work well since its got alot of startup invincibility.

While TACing for safety with Nemesis in most cases would not work well, at the end of a combo you could do TAC. Since Nemesis’ super OTGs it extends the damage and length, allowing for more damage and evidence. Only problem is meter gain, but Nemesis is actually a pretty good meter gainer when doing deadly reach/rockets + assist keepaway. Plus DHCing with Wright and Nemesis works well. I really like the idea of Wright and Nem, and you can definitely make it work. Also Nem’s jumpback H is great against the trenchcoat teleports.

If no one’s going to create the matchup thread then I guess I’ll just help myself to the task.

I just saw it. I’d like to help you with it. Sadly, I’m not a fighting game expert so all I can offer is a by-experience case only, but I feel I know enough to at least help with Match-up discussions.

Have an idea of who to start with, or do you want to just start at the top of the list and work down?

Not an expert fighter in the least bit myself, but I figured this would be more of a collective thing where we’d all discuss and chime in in the thread itself.

I personally do think we should start with those teleporting nightmares Wesker and Vergil, since they’re pretty much the two main problems that keep getting brought up. But really the whole thing’s open so.

was in a lobby today where my opponents made phoenix wright’s life a living hell and stomped him before he could do anything
they knew what i wanted to do and bombarded me with projectiles and assists to keep me from getting anything done

it was frustrating trying to gather up evidence because they were treating me like i was using jean grey and after awhile i had no choice but to stop using him otherwise they would just keep putting too much pressure on phoenix wright for me to handle…sucks but just got sick of people exploiting wright and there comes a time when it stops being fun and starts being annoying as hell to be Phoenix wright due to situations like this where your opponents know what you plan to do and when you plan to do it and counters it with ease

but hey that’s what i get for playing phoenix wright…

Need a grounded AA normal for Wright. All L’s deal with tri-dashes. Wondering if Trial low M/H deal with standard jumps. Sticking to air-to-air grabs/M into combo atm.

^Learn how to use Wright outside of just gathering evidence and rushing for turnabout. Problem solved.

I actually learned a few days ago that s.L hits Dante out of his teleport. =)

Played against a really good player in player matches yesterday, and if I recall I did decent. I went like 5-8, but around the end of the set he started snapping in Wright and using X Factor to kill him. Even though he got blown up and I lost those matches, it made me feel very good about myself for him to think of Wright as a problem.

One thing I’ve noticed is that Objection does not activate Turnabout mode on trade, which is disappointing.

Been playing with Phoenix Wright recently, and I have now made him the most hated character on my team. Especially when I get three good pieces of evidence in a row (which seems to happen a lot). Oftentimes, I’ll actually get aggressive with my opponent, which can catch them off guard; if successful, I get a free knockdown, and I can call in either maya shield, or maya otg (depending on how close they are. If they’re far away, maya shield, otherwise maya otg to push them far away and gather evidence as fast as possible while they’re still in hitstun. Usually 1-2 pieces of evidence, 3 if they don’t have a teleport or a ranged attack.)Then bait them so I can smack them with an OBJECTION! (great anti-air attack I’ve noticed, albeit really slow), and then hard tag out. Once Phoenix Wright is in turnabout mode, and is now an assist, it’s a living hell for my opponent. I just mash the heck out of his assist button, and keep pressuring with Zero or zoning with deadpool. If I’m getting pressured, I mash the assist button; Wright comes in and knocks them off me, and I get a free combo if I’m fast enough thanks to the wall bounce.

He probably will not be top tier, but he sure as heck is fun to play. I still can’t decide which is the better hyper combo though; Phoenix’s lv 3 or Deadpool’s lv 3. And I’m not talking in terms of damage or anything.