i agree that his turnabout tools are far too strong to ignore(Best Assist in the game his projectiles are pretty good in that mode and his justice finger does insane chip damage)but most opponents will target wright at once no matter what be it killing him on sight or snapping him in they will not allow you to get the evidence and that objection! they will do everything in their power to stop you at all costs which means you really have to protect wright like he was treasure
IMO, getting Wright to Turnabout is much easier than getting Frank to Lv.4. Not that anyone’s making that comparison. Just thought I’d point it out.
Took this pic with my phone.
I foresee possibilities with this glitch.
jeez…i ran into someone who whined and complained about me using phoenix wright…cause after i got him into turnabout mode i used his assist to give me the advantage and he was acting like it was a big glitch that needed to be patched…because it made spamming/zoning too strong
wow what a crybaby
I don’t think Turnabout is even top tier right now, let alone S+. Right now turnabout mostly works on people who either panic or don’t recognize that they need to play differently when Wright is in turnabout, it doesn’t really work on strong players. And that level 3 is hugely overrated. In fact calling it a level 3 is hardly fair; it costs so much time, meter, and lost damage output to level Wright up to turnabout, and you end up with such a bad character again after using the level 3, that it’s really more like a level 6. I’d give up that super for a more useful character in a heartbeat.
But I agree that we’ll develop better ways of getting him into turnabout, at least.
I probably could have worded my post a bit more coherently. I was counting the entire package as an S tier (including the assist), not necessarily proclaiming the point character as such. If Wright started in turnabout mode, he’d be on every single team due to the assist alone. But it is becoming apparent that you don’t really want to be in the situation in where Turnabout Wright (even with XF3) has to take out more than a character and a half by himself.
In terms of figuring out what setups/teams need to achieve with him, it might be better to look at what scenarios Wright wins in more than not (bearing in mind the assist abilities).
His ideal scenario comes in where you can get TB mode while still having two characters alive. It gives you a two character buffer to abuse one of the most obnoxious assists in the game, which means that even if the other two characters die, Wright is probably going to be left in a 1v1 scenario in TB mode - aka, his level 3 is likely a game ender threat as opposed to a “oh shit I depowered my Wright and I’m fucked” manuever.
By contrast, the opposite scenario in where you end up with a TB Wright, but just him alone against over 1 and 1/2 characters ends up with a dramatically less win chance, beyond the obvious missing characters aspect.
So answers to the following questions need to be found:
1.) Can you consistently get TB Wright with at least one character left that has decent health (against solid competition)?
2.) Is a team that can achieve #1 capable of capitalizing on Wright’s assist and using it effectively against other common top tier teams?
3.) Relative to the rest of the game, does Wright substantially reward the hypothetical team from #2 to a degree that makes it more attractive than the other competitive options available to that player (IE: If you have the skill to pull off a Wright team, is Wright your best choice for a high win rate? Or would you be winning more games with a Felicia/Storm/Frank team.)
Number 3 might be the biggest long pole in the tent in terms of figuring out his final tiering and competitive viability. Because even if good setups are found, and even if you can execute them fairly reliably, it’s irrelevant if other teams end up providing the same overall power/winrate in the end. It’s not an answer that just comes from people messing around with Wright either - counters to Wright specifically, and counters to the other competing top options will play a large part.
It’s probably going to be awhile until any sort of definitive consensus is reached in any case.
Vergil… I have a friend I play with who uses Vergil on point against my Wright and I’m having a difficult time keeping Wright alive long enough to go Turnabout. Maya’s not to useful against him because her counter can’t really stop his blade projectiles. His moves have stupidly good range so I have to be really far back before attempting to collect evidence. His teleports really fast and not easy to react to and it really makes me worried about collecting evidence or calling an assist. I haven’t had a good time with any other teleporter characters either.
Erm…Haven’t been here for a while and I see some of you are questioning whether or not Wright will actually be viable. Haven’t actually played Wright outside of Training Mode yet, but that doesn’t sound too good. Anyway, popped in to share something I tried out.
Brane from the Tron Forums posted about how a Tron combo into Servbot Takeout could be used to lvl up Frank due to the fact that the first hit of the hyper knocks them high in the air so you could whiff a DHC into Frank’s Survival Techniques. Then, while the Servbots stomp them, Franks takes two photos. Booyah, lvl5 Frank. I think you already know where I’m going with this.
By whiffing Maya’s Bitch Fit super, I had time to search for two pieces of evidence while the servbots stomped them. Then, since the hyper is a soft knockdown, I hit them with Slip Up/fM. Since it’s a command normal that is also a hard-knockdown, I was able to cancel it into searching for the third piece of evidence. Perhaps someone with above average execution could potentially do something better than this?
Edit: I actually had time to search for another piece of evidence. Meaning, with this method, you have time to search four times. Also, calling Doom Missiles or Drones during Slip Up seems like a great way to cover even more searching, or disposing of evidence…Wright second ftw? Man I can’t wait to try this out.
Or, if Wright already had three good pieces of evidence before DHC’d, I had time to stance change and go into “Objection!”. It’s probably not a particularly good strat, but I like playing Tron on point anyway. I might play Tron/Wright/Sent even though I don’t think it’s all that good of a team.
Oh and I noticed that you could XFactor cancel Nightmare Judge at any time even though Wright is in spinning knockdown. You just have to do it before he touches the ground.
Edit: Also, the Tron combo has to knock them in the corner (as all good Tron combos do), else Wright will just gather evidence while fullscreen away from them. Wait, that might actually be better for him if he doesn’t get three good pieces of evidence…
Anyone else frustrated by how throwing away bad evidence takes more than twice as long as gathering evidence?
