OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

I am actually really dissapointed. I would have preferred old Wright or Apollo as DLC. College Wright was one of the few parts of the series that I hated but well at least it will make the trolling even better

When was the paper as an overhead confirmed? I know theyre called high and low but I thought that was referring to the arc, not a true overhead.

Yeah I was watching Justin wong playing some casuals in Umvc and even with Nova, A character he had almost no experience with, he would just rush PW down while he was in investigation mode until death, the Mia shield isn’t that good, hopefully theres an assist that could help him get his evidence.
But on the other hand you have to take in consideration. Lets just use Akumas tatsu assist as an example, lets say you throw it and run to collect evidence with PW and it worked, thats great and all but if you had wesker on point and that Tatsu hit you would of just got a full combo on their character, so risking a full combo off a easy hit confirm for evidence that you might not even be able to use for Turnabout mode because hitting that objection isn’t the easiest thing, yeah it works in TACs but those can be stopped, which leads to even more combo damage you lost because your trying to get into turnabout.

Ok guys I got the guide and first of all I have to say that Phoenix Wright section is AMAZING!!
I swear is even larger than Dante’s section and gives a lot of information that we didn’t know or we wasn’t sure.

If anyone has any doubt or want me to check something just tell me to check it out.

I am reading it right now so I will be editing this post every time I find something very useful but I want to begin saying that Missile assist OTGs and has 5 durability points

Directly from the guide: The game will never allow you to have three slots filled with false evidence

Many of Wright’s command normals are using the same button you press in the previous move to activate it for example:
The command move that flashes a light bulb and is jump cancellable is made by pressing H during st.H makes contact with the opponent.
He also has a command normal that is cr.H during cr.H makes contact with the opponent but is not jump cancellable and knocks-down but maybe we can follow it with S.

Paperwork and Press the Witness assists are 100% invulnerable in Turnabout Mode. The guide even says that you can make a beam THC from Akuma, Ironman, and Ryu and none of them will hit Wright.

Paperwork assist in Turnabout has beam durability and being 100% invincible makes it as reliable as Press the Witness

Order in the Court hyper destroys all the false evidence

There’s no mention that Paperwork High specials are overhead.

Maya’s specials are called “M-Maya!?”

Simple and yet perfect name for lv3 hyper: Ace Attorney

A great aspect of Maya’s hyper (called Steel Samurai Maya Smelting!) is that as we know the hyper is like an assist so Wright can move freely during the hyper and the guide mentions a good pressure example to open your opponent: the last hit of the hyper is low and you having control of Wright you can try an overhead and make an unblockable setup from this. j. Objection anyone?

I found out about the command normals yesterday. the 2nd part of cr. H you can cancel into S, it’s a sweep. The 2nd part of standing. H is comboable into Objection!, but it lacks range, and doesn’t hit most crouchers at all X_X.

The 100% invuln is during Turnabout right?

The Order in the Court thing is cool. Might make my life a bit easier…a bit.

So I got in 200 matches so far with PW and plan to get in lots more this weekend. You’re working at least twice as hard as 90% of the cast. Landing turnabout means unless you make a stupid mistake, you’re going to win though.

Also remember priorities. A simple bnb into Order in the Court does solid damage. I wasn’t doing it in training mode, but it’s respectable especially when you go against low HP characters.

Hardest matchups for me so far are Dorm/Strider/Cap America. Cap especially makes me cry now. Matchup knowledge is absolutely vital when playing Wright I feel, moreso than anyone else perhaps. I feel like I did well against Dante’s and Magneto’s because I was aware of all their options in any given situation.

Maya slide is pretty useful, can get trades in your favor positioning wise and I don’t think she can be beat by anything once she’s out.

I can’t find out what his jump cancels are…

He only has one jump cancel move but you can only do it in Trial Mode and you have to cancel a hit with st.H into another H and a light bulb will appear in front of Wright and is jump cancellable


So, I was browsing GAF and someone posted a link to this video (it was uploaded today and I have not seen it posted here yet).

I can’t wait to get this game and go to the lab.

Well been playing with im since yesterday
he sure is fun in training but outside of that i find him pretty horrible [just my opinon i;m not calling any facts here]
Shout outs to capcom for actually importing him in the game and giving him a unique fighting style
But his normals are completly Garbage IMO
Maya moves are cool because you can cancel into them and her shield is good but serves to be useless against teleporters
Played my friends wesker and it was literally super free yes yes granted its day 1 of my playing wright and it was my first time playing him against a moving opponent but we talked it out and we couldn’t even begin to process how to deal with the teleporting characters.
I feel his normals need range or he needs A slide of some sort to help him with mobility
i can’t figure out a way to fight against teleporters , they make a fool out of maya shields and a good assist / teleporter eats me alive with wright

Hobo Wright? Apollo?

Nah, I’m glad to have something from the original trilogy. Wright never should have gotten disbarred, anyway.


Don’t see why people thought it was overhead in the first place. Yeah, it’s called Paperwork High, but really?

I was kinda dreading this and was going to ask of it. Ah well.

Managed to finish his challenge mode yesterday.

His 9th mission is no joke.

Does anyone know what the durability on Maya Shield is? I was hoping someone with the Bradygames guide would give an accurate description of the Maya shield and how much she could take.

Maya’s shield last for 152 frames or until 250,000 damage is absorbed

I still really can’t tell whether I think this guy’s gonna be useless, potentially useful but really hard to get there, or really versatile and good. Pretty hard to figure out right now. I’m also not sure whether to play him for turnabout mode with backup assists, courtroom mode with assists for keepaway, or turnabout assist for offensive play, or whether to spend meter to get evidence or just try to set up evidence with maya, assists, and knockdowns. Everything seems up in the air, pretty interesting character design that he can be so non-obvious.

