OBJECTION! - The Phoenix Wright Thread

i dont think the food being eaten instantly is right. that would add a massive random factor to his core mechanic of play (randomly find a piece of meat and have to put up with the doubled recovery time), you can see it appear in the box below briefly before it is eaten so i reckon the player just used it right away in this instance.

im gonna wait for the s.kill breakdown before i start speculating too much.

i also reckon the variable damage on the hyper 3 is unlikely as well. i would be surprised if each bit of evidence did something different as well. a character with that amount of randomness to him would be awful.

Totally was NOT expecting a 3d model of Maya.

Too? Well, why wouldn’t I? He’s only my favorite character in this game. =P

And yes! Called it with the folders corresponding to attack buttons!

I think it would be funny if Deadpool would talk during Phoenix’s level 3. I want more 4th wall jokes. :slight_smile:

a little off topic, why people say lag instead of recover when talking about the moves? :confused:

Phoenix Wright looks pretty weird to use, but weird is good. He’s pretty unique and looks pretty fun to use, good job Capcom!!

I’m just happy for the Days of Future Past stage.

faust and zappa from GG say hello

I think you’re on the right track. One thing I’ve noticed about the evidence folders is that when you’ve got proper evidence the folder is bright yellow, whereas it turn dark when your evidence is no good.

As for his Level 3, I haven’t seen enough videos of it to comment on the damage, but maybe there’ll be proper items for each character to maximize the damage? You get say, a knife, a flower vase and a folder and you’ll do maximum damage on this and that character.

Norimaru came back in Lawyer form!!

When PW goes into Blue Finger Point mode, did anybody remind themselves of the character Rasputin from World Heroes?

So are you guys going to stick with “Pursuit Mode” even though that was made up?

Actually to me it looks like he has one evidence gathering move. As he gathers evidence his folders fill from left to right. If it’s meat he just eats it. If it’s bad evidence it goes into the leftmost available folder but the folder stays grayed out. If it’s good evidence then it goes into the leftmost available folder and the folder lights up. While he is gathering evidence he can throw it away as a projectile, whether the evidence is good or bad.

Once he gets three pieces of good evidence he can enter trial mode, possibly by doing the same motion for evidence gathering. When he does it he gets a lightning bolt of inspiration and his magnifying glass turns into his attorney’s badge. In this mode he can present evidence which causes different beam attacks. He has a solid straight beam, a mid-range spread beam, and an arcing (homing?) beam. It may just vary based on L, M, H or may vary based on the actual evidence assigned to each of those three slots.

And then yes, most likely any time during trial mode he can Objection!, which seems to have really slow start-up, to enter turnabout mode if it hits.

EDIT: Also it seems he gains his reading while walking and paper-throwing specials while in trial mode.

Man, that’s nothing, Amigo and Son Son are both dead.

Yeah, was thinking about that. Though PW isn’t as flamboyant as Rasputin was - thankfully.

Well, it seems I was misunderstanding some things. It seems that Phoenix can pick up bad pieces of evidence, leading to the folder not lighting up. At that point he’d need to throw it.

Also, I can’t find it now, but I saw a picture of Phoenix’s Level 3 doing 288k damage, leading me to believe that his Level 3 does variable damage. Thing is, it’s an iffy picture because the damage display was under the combo counter, so it may be fake (pretty quick to make a fake picture like that, though).

That’s both A) after some comboing and B) not after the explosion at the end, which is probably where most of the level 3’s damage comes from.

No fucking wonder Phoenix Wright’s voice sounds so god damn familiar.

His voice acting is…
Dontelleo from TMNT2K3 AKA Sam Riegel.

Hopefully Seth will quell my worries about the randomness of the evidence gathering. That’s the one thing that I’m worried about. It’s hard to tell from the videos, but it seemed like you can get the correct evidence pretty quickly, as if there was a pattern to it. Not sure though, didn’t really analyze them that much.

Ok, NOW I think I get it.

He can enter Trial Mode at any point from investigation mode.
He can go back to Investigation Mode from Trial mode by performing the Overruled Hyper Combo (and maybe at will?).

In Investigation Mode he can gather evidence and summon Maya.
Gathered meat is eaten, bad evidence shows up in a dim folder, good evidence shows up in a lit folder.
Good and bad evidence can be thrown as a weak looking projectile.

In Trial Mode he can throw and read papers.
Any gathered evidence can be presented as various beam specials like straight beam, spread beam, and arcing (homing?) beam.
If he has three pieces of good evidence he can Objection! to enter Turnabout mode.

In Turnabout Mode he can give his opponent the finger which is insanely fast, has great range, does big damage, and causes all sorts of bouncing.
He has access to his Level 3.

Oooo, that’s good…I was just looking forward to hearing my opponents impatiently mashing buttons with the hopes of being able to skip his Level 3–but a timer scam strat?! HYPE!!! Damon Gant clap

I’m pretty pleased with how he turned out. The more I hear Kappa Mikey through Phoenix, the more I warm up to his voice actor. I know for a fact Shu Takumi will be his Japanese VA…right CAPCOM?!

One of two things will happen 1) Wright will be an extremely gimmicky character that causes players to roll their eyes (think Dan in SSF4) 2) He will be a very “cheap” character, and despite the haters’ objections (get it?) to his inclusion in the game, they will use him anyway. Either way, I can’t wait!