OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

Confirmed on stream: Judge super can only be used in Courtroom mode BUT, he has enough time to switch modes after a delayed air series anyway…

Can you cancel his stance change into a hyper?

It’s his throw, Missile charges towards the opponent there.

12:19 right there:



S-Kill just showed Wright can solo combo into/out of Objection w/ Maya & Fingerpoint. :slight_smile:

And he has some jump cancel-able normals in…I want to say Courtroom mode?

S-Kill also confirmed that PW can wavedash…(?)

the problem is not comboing into Conviction, it’s comboing into Objection to even get turnabout stance in the first place.

Lariat is losing it’s first 2 frames of invincibility so that it’s purpose stays the same whilst making it so he doesn’t randomly jump in while you are being comboed and knock down your opponent so it’s still a useful tool though I don’t know if they have made it more vulnerable at the end as well as the start.

The hyper is a bit weird as a DHC as it places Wright in a soft knockdown state and I think your opponent goes into air soft knockdown when it hits so you are going to have to DHC before the hammer comes down which may stop the hammer from coming down altogether if it is DHC-ed too early.
I think it should be ok at going into projectile hypers or being used as an otg after hard knockdown DHC but I Wright may need be in courtroom stance on the field before you can DHC into gavel, or if not it will place you in courtroom mode upon entering the field.

Fucking ace if true.

He is an Ace Attorney…

I’m pretty sure I saw Seth cancelling a dash into crouching - not wavedashing per se, but doing the motion - so I think it’s safe to assume he can.

Awesome. Also his tripping isnt random, it happens whenever he tries to do a move that requires Maya when she’s already on the screen. Good to know Capcom didnt screw us over with too much random.

I’m not even planning to play Wright at all and I hope he is undoubtedly the best character in the game. I truly hope he ends up being game-breakingly, “on every single team at Evo top 32 and top 8” unfair. This is for several trolling purposes.

One, I want the “waaaah he’s not a black-trenchcoat plus gun and katana badass waaaah wasted slot” crowd to cry. Seriously; that archetype is very well covered in MvC3’s roster as-is, and they got another such character in Vergil. They have enough Hardcore Edgy Stoic Badasses On The Edge Who Don’t Play By The Rules to make multiple full teams out of it. I want my angel-mage (Nina from BoF2) and want Wright fans to get their comedy character who is secretly quite dangerous. MvC3 should celebrate a variety of visual themes and character designs! If Wright proves to be a viable fighter, rubbing this in their faces, then I will be very happy.

Two, I want the “how can he even fight, he’s a lawyer” crowd to cry. The same people complaining about this seem to have forgotten the series has a decade-or-longer history of giving us characters who are clearly non-combatants and making them fight anyway. Norimaro and (arguably) Dan to start, then Roll and Servbot got in on the act. Roll was even somewhat viable in TvC. Regardless, the series has a history of giving us an underdog character to cheer for, someone who isn’t an edgy badass and is instead someone like the majority of the game’s players; someone who would react to the situation with an “oh god oh god this sucks i’m going to die what do i do!?!?!” mentality and flailing improvised techniques. Wright is just Mahvel Being Mahvel, and is as much a part of the series’ legacy as lengthy combos that make someone yell “Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh” are. The more this crowd sees Wright and the more they cry, the better.

Three, I’m a horrible jerk and want to see Capcom deal with the theoretically ensuing PR disaster. Don’t nerf God-Tier Wright and the game falls apart. Nerf him and the more ignorant wing of the Ace Attorney fanbase will flood Capcom-Unity with threads demanding “Why do you hate Ace Attorney/Phoenix Wright!? SVEN!? SETH!!!11one” This is in fact cruel of me, but I’m darkly curious as to how such a situation would play out. That and I’d get a cheap laugh out of it, which is a fine bonus.

So, yeah. Wright for God Tier, make it happen!

I’m totally with you for the first two reasons. Also, I want the ‘omg what is this weeaboo anime shit?’ crowd to suffer as well.

We want to make people suffer. We are truly worthy of playing a lawyer.

Hahaha I don’t know if I want him to bod God tier (but seeing tourneys won with him is going to be amazing), but this post is awesome.

