ah ok then.
meant with super finger pokes
It don’t see it hitting more than one character. I can’t think of a cinematic super that does.
Yeh Shuma could be a solid defense for Wright. But then you’d have to have Shuma on your team…
(No offense to Shuma players. I just personally don’t like the way he plays, even though I still root for him.)
Right now I’m thinking Wright+Doom hidden missiles. I love Doom and I still want him on my team, and I really think the missiles would be awesome for evidence finding lockdown. Teleports and beam supers would still be a problem if Maya doesn’t block them though, but I’ll find a way around that.
I think Shuma is just underlooked, maybe he can play solid if some one dedicates the time. It maybe a good combo for PW players and the best part is, that it will likely be original due to the quantity Shuma of love. Shuma with Hidden missiles or Vajira assist, and Wright is assured of good screen control while picking up evidence.
Does anyone know yet if search for clues is dash cancellable?
And, for that matter, any motions other than evidence being atk+S? I’m assuming his stance change is down down S, but beyond that no clue, and I’m not even sure on that.
Search for evidence seems dash and jump cancellable. It’s also cancellable into other moves and into itself so I think it’s safe to assume it’s dash cancellabe.
Speaking of which, his backdash is pretty good.
Yeah its hard to tell without actually having the game but OBJECTION! is just :f:+:h: IIRC and if it hits ground vs ground, I’m almost completely sure he should be able to cancel into his lvl3. Even if it’s not hyper cancellable, he should be able to link into it because he can actually start walking before the opponent is no longer stunned. The problem is, we havent seen it because every time we see OBJECTION! it’s either used in the air or at the maximum distance.
Also his Maya hyper seems to be the go to hyper in corners because Im also pretty sure (damn theory fighter) he can combo after it. In one of the gameplay vids, he tags in Joe at 17 hits from the hyper and then Maya does an 18th hit and leaves. Since PW can tag out before the combo stops, it means that he recovers before Maya is finished so in the corner he should be able to relaunch or do something fancy.
Searching for evidence seems to be cancelable atleast into itself (which allows you to get 3 items in under one Mahvel count).
:d::d:+:s: changes him from Courtroom and Investigation mode
:f:+:h: IIRC in Courtroom Mode puts him in Turnabout mode
:dp:+:atk:(maybe a specific attack?) is his walking with papers attack (when he says “Yes, yes.”
Objection is rather slow though. How is he supposed to combo into it by himself, I wonder? Perhaps off a Mia super in the corner?
So guys guess who was at Comic-Con. I use anime/guilty gear notion. Look at a numpad and compare it directions on a stick.
HOLD IT is 6H or J.2H. Turns into OBJECTION when you’re setup for Turnabout mode in Court Stance. Not sure how to combo into the objection.
Evidence - we know this. Attack+S, changes slot depending on button, throw when you got some, meat eaten automatically.
Maya - 236l is barrier, m and h for the slides.
Evidence beam - attack+s use the various evidence. Vase arcs up then down. Knives are triple shot. Cellphone shoots some balls on screen that delay fire. There’s also a beam and ball shots, forgot which though.
Paper walk - 623lmh
Paper toss - 236lmh
Special moves are same as Court.
J. H groundbounce. Standing H hard knockdown? Crouching H Wallbounce?
Maya: 236+2 attacks. Any stance.
Judge: 214+2 Attacks. Haven’t tried in turnabout. As noted turns you from court to investigation. Otgs.
FUCK YEAH: 623+2 Attacks. As we know, godlike. Opponent can’t do shit without getting hit by this. Combos everything, even when I don’t expect. Just do it :D.
You need to be able to multitask and priortize when playing Wright. Not sure how good his normals are, frankly I was scared to them most of the time :P. Missile assist seems best, Wright isn’t that vulnerable and produces constant low projectile. But it also suited my team.
My team was Wright(Missile)/Strange(Bolts)/Ghost Rider (Spire).
Spire was good to get guys off. Bolts for further range lockdown (lasts a while, MORE EVIDENCE).
I think he has some great potential. OMG I had some bad luck when playing on stage, I got about 8 straight pieces of bad evidence. Stupid plunger. Current fear is teleporters though.
Paraphrased winquote against Ghost Rider:
I admire we both seek to punish the guilty. But I don’t think your way is (something). Or Humane.
