I have a feeling Nick will force the opponent to change the way he/she plays, just like Phoenix in vanilla. it depends on how broken turnabout mode is. the payoff for that mode, assuming the PW player knows how to protect him while gathering evidence, is ridiculous. you basically get a denjin mode of sorts that changes his cartoonish normals into high damage, long range finger points of justice that confirm into the strongest level 3 in the game.
having said that, it’s a tossup-- if PW is out and the threat of turnabout is just that great, you can’t afford to sit there and attempt to zone him out (which is deceptively easy), because all he has to do is block and he gets a free chance to find or toss evidence while you recover. that is, unless you’re Strange and you don’t care if your opponent whiffed standing jab for the lulz, because he’s still getting hit either way by your super. lol. on the other hand, PW may or may not have tricks at melee range to score a hard knockdown to buy more time for evidence gathering. he doesn’t have a “get out of jail free” card in teleports or airdashes, but I dunno, honestly. we’ll have to see.
Without assists Wright looks like he will have trouble with keeping out teleporting characters, so a good idea would be to get a safe, multi hitting lockdown assist (Amaterasu’s cold star and Hsien-ko’s pendulum swing are examples of good assists for Wright brought up by people in this thread) and couple it with Maya’s aegis reflector assist, this will mean that your opponent won’t be able to teleport in without getting hit by the lockdown assist and they won’t be able to approach from the front because of Maya’s shield, giving your opponent much less areas they can approach the evidence gathering Wright from.
Wright’s normals seem to have some mixed range aren’t slow and they aren’t punishable from what I have seen with the exception being his standing S which should be extremely punishable, though I doubt people would just randomly throw it out so it’s not such a big deal.
Now I don’t know too much about Hsien-ko so just a warning that this is just speculation and is probably pretty inaccurate, but I think that though may seem like she may have it easy against Wright, I doubt that she will be able to easily approach Wright even with assists if Wright has the area controlled enough, as Hsien-ko seems to lack the offensive options to take him down before he goes pursuit mode and even though she can dash through Maya shield she would likely just be walking into the lockdown assist anyway.
As for her gongs being an issue, a large amount of Phoenix’s projectiles have an arc and look some look like they can track, as well as some that seemingly do both so Phoenix shouldn’t have to worry too much about the gongs being an issue and you can just avoid tossing out projectiles like crazy when fighting her and focus on gathering evidence.
Dr Strange looks like he could be quite a serious threat to Wright if he uses his orb setups correctly, and though I don’t know too much about him you are right to be more worried about the “READ A BOOK!” super as it can be used to punish Phoenix’s whiffed moves from anywhere on the screen (I really need to find a way to get around that move), though the fact that Strange needs time to create his setups on the will probably help Wright a lot as Wright can gather all his evidence in an amazingly fast time.
This is all just speculation and by no means definitive information but I feel at this point in time that Wright should be able to hold his own, provided that you have him well covered enough.
I just wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t care if he ends up being the worst character in the game, or the best, I just wouldn’t have his moveset any other way.
I’ve said before, I would’ve been satisfied if they just slapped him into the game and gave him generic punches and kicks with an Objection move. That’s how bad I wanted him in.
But the*** justice*** they’ve given him is astounding. And that’s what I wanted most of all. After all, if any character deserves justice, it’s Wright.
I’m more worried about the projectile counter, honestly. Strange is very much an un-zonable character and Wright in courtroom mode is a zoning character. It just has bad matchup written all over it.
This. I’d rather have a unique character that brings something new to the table and can still give out a lot of fanservice. I’d take that over a generic top-tier character with 4/5 moves from other characters.
talking about Vergil and not Nova btw. (Hyped for Nova, Vergil is the only character I don’t like.)
True I guess. Still I like Nova’s flashy effects and the whole red meter mechanics similar to 's (He’s basically Captain Falcon + Iron Man + some guy in TvC forgot the name) is pretty fun to me. Vergil is just too boring to me, he’s like a hybrid of two characters already in the game. :x
The blockstun ability of Paperwork (all versions.)
The priority of evidence projectiles during Courtroom mode.
If Wright whiffs the Judge Gavel, does he get hard knockdown like Arthur’s Gold Armor when it finishes?
If you can combo into H during Courtroom mode, going into Turnabout mode.
I am wondering if Press the Witness causes soft knockdown, because it looks like it or it’s just easy to combo a hyper off of it lol.
Does Maya’s shield block both physical hits AND projectiles?
And I’m curious about Wright’s finger priority in Turnabout Mode ( I know that it ground/wall bounces, but I want to see if it has projectile properties like Wesker’s gun)
Any answers or confirms would be appreciated! meow
Dunno about the rest, but the answer to this one is yes. You can see her block a few of Iron Man’s normals early on in his reveal trailer (Iron Man still builds meter though) and you can see it destroy drones in the first gamplay trailer.
Also, I believe Mr. Wizard said that it functions essentially the same as MODOK’s barrier.
i have been wondering just how much protection will be given by the maya shield, since it seemed to absorb iron mans normals as well as projectiles. against teleporters i wondered if it would be good to call maya, and then walk slightly forwards putting yourself “inside” the maya assist to hopefully protect from both sides a little better(kind if like dorm flame carpet if he stands in the middle of it). That being said though i dont know if it is possible to knock maya out of her shield if hit from behind.
i think ill be using her as a 3rd assist, as in not calling maya+assist at the same time, but more calling the assit to cover mayas exit from the screen after using the shield. if timed correctly i reckon you could essentially have an assist/maya out nearly 100% of the time covering wright, as long as you alternate between the true assist characters.
Hissy fit seems to go through projectiles. Just saw Maya ignoring Dante’s missiles and hitting him. Also he can self OTG in the corner using Maya’s slide, might be able to relaunch.
Yes it does but the ones with higher projectile durability like hyper beams and perhaps Doom’s heavy plasma beam will hit the shield a through times and before breaking through it which will weaken the beam’s overall damage if it hits wright afterwards.
Having an assist out all the time when Wright is on the field is the type of game plan that is going to maximize Wright’s strength against the majority of the cast members in the game so when you are making a team to go with Wright it’s good to note how long the assist lasts for as well as how it will help Wright’s offense/defense so he can build up and utilize his pursuit stance.
Also yes Maya’s barrier does absorb attacks from both directions and that is awesome.