OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

I’ve been talking about using Trish boomerang, Dorm run, Ammy coldstar, Zero corridor etc in either hard tag or DHC situations with assists to keep the opponent in hit/blockstun to set up evidences for a good couple of months. And it works.

I’m not concerned about landing Objection where I land a hit. If I land a hit, fine, I should be able to get turnabout. The problem is that courtroom mode is a keepaway mode. Not even like zoning or runaway, but straight keepaway, he’s just not mobile enough for the other types of defense. But Objection is a slow-startup hit that requires you to have at least some offense going to work. So how do you square these two things, needing to play defense and needing to play offense? This is why I’m concerned he might end up mostly about courtroom. I almost think it might become worthwhile to just get the exact evidence projectiles you want and then turn to courtroom immediately, even if you don’t yet have 3 good pieces of evidences.

Again, pretty up in the air imo.

Is it possible to play keep away and if you are able to predict their moves to land an objection on them when they come in to try to hit you? Kinda like how you would use a counter move like taskmasters or weskers. And am I wrong bout simply air comboing in the Objection?

Zephil, you have the guide? If I may ask, can you please give an approx on his damage in his modes (combo wise I mean)?

Probably mediocre, like 500k outside of Turnabout mode, but just to make sure…

Also, I’m none too worried about Wright being good, but I don’t have the game yet. =P

Just some notes/tips/whatever:
-Running/retreating while Maya is out/running off the screen causes her to not be able to actually run off the screen until you reach the corner
-Getting evidence isnt hard if you’re not an idiot. Dont just run back and call Maya
-Vase, Watch, Knife, Folder, and phone are always good evidence
-Glasses, Servbot (yes even against Tron), bottle, tree, and helmet are always bad evidence.
-You can have any combination of the three good pieces of evidence
-lvl3 combos after anything even throws
-Combo potential seems lacking outside of the corner
-his good combos will probably consist of a OTG assist and lots of Hold It

You know funny enough it sorta is that and the crouching light only problem is thats all fine and dandy for experimentation
I find that Maya shield is good because people accidentally continue their combos on it since its kinda hard to tell if your hitting the phoenix or Maya

mmm… maybe assists like IF flame kick which ground bounces, Doom beam, Strider Vajra can make the pressure. Maybe THC of Hyper Sentinel Force/Magnetic Shockwave/Okami Shuffle with Maya’s Hyper can keep up the opponent enough time blocking to allow Wright to approach and try to open the opponent.

In the aspect of rushing he is even worse than IF so yeah it looks hard. This sounds crazy but maybe an Order in the Court in reaction to punish when you’re fairly close to the opponent may work also as both end in a hard knockdown a maybe do a couple of mix ups Haggar style.

Is hard to think of ways without playing the game yet. Maybe the great shopping cart assist of Frank can help, I think Justin posted that the assist beats most normals but is vulnerable to projectiles.

Yeah my team with wright on it is wright/west/hawkeye
i use the shopping cart assist the same way i do maya to get people back which reallly works in collecting evidence… {when your opponent is not a telporter}
You can definetly land an objection off that assist and i’m sure there are plenty other assist that have enogh active time / hit stun to do so but no air dashing makes it kinda hard to put the pressure on with an assist, jumping with “hold it” and assist seems to kinda work a little as pressure in matches, but IMO dosen’t pay out to well the character will more than likely be pushed back way to far to make anything of it, other than building up for a stun
Order in the court would make for a nice little teleport counter only problem with it is
A. Its a super only so many times you can do it
B. You have to be in courtroom mode to do it
C. Once you do it you would have to switch back to courtoom mode seeing as to how it throws you back into investigation after using it
But i will admit that is one option i sort of ruled out as far as fighting off the teleporters as far as following it with some kinda rushdown mixup game I wouldn’t try it i’d just be scurrying away / maya calling out the minute i wake up, and if i already had all my evidence i’d still rush back and call maya in hopes of them getting mixedup by hitting her and not me… rushing down with im just dosen’t seem like the first go to option and trust i’m all about rushdown lol. i’ll give it another go 2 morrow though

According to Russel Wright’s assists are not 100% invincible during Turnabout mode, but isn’t sure exactly when they’re vulnerable - just confirms that he can get caught. Is there anything written in the guide about this or can anyone doublecheck it out in the game?

but lol, poor Wright is sounding atrocious. It’s okay though, you still have my devotion

I was testing it yesterday and PW never got hit out of his animation against Wesker. Although I dont doubt Russell at all, there’s probably a timing or a glitch, certain properties, etc

Actually, I’m going to have to partially disagree with Jago there, I think it’d be best to only put Phoenix Wright second, not third. Something I posted in the team building thread, thought it’d be appropriate to repost here:

Imagine this scenario: You get three pieces of evidence, hit Turnabout Mode, and switch him out to put him last. Now, you lost two characters and are down to Turnabout Wright, while your opponent has, say, Wesker and Akuma. You activate level 3 X-Factor, manage to hit him with the fingers and combo it into his Level 3, and Wesker is down! Now it’s just down to you and Akuma… now what? You’re Turnabout mode is over, you have no evidence, and you’re out of X-Factor. You can’t take the time to gather evidence again, or even get anywhere close enough to attack him with your slow mobility and terrible normals, because you don’t have an assist to back him up, leaving you with a character that’s worse than Hsien-Ko on point*.* And you’re up against a level 3 X-Factor Akuma.

