OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

Same thing you do with MODOK’s barrier assist.

I’m thinking of doing Balloon Bomb assist with PW.

True, true.

Also, it looks like that people are going to want to hold upback so that they don’t get caught up in an Ace Attorney. I’m loving it. As for blocked Judge supers… I’m guessing that Wright can be OTG’d and comboed, but the Strider in Max’s video didn’t get the OTG satellite out fast enough, so we’ll have to see about that.

Air throw them into it. :B

oh man there goes my “unique” team ha ha. seems to be a lot of people running ghost rider/PW. i think im gonna stick vergil on my team since i love DMC so much. most likely gonna use vergils swrod rush assist since it seems it pushes the opp across the screen on block, and floats quite well on hit, meaning GR should be able to follow up quite well since his launcher goes like half screen. GR with HS assist to soak projectiles+anti air+ OTG into objection for PW. and the fact that both GR and vergil have crazy range on their normals means 3/4 screen unblockables (in theory) for both GR and vergil using missile assist.

i know having vergil on there is extremely meter intensive but he looks like he can do good damage without using his level 3 (4). plus im hoping GR can build some good meter with him almost always being in range to connect attacks with the enemy.

I was also thinking of dante as anchor since jam session is amazing keepaway/ protection but I was never really good at bold cancelling.

If you have Dante as anchor then you don’t have to be good at bold cancelling. LOL.

This is exactly what I was thinking too.

Since it’s literally looking like a team needs to be built around Wright, glad I can get one of my other preferred characters to chill with him at least.

If you can actually get in range to air throw them.

I don’t think a team needs to be built around Wright, but it certainly helps.

At the speed you find evidence you can probably play him ‘normally’ and still manage to get your evidence after doing air launcher combos. Throw down shield, pick up evidence once, anti-air opponent jumping over, etc. You don’t always have to do nothing while you’re in investigation mode.

Hell, you could get an AA assist and pick up more than one piece of evidence, as well as throwing away useless pieces.

Jam session should stop people trying to jump over Maya. Easy 3 evidence too. But maybe i’m wrong…

I love how when Phoenix Wright beats ghost rider, he says something along the lines ‘‘We both fight for the justice but your methods aren’t quite academic’’. heh, I like it.
(Forgive my horrible translation, Havent’ read french in a while!)

I’m going to take the time to evaluate the evidence projectiles.

Knife: Three-way fireball - Kind of slow, but looking to be great at keeping people out thanks to its wide span. Loving this one.
Cell phone: Multi-lock - Godlike. Seems to do the most damage. Can possibly set up some tricky stuff with this. Loving this one, too.
Vase: Arc - This… is sort of an underwhelming projectile. It misses easily, and takes a while for the actual projectile to hit the enemy. Maybe it will be better when combined with an assist or another piece of evidence, but for now, it seems crappy.
Photo: Beam - Moves quickly, so that’s nice. Looks kind of thin, so I guess the tiny chars can duck under it.
Watch: Fireball - Moves quickly, otherwise it’s your standard fireball.
Envelope: Stationary orb - I guess this counts as a sort of “trap”, like Trish’s Peekaboo. Except it’s not invisible and it doesn’t last as long. Seems alright, though.

You should go all out and make it PW/Modok/Cap (or Task). Shield Skill!

Or even Wright/MODOK/Nova for Triple Shields.

I didn’t think of that. Does Nova have his shield as an assist?

He indeed does.

Ok Nov15, you can’t arrive faster do you? I already want to play with my “I will submit-I will submit-I will submit-I will submit my evidence”

:eek: Kinda wish his j.:m: wasn’t “I have evidence” since it gets the voice sampled canceled into and out of a lot.

Maybe that should have been the sample for his j.:l: instead.

So about this super…

“Order in the court! Objection Overruled!”

We know it’s OTG and the range isn’t terribly large. We also know it grounds Phoenix after putting him in spinning knockdown. It’s a shame that Phoenix’s DHC properties aren’t very predictable (in respect to this discussion, at least), otherwise we could surmise some creative options to go into and out of this super. Has anybody noticed anything particularly exploitable about this super? Anything making it particularly bad?

Something to note about it for those that don’t know, you can do an aircombo in investigation mode and switch to court mode just for this super to otg afterward.