I’ve been watching the stream for hours and haven’t seen one sadly. Also just heard Poltergust made it out of his pool in winners.
None on the stream yet to my knowledge.
However both Wolfstreet and Poltergust have qualified in Winners.
What team does Wolfstreet play? Also I’m hoping they won’t have to play each other like how Toki and Zak Bennet (two of the best Firebrand players) just had to do.
EDIT: Just heard from the stream Floe got beat by a PW player.
Yeah that Toki vs Zak fight was really disheartening man, wth. And assuming that Wolfstreet is the PW that eliminated Floe, then the team was Trish/Wright/Raccoon.
Good team, I’ve actually been thinking of Trish point for Round Harvest. I can already picture the setups in my head.
EDIT: Just looked up the brackets and Wolfstreet eliminated Floe in his pool.
Why are all the Wright matches off stream…?
All those were pools, so hopefully we can get some since the PW players are out and in winners.
Heard Polt was eliminated. A pity.
Say WHAAAAAAAAT!? NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I wanted to watch at least a PW on stream!
Sucks, but making it out of pools is a great accomplishment for anybody. Hopefully Wolfstreet is still in and he can get a match on stream.
Were there any Wright matches on stream? Any in top 8?
No and HELL no.
Sadly we got zero Wright play on stream yesterday. Was really hoping to at least see Polt, too.
Ah wellz. Seriously, mad respect though to everyone that attempted to hold it down with Nick! You guys are winners by default in my book.
EDIT: lol didn’t read the time, silly moi
I don’t suppose anyone recorded the Phoenix Wright play at EVO? It sucks that it wasn’t streamed, that could have been some hype stuff.
I wish. We can only hope.
Hey Polt, if you don’t mind can you share with us your experience at EVO with your Wright team? Or your thoughts?
OK, just give me a little while to recount everything.
-Well, first day was a blast. The first match I played there was against Clockwork, who I beat 4 times in a row (twice against his troll team, then twice with his regular team). Unfortunately, he was apparently in some sort of “play the pros” thing, so I had to get off the set-up even though I won. As far as I know, I was the only person to actually win a set there. I even got off an Ace Attorney.
-After that, I went exploring, playing friendlies in various games. When I went to play Marvel again, the second I won a set, I had to get off again because the guy who owned the PS3 had to take it off. I was angry since all the other Marvel set-ups were (for some reason) on 360s, and I didn’t bring my converter (actually, when I tried using it the next day, it didn’t work anyways :().
-I played Divekick and got a 13-game win streak to qualify for the tournament on Saturday (in which I lost two sets in a row lol). Fun game, even exposed a couple of frauds in it while maintaining my legit player status lol.
-Towards the end of the day, I played Zak Bennett in a short set with his own troll team and beat him. I (unintentionally rudely) asked him to play his real team next time we fought since I wanted to play against a good Firebrand (speaking of which, Bon Voyage can be stopped by any of Wright’s normals, even s.:l:. The ground version can even be stopped by c.:l:.).
-Saturday, I waited anxiously for my pool by playing a few matches. I played a $5 MM (my only one the entire weekend lol) and lost 2-3. I also saw LLND get eliminated in his pool since his pool was using the same set-up mine was using in the next block. I teared up a little inside since I wanted him to win (by the way, this was a trend throughout all of EVO. All the people I wanted to win/lose did the OPPOSITE of what I wanted them to do. First Abegen, then LLND, then