Even if he were an “assist only” character, which I’m sure he won’t, the fact that his pressing the witness assist is basically lariat on steriods in turnabout mode means that he’s a game changing character.
Who cares. He’s still an assist you have to EARN. You still have to put in work to make him that way. It’s a nice gameplan for those who earn it, obviously the strategy will be to kill Phoenix Wright right off, then the whole gameplan falls apart. It’s not as bad as Haggar lariat where it’s available to you at the start of the match. Sure people will find ways to protect Phoenix Wright, but at that point you’re building a team around a character who may be bad on point.
One question…I’ve seen lots of videos bout Wright, but i havent seen anybody block his lvl3. It’s an unblockable?!
Sure hope not…he’s already a menace…
Thank you Branh. Even if you plan to use the assist, you can’t slap PW on your team and shout OMGYAY. Got to actually get turnabout mode. And if you’re not planning to learn the character as well as have some support for Wright, you’re just going to get blown up.
Think Gravity Squeeze. Except this hyper is way faster so if you’re doing so much as a jab or airdash before the super freeze, you’ll probably get hit.
Watching some of the people playing PW last night on stream was a little disconcerting, because when it was PW vs a rushdown character (Thinking of Wesker in this case), the rushdown character basically stayed on him the entire time while PW just held up back and ended up in the corner. I realize that in Investigation Mode he’s SUPPOSED to suck, but there’s gotta be something to keep a rushdown character off of you while you’re jumping away. Has anyone formed any conclusions on the Hold It! bubble? I’m not expecting it to be like a Haggar pipe, but would it be worth jumping back and throwing that out and having it possibly land and freeze them? It seems more productive, but if it’s got a ton of startup and a crappy hitbox it might not be worth it.
I feel that reaching Turnabout Mode quickly might be more important than making sure you get the projectile you want. Who knows how long that could take.
Seeing people on NCvC play PW was a bit… worrying. It looks like he has a ton of bad match-ups and doesn’t seem like he can do any advanced combos in investigation or courtroom mode.
REALLY hoping Seth knows what he’s talking about when he says PW is beast. I’d hate for him to be an arthur or hsien-ko.
I am not worried about Wright and possible bad matchups. He is a unique and different character and because his normals are below average and the lack of experience using him of course the opponent will destroy him.
I feel that Wright will be a combination of rushdown and collecting evidence in competitive play if it is on point but I believe he will be better in the second slot and doing a DHC to Maya’s hyper will give him enough time to pick at least two evidences and even better if you kill an opponent with Wright you have enough time pick 3 and throw one if its wrong.
This guy will be a beast and you will see that those “bad matchups” were just inexperience with the char
oh damn.
Okay, so if PW is godlike, people will complain that he’s broken.
If PW is thrash, people will complain that he’s a waste of space.
Haters gonna hate.
I would actually be completely ok with this.
At the same time those PW players were completely horrendous, most of them didn’t even bother using the Maya shield (let alone assists) to try and cover themselves up. They just went straight for the gold but as an open target, honestly they deserved to get their Wright beat lol.
It’s a legitimate concern but I feel like we just have to create proper setups. Like Zephil, I’m not all that worried at the moment.
lol yeah, let them hate, Wright has enough stans that the haters’ wank will drown and dissolve in our undying love for the guy anyway.
Yeah that’s definitely true. I still plan to toy around with this though, definitely feel like it’s worth exploring since those evidences in Turnabout Mode are an entire beast all on their own.
Speaking of the importance of getting Wright into Turnabout mode, do you guys think it might even be worth burning X-Factor to do so? For my planned team, say I have Zero on point with PW in the wings with full evidence. I land a combo with Zero and end it with Rekkouha, X-Factor, raw tag in Wright, and then jump up and land the objection and finish off the opponent with X-Factor level 1 finger. Tag Wright back out, now I have Zero on point again (or possibly my former anchor in order to use Wright as an anchor) with godlike assist, but I burned my X-Factor in the process. Good idea or bad idea?
By the same token, would it be worth burning X-Factor to gather evidence? Say you call a Doom Missile assist and while they’re blocking it, Maya Super and X-Factor. While Maya keeps them busy you grab your evidence, but again at the cost of your X-Factor. I’m leaning towards saying this is a bad idea, but I’m curious as to how much value you all really put on getting Wright itnto Turnabout mode when it means sacrificing your comeback factor.
I think it will depend of the situation and the amount of chars you have in that moment. If you only have Zero and Wright a lv2 xfactor can be a good idea and I think that from the times I have been able to compare it, I think Wright has a very decent length of Xfactor (the length of Xfactor now is char dependent).
Another aspect to remember is that if you are using Press the Witness assist, even though you are burning the Xfactor you are getting an assist that is top contender to top 3 best assist if not the best so now you can spam that assist all day and be protected and does a wallbounce that can be really good for Zero.
I’m guessing at this point that y’all saw the “Marvel Madness” video on the front page?
@10:02; Wright is hit out of his Cellphone projectiles at startup and they dissappear.
@10:13; Wright’s lvl3 is blocked. Recovery doesn’t seem much, but the hyper has like no blockstun.
People are having trouble playing well with PW since the beginning. Definitely Wright will be hard work but it will be worth it
IMHO, people are focusing way too much on turnabout mode and are not appreciating what Wright can do outside of it, His paperwork hits overhead and yet surprisingly few people are using it. I do believe that even in Courtroom mode Wright can play a very decent keepaway game with his paper and his evidences, and relying more on what he can do in that mode is the way to make him work.