You’re basically throwing away an entire character slot for an invincible assist button, which IMO just isn’t worth it. Putting him in the second slot as an assist would be smart, like most people do with Hsien-Ko or even Haggar, but not third. He needs a good assist behind him if you want to get anything done with him. If anyone has seen the sad sight of LL.ND being stuck with only Hsien-Ko against a Wesker/Akuma/what have you, that’s basically what you’re in store for.

He’s definitely built around Turnabout mode, that much seems super obvious. Turnabout mode is like, 10-15s of being the most blatantly overpowered motherfucker though.

Some stuff I noticed:
-Any throw is free evidence. Maya can combo after air throw with her face slide thing in some situations, but you need the evidence more.
-Really, really bad normals period. Turnabout mode is godlike, but you’re only gonna be in that when you tag out for an assist/win with a level 3 so it winds up not mattering that much.
-You have to have a plan when you get in Courtroom mode. I’ve been raw-tagging, and side/up/down exchanging into objection, but that’s not a good enough gimmick to base a character around.
-Judge and Maya hyper seem like a waste of meter all around- you need your bars for the conviction and it’s hard to build meter in this game period.
-Paperwork lingers even when Wright gets hit, so you can trade with it in a lot of situations versus jump-ins, but you still can get combo’d some times because the hit stun on it’s not very long.
-The projectiles during Turnabout mode are VERY good, but don’t seem to open up a bunch of options.

Hey Guys, Im gonna be making a PW primer / character guide for youtube, is there anything in particular you guys would like to see?

Let me know! :slight_smile:

While I agree that gathering meter for Super Saiyan Wright should always be a high priority, despite this however, I definitely don’t think that Maya’s flailing hyper is useless as Wright recovers as she is flailing which means that while you keep your opponent in block-stun (you can call an assist as well to extend this block-stun or set up solo unblockables in the corner as Maya apparently hits low at the end of the hyper) gives Wright some time to safely gather evidence or maybe raw tag out/DHC
Also, if you use it during a combo and are near the corner you can continue your combo afterwards or if you have all the evidence you can land an objection to power up Wright and continue the combo how you want.

As for the Judge hyper you should generally refrain from using it normally unless you want to further extend the damage after one of Wright’s extended combos as a damaging OTG or you want to DHC into one of your teammates while your opponent is in a hard knockdown state just remember that this move is incredibly unsafe to use and won’t give Wright time to gather evidence if it hits the opponent since Wright is also knocked down.

I just didn’t really ever go, “Damn, I wish I spent the meter on Maya there.” Not a lot of dmg, not superduper useful.

I disagree. Maya’s Hyper looks like a good way to approach for Wright. Use the hyper and the opponent will most probably block the hyper but because you can move before the hyper ends you can rushdown safely and the last hit of the hyper is low so you can make solo unblockables with it.

BTW the guide explains that to get a full meter you need to gain 10000 meter points. The fingers of doom do a good job here making 1/10th of a bar just by themselves.

I was about to pass out last night when I posted it (Mahvel overload) but yeh I know for sure both get em missile and press the witness assist got caught a couple of times during turnabout mode last night. I’m going to test it out in the training room now and see what I can find. From what I remember it seems like the vulnerability was at the end of the assist.

Press the witness has never gotten caught with me, I’ve used it to go through full beams from start to finish shrug.

Maya super is good if you need emergency evidence gathering or don’t have an otg assist and need to land an objection.

Thanks Russ and Kaiten. And Russ, can you check to see if he also takes damage when he’s hit?

I guess it isn’t such a BIG deal since for the most part Wright can literally glide through everything like there are no fucks in the world to give, but it’s still good to know. /:

So feeny can combo into objection that doesn’t consist of exchange or an unblockable (or any type of assist). Just a matter of getting the hit off. It honestly might be a lot easier to get into turnabout mode than we’re all thinking.:coffee:

The problem isn’t the objection move itself but landing a freaking jab. Holding up paper and looking for clues don’t exactly have what it takes to stand up Beam Swords, Big Swords, Black Knight’s Sword, Lightning Swords, Katana’s, and a bunch of sword type hitboxes,