I can vouch for Tron & Wright working well together. DHCing into Maya from Lunch Rush gives you ample time to dash in and hit with Objection!. Also, Bonne Strike and Bandit Boulder are both good assists to cover Wright while he’s gathering evidence. Despite the fact that Tron sucks, she makes a good partner for Wright.
flash metroid says in an interview that he wants to main PW but take it with a grain of salt as how flash metroid uses many teams anyway
I think if you save it for whomever is last then its def worth its praise. Yeah you go back to a shitty character but I think the idea is to be done by the moment that turnabout mode is close to being done and finish with AA (Or at least try to set it up at a certain point). So if you use wright as an anchor when hes in turnabout mode you can win even just by chipping someone to death because wright and x factor do an extreme amount of damage. Then once you get them down to one character left all you gotta do is use AA when ever you see them do remotely anything but block otherwise they are gonna die from chip damage. Or hell if you DHC into AA you can do some serious damage.
Basically what I am trying to say is to use wright to finish off the enemy team. If you can take down two characters you win (If you know what you are doing). But getting turnabout mode is a different story. Least this whole plan has been working for me well so far.
Basically what I’ve been doing is putting PW up front at the start with my true “point” character in the 3’rd slot. If I reach turnabout mode I switch them in some way, so that I have PW in my third position. This way if my point character is killed, my second will come out without PW having to come back in and lose turnabout time. Or, if I fail to achieve turnabout, I still have my best character in my third slot to act as clean up.
Look let’s all agree that turnabout mode is where phoenix wright really shines you can’t deny that
even if you snap him in you still have to deal with the justice finger not to mention buffed projectiles and a level 3 that can catch some people off guard
this is the phoenix wright general discussion topic…we shouldn’t be talking about if he sucks or not(which he doesn’t…)we should be talking about how to make him a feared character
I’ve been using Wesker on point and Wright second in my matches online. The reason being is that Ultimate Wesker into Maya can connect which allows Wright to collect 2-3 pieces of evidence safely.
I play Wright Sentinel Wesker. Sentinel Drones after any air throw or air combo always garuntees me 1-2 searches. Wesker gunshot down gives Wright the OTG assist needed to extend his lackluster investigation mode combos. Sentinel bread and butter in the corner to rocketpunch xx plasma storm DHC to Maya Smelting gets me 2 searches usually.
My strategy is to basically block as much as possible, and avoid letting the other player get a hit and build meter. I look for them to whiff unsafe moves upclose so I can punish with ABC air combo. Sentinel drones on all hard knockdowns, into searching. If I can get 3 pieces, I swap in Sentinel and look for any air combo into TAC mixup. Since it’s impossible to deny all 3 TAC options at the same time 100% of the time, it’s very difficult for the opponent to correctly guess which direction I’m going to push with Sentinel. It’s basically, Rocks, Paper, Scissor in the air, and if they guess incorrectly, I get TM.
If I used TAC to get TM, I will immediately TAC again, usually in a different direction than previously, to get Wesker in. This is where the fun starts. Wright in TM, as most people already know, is godly. Wesker on point, as most people already know, is godly. Put the two together, well, you get the point lol. My goal now is to kill the other character’s first two characters. Once the second character dies, I immediately hard tag in TM Wright to finish off the last character, whoever it may be.
Contradiction! That’s Illegal! until it hits, then Xfactor into level 3 super. If they turtle up because they’re scared of the finger, I simply throw/airthrow them xfactor into level 3. Game.
I’ve been playing more Wright and it seems that the best way to beat rush down is just jumping. This is the first time I’ve played a non-rushdown character in Marvel so the concept of waiting is foreign to me but, I’m making progress.
Phoenix Wright has by far the best super jumping animation in the game.
He springs up high into the air, standing completely straight with his arms above his head, just as he reaches his peak jump height he looks down realizing that he’s about 20ft off the ground, making his eyes and mouth open in pure shock before he begins covering his head, bracing for impact with the floor.
So, do you think we’ve reached a verdict (SEE WHAT I DID THERE??? …what >_>) on whether it’s better to put Wright first at the start of the match, or put him second and DHC into him?
Because if I had my way, my team would be Phoenix Wright/Hsien-ko/Doctor Strange (formerly Sentinel, but I’ve recently discovered the glory of Strange), but it’s starting to have serious issues.
Still having great success with my Wright team. It’s feeling really strong.
You have to make your entire team around him. Not just for great assists, but how they will take advantage of his turnabout mode, and with a plan B if Wright gets opened up.
And the bummers should take their talk elsewhere. If you want to main/are interested in maining Wright come to this thread. If you don’t pick another character. This thread is for discussing the character with people who want to make him strong. Talking about his flaws/matchups and how to cover them is different, but posting purely to say you don’t think he will be viable is pointless and 100% untrue. Especially in this stage of the game.
EDIT: Misdreavus I really like Wright on point. I don’t think having him second is a bad decision, but he has plenty of tools to cover him getting out safely if needed, and the benefit of having two strong assist right off the bat I think is my preferred way to go for him.
It also helps me divide up my team. My team is set up to where when Wright is in, I’m playing for him. But if it goes sour and he gets K.O.'d, the rest of my team is designed to be strong enough to pick up the slack.
I’m still trying to build a team but atm I personally can’t handle Wright on point effectively (at least not yet, it doesn’t help I’m naturally trash at this game) so I like to run him second. I’m less likely to lose him in that slot. I’m sure this will change once I’ve stepped up my game as Wright and am a bit more aware of what the hell I’m doing but right now second is the better choice for me. U: