OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

Another suspicion confirmed with the stream; if you miss your Objection move, all your evidence gets canned.

Good risk-reward balance. Nice call on Capcom’s part.

Hmm, interesting. Gonna have to make that objection count.

Interesting. I didn’t notice this one yet. The people playing him now on the stream are irritaiting the crap out of me.

Well something I’ve noticed, most of the other cast members refer to him as “Mr. Wright.” That’s awesome.

how about if the opponent blocks it? does it need to hit to activate turnabout mode?

also FUCK YEA to maya shield absorbing both directions!

It also makes sense. As everyone knows in the Ace Attorney games, if you make a bad Objection your shit gets slapped.

I can imagine so yeah. But on stream I did see someone combo into it so it’s not like you have to hope for a lucky hit. I don’t think you can combo out of it though, not without assists at least.

Fairly sure the Objection was blocked but don’t quote me on that, the stream was stuttering a bit at the time. It’d probably make the most sense that it doesn’t work if its blocked though.

Woah, really? I missed that recent stream and I’ve yet to see it combo’d into myself. I was worried that Wright would have to hope for a random hit when I saw the startup of that move. :sweat:

Ill take it back about PH, he looks very very interesting and fun. 600,000 Lvl 3 too? Crazy.

Im pretty dissapointed (but not surprised) that you can ‘‘auto’’ find the correct evidence though…and with such speed too, that looks pretty cheap lol. I do realize its gonna take to long without it, but not THAT fast, Seth got all the evidence/into the mode in like a quick sec.

It just shows that Phoenix is a GLDK detective as well as lawyer.

For some reason I’ve always liked breaking the rules in fighting games and I think I’ll pick up PW quite nicely due to the fact that you need to throw away the mentality of fighting when playing as him, and you can’t really break the rules of fighting more than that.

i thought it was all random chance whether you got good evidence or not? or have i missed something new. didnt see any of the stream this morning

He didn’t answer IIRC. The dude actually asked him ; ‘‘So…is it really random finding the correct evidence? Or was it just luck that you got it correctly twice in a row?’’ (something like that) but Seth im guessing didn’t hear it since he starting/continued on talking about something else. (Altho he said it very clearly lol, so hm)

I’d like an answer to this too. It’s hard enough you can’t whiff it given his crappy range, but if they can block it, PW is going to have to go in – something he is NOT designed to do.

If I remember right Killian acted surprised and a little annoyed when he got the right 3 immediately when he wanted to demonstrated the ‘bad presented evidence’ thing, which at least implies its randomish.

Let me help out, AFAIK the evidence is random however there are only 15 different items. IIRC (from what I saw) there isnt just one combination of good evidence, you can find different combinations that work as well. My question is do the good combinations change every match or do they stay the same? Guess we wont find out till Nov 15.

I like the fact that they gave Maya as an unhurtable assist for Wright (besides because she’s hot) since it seems if left by himself, he wouldve been useless since he would have to collect evidence with no one to cover him.

^^does he really say ‘not a bad view’ after mayas hyper? kinda sounded like ‘got a bad feeling’ to me

i thought it sounded a bit creepy and out of character for PW. i dont remember any references being made to PW having a thing for maya in any of the games…

Yeah, he is definitely saying “Bad feeling”. Although I’m a serial Phoenix/ Maya shipper, Phoenix has more class than that.

99% sure he does and I only played the first one on the Wii but I remember him saying something like that in the games (or my mind may be playing tricks on me). I remember him saying some stuff like that but never enough to make you say “OMG he’s such a perve.” I’ll play it again tonight.

Edit: He does say “feeling” my bad (stupid speakers) but it’s almost the same as saying not a bad view (actually worse IMO since he’s talking about her being on his lap rather than just talking about the look of her ass). Still gonna be on my main team and that hyper will be getting spammed. Although with no subs it’s really hard to tell if he really said not or got.

Yeh it sounds like “Got a bad feeling…” to me, meaning he’s got a bad feeling about Maya goin out there. Phoenix is a man, but he’s never been a perv. If he’s implied to be one in the games it’s a misunderstanding.

And I just realized that he says “THAT’S ILLEGAL!” for his regular standing finger of doom, hahahaha.

Also, should I look into my health if I’m still watching the trailer regularly?