The thing is, it might be possible to combo confirm -> Maya super -> Stance cancel -> Objection! while Maya is still out, then combo within Turnabout mode into a level 3 for a kill. shrug Wright, to me, seems like a character who is definitely going to be going for a touch of death and probably won’t even care about a confirm in Investigation mode.

I can see how people are saying that that initial hit in turnabout mode might be an issue, but I’m confident he’s got the options. His crouching finger of doom could hit low (although it doesn’t look like it and I’m not expecting it), it looks like he can combo into all of his fingers if needed, the right assist would make him even more deadly, and don’t forget all of his specials get buffed in turnabout mode, so that gives him even more options for damage/mixups.



Look at the absurd damage just his simple special move causes at 6:40. That’s like super damage!

And remember, he pretty much only has to hit ONE of those nearly screen covering fingers to go into a full (most likely kill) combo, because two of them cause gargantuan bounces, and one of them is a hard knockdown. And of course, the jumping one is nearly a full screen instant overhead. Flying characters will have to very carful about running because while they can’t block, Wright can SJ into finger of doom that will bounce them all the way back down to the ground into DEATH.

I’m sure with the right amount of tactics, creativity and assist he’ll be able to get in there.

Thank you! To be fair, despite my remarks… what I want for trolling purposes and what will actually happen are two separate things. I can safely entertain dark fantasies about Capcom having to infuriate the typical Capcom-Unity poster with a no-win scenario of Wright being so game breaking he must be nerfed (thus upsetting the worst of their C-U members when they hatch a “y capcom h8 wright!?” conspiracy theory and then act on it) or ruin the product, because Capcom isn’t that stupid.

They won’t ship the game with an obviously, completely game ruining character to the extent I just described. If there were any chance of that, then my having such a silly fantasy would be, well, alarming and dangerous. Thankfully Capcom, for whatever mistakes they do make in developing any given fighting game, have at least basic sense. Wright won’t be a game-ruiner and my ‘troll fantasy’ won’t happen. This is a good thing.

More realistically, I hope Wright is a viable character who makes a meaningful impact on UMvC3’s metagame. I want to see people have to learn the vs. Wright match-up, have to take him seriously, and have to get used to him showing up reasonably often at tournaments. I want the haters to gnash their teeth and wail, dismayed at how a ‘waste of a slot’ has proven to be a meaningful and worthwhile character who made UMvC3 a better product even if he isn’t Edgy Badass #7472048297. Or rather, especially because he isn’t that.

I may not be intending to play him (he just doesn’t do anything for the team I’m building, revolving around Frank West/Unknown Slot 2/Amaterasu), but I am an Ace Attorney fan and am thrilled to see that not only is he in the game, but they faithfully captured the flow of an Ace Attorney case in his move list. …Well, minus the constant “Question the on-site witness, flash nonstop random evidence at them to catch the one clue you missed, and Press every single line in court” thing. They got the basic flow right at least, while cutting out the chaff. Good stuff!

Can anyone test if jumping finger point in turnabout mode can be used as an instant overhead? If so, then Phoenix does have some real mixup potential. Otherwise, he runs into the haggar problem where anyone who simply stand blocks the whole time is practically invincible to him.

I lol’d hard at the bold.

I’m glad someone finally said it. Such a good rant. God, he’s fucking terrible and he has nothing going on for him. God, I remember people saying Mystic Ray was top 5. All he has going for him is his small hit box, but God, just play Ammy. I feel they didn’t even try to make him good.

But yeah, about Wright… so he’s a stance zoning character with decent damage output with a character to help him do stuff.

Capcom haven’t you done this before…


Seriously though, if he plays anything like her, he’ll be a ton of fun. Can somebody clarify, the walking assist, is it invincible, or soft knockdown, or hard knock down? I’ve heard way too many things, what’s an analogy that can be drawn (another assist it can be compared to).

Honor Basquiat, I can answer that… or rather, I can relate what others on-site have explained. Apparently the walking assist is not invincible, its primary draw is the sheer length of time it’s out on the screen and dishing out hits. It would thus be used as a combo extender or a chip-in-corner assist. Comparable moves might be Tron’s drill (Bonne Strike) or Chris’ Combination Punch?

I must stress this is not first-hand experience, but a mix of videos and reports from people there give me this impression. In any case, most people I’ve spoken with say it has little similarity to Akuma’s Tatsumaki assist and is more of a long-duration hitbox than it is a projectile-muncher or invincible attack.