That’s what I like of Wright, he is really versatile and there are many ways to play differently with him.
I think Wrights bigger problem is that it looks like most of the teleporters will be heavy used chars.
I still feel second slot is the way to go but we will know more clearly in a couple of months.
My way of playing with him will be a combination between the strategy for Hsien-ko and the Marvel’s Phoenix. A safe DHC into Maya’s super to get evidence, depending on the opponent decide if rushdown with him or a strong zoning game with Hawkeye assist to give him time to get the rest of the evidence. You just need to start one combo in trial mode to get an objection and from there tag him out to the last slot and abuse his assist while having a really strong char for last and possibly with Xfactor.

I can see it already: the opponent makes a move -> react with Hawkeye’s Gimlet -> DHC to Ace Attorney Hyper -> dead char

Spent a good 5 or 6 hours playing matches with PW last night. First impressions are not good at all.

-Gathering evidence is hard. If your opponent’s point character is a keepaway character you have better luck (Except with Hawkeye and Strange and their bullshit level 1 instant supers) but as this game progresses I know that your opponent is just gonna try to stay on you at all times, as even when keepaway characters rush down, Wright is free. Maya Shield durability is nice, but the startup on both her and Phoenix are not so good. What I mean by this is that if your opponent is in your face, you’re not gonna be able to call out Maya without getting hit and combo’d on, and so the only safe time to call her is midscreen or fullscreen. However, when that happens, your opponent can see it a mile away and just JUMP OVER HER.

-Finding the right assists will be imperative to PW’s success, but I honestly couldn’t find many that helped without forming a shitty, un-synergistic team. The best assist I used was Strider teleport divekick, which worked out well. But, as mentioned in the previous point, when your opponent is smart enough to just stay on you, you won’t be able to call anything safely. We had all these pretty theories about Doom missiles and Jam Session being great lockdown and allowing for plenty of time for evidence gathering, but all of that is out the window when you’re in the corner and can’t even call them without getting Happy Birthday’d.

-Any other character can normally deal with rushdown by blocking, waiting for an opening to punish reckless attacks, and counter attacking, but not Phoenix Wright. His normals are TERRIBLE. Everything is unsafe on hit, everything whiffs if Wright’s not directly in their face, and it’s all incredibly slow. His jumping normals are terrible, and OBJECTION! is one of the worst normals ever. It has what felt like a full second of air startup, so unless you do it at the peak of your jump you’ll hit the ground before the bubble even comes out. If you want to be less precise and super jump and OBJECTION!, you can’t do that either because you CANNOT BLOCK THE ENTIRE WAY DOWN. OBJECTION! is really feels like a hail mary.

-Wright as anchor is awful. The common strategy in this thread is to get Wright in Turnabout Mode, use godlike assist, and should the worst happen you at least have Turnabout Wright as an anchor and he’s more threatening than Tron or Haggar in Vanilla. This is not true at all. The aforementioned points resulted in a difficulty in getting Wright to Turnabout Mode in the first place, usually at the cost of one point character. If you make a single mistake and you lose your other point character, you have Wright in Turnabout Mode with level 3 X-Factor with (on average) a character and a half left on your opponent’s side. All your opponent has to do is hold upback and eat the mediocre chip from the finger and the evidence projectiles, because at worst he’ll lose one of his point characters and have his anchor left. By then, your Turnabout Mode will have run out (Probably before Level 3 X-Factor) and you are stuck with evidence gathering with no assists against a possibly level 3 X-Factor anchor opponent. I mean, the Ace Attorney level 3 is still a huge threat, but the moment you use it you lose your Turnabout Mode, and then you’re in that exact same position. And what’s Wright going to do against an opponent holding up-back? Granted, the first time you use Turnabout Mode and get that godlike assist, you’ll get some nice wins as they run into it constantly, but as players get more experienced (as in, after playing against him twice) they’ll know exactly how to deal with it.

-The only really good thing I saw was that the TAC into OBJECTION! will always hit no matter what direction you exchange. Every time I played the team correctly (Get 3 evidence, tag out, land combo with point character, TAC), I got into Turnabout Mode. Like I pointed out earlier, though, it is absolutely not a guaranteed win.

I’ll be perfectly fine with saying that this is only Day 1 and I’m not that good of a player anyway and I’m completely missing something, so take all this with a grain of salt. But, as someone really looking forward to playing this character, I’m so very disappointed.

TL;DR: Wright is possibly the worst point character in the game and an assist-only character. However, that assist is gimped unless you play him on point and build an entire team around him, and if that team is not played absolutely perfectly you will lose. Still Day 1 though, and I might suck, so keep fingers crossed for new developments.

Man good write-up. I’m thinking of making Phoenix just a fun character against the CPU or against opponents to screw around against (friends playing the game who don’t really play the game).

I’m predicting that someone will figure out PW strategies to incorporate him into some high-level play. I definitely think the motivation is there for someone to figure him out and make him tournament viable. It’s just going to take time and some real creativity. I don’t for a second think that I’m going to be that person (lol) but I’m looking forward to having fun with him, even as nothing more than a screw-around character.

Meh… This reminds me of Vanilla and how when I started using Spidey I was extremely frustrated.

Wright has an extreme learning curve, maybe as difficult as Viper, but I see ways were Wright will be very effective. I think the main reason why everybody is having a bad time with Wright at the beginning is because we are worrying too much in picking the evidence.

Remember when people were saying that She-Hulk will suck, how wrong they were months later. This is a gimmicky char and first is necessary to learn to use his tricks correctly and then apply them in a real match.

Don’t lose hope yet, doesn’t matter how corny it sounds but playing Wright looks to be ironically similar to his games were first you have to suffer a lot before getting a “not guilty” verdict.