In his reveal trailer, look at when he uses OBJECTION! on Spidey at about 59 seconds. He definitely walks toward Spidey before Spidey is out of the stun animation. BTW Phoenix seems to be deadly if his opponent is in the corner just like Dante and Dorm which means I’ll love playing as him.
No I mean comboing INTO objection, not out of it.
Great job orochi! Too bad the douchebags on the stream where too busy rushing down with Wolverine and Zero to allow people to really explore him.
Good shit bro. I forgot to mention that Wright can get a combo off his throw in the corner by using Maya OTG assist. Im with Russell, MvC3 doesnt feel nearly as fun now that I’ve seen Wright. A lot of people are sleeping on him though, until I show them some nasty corner combos.
Im prety sure he can by himself but w/o frame data/the game, IDK.
BTW found my new quote:
Maya - Um, Nick? You know that problem of yours? That problem where you present evidence that makes no sense? You’re doing it again.
I agree that Shuma might be under-looked (although no greatly), but his combos just aren’t my type of stuff. I feel like I really tried to put in the time with him when he first came out. I tried all of his jump cancel combos and such (although I’m sure there’s new tech by now) but he just never fit with me well.
But the more I think about it I really do think Shuma’s assist could be awesome for Wright. Especially against something like Strider’s wall cling. Although really any beam assist could cover his back fairly well if timed right, and so could hidden missiles.
Your right about the OBJECTION, it does cause a stagger so there could be a possibility there. In his reveal trailer, he starts walking forward before Spidey’s done staggering. That would be crazy cheap… and awesome.
But yeh that Maya super looks incredibly useful. It gives Phoenix a good 3-4 seconds or so to do whatever he wants, which is crazy useful for a character like him. He can find evidence (maybe all of it if he’s lucky), set up zoning, switch stances, tag out safely, possibly even hit an OBJECTION. They’ve given him some great tools.
The godlike-ness of this super in unquestionable, but what d you mean the opponent can’t do shit? Can they not even block it?
Oh…and LUCKY BASTARD!!! Thanks for all the info!
I think Strange is bigger threat than Strider, the spell of Vashanti can punish you while you call out doom’s hidden missiles as an evidence staller which is why i think Shuma and Strider’s Vajira will be good assists for Phoenix Wright because they hit the entire screen very fast unlike hidden Missiles that may be beaten out by Strange. It’s just my opinion though, some of the stuff in gfaqs has gotten influential. lol
What I mean is that if they throw something out anywhere on the screen, the super WILL punish them. Smart guys going to be turtling mad hard. If I can get in, my team should be open up with throw or overhead->GR assist->combo.
I believe he means that that’s all they can do: block it. If they try anything funny, they’re gonna get hit.
Bah, he beat me to the explanation.
Oh that’s amazing. So it must have close to Doom-like start up.
Yeh you’re very right. I forgot about how crazy that Vashanti shit is, and it would for sure get Doom as well. It would be cool if I could implement Strider if I like the way he plays. Hmmm… Well that’s why I need this game now. Get me in that fucking lab with Wright!
Yup, i think of his lvl3 as if it were a case in one of his games. Try anything funny and he’ll “catch” you and prove you did it.
I never thought about it till now but I wonder how he’ll deal with jump blockers. The most strategic thing is air throw->combo but it hasnt been said if he can combo after his air throw (which I’m starting to doubt). If he still use the evidence projectiles in Turnabout mode, I guess the best bet would be if he’s in Turnabout mode already, spam projectiles to keep chipping until it runs out or they try to attack and hit them with his lvl3.
I posted this on gfaqs. What i like about Wright/Shuma/Strider is that all 3 men can work together in any order (just from my theory). Wright on point is protected by Maya’s barriers, and Shuma or Strider can assist her by taking out the characters who can get through her barrier (Teleporters, Wallclimb, Strange, and Firebrand). Shuma assures that Firebrand and Strider have 0 ways to get in, and Strider can knock any character who decides to do a super (Vashanti, Doom’s air finger laser super… etc). They protect you against any character at any distance.Shuma can also protect Wright’s animation frames.
Strider can be used as an Anchor/Come back character with Orbs and X-factor, and he can be 10x more effective; the Satelite+wallclimb unblockable trick and teleport mix ups could work well with Missile (since the dog hits low). Shuma can use both assists as CD set ups… This is just a thought but the team looks attractive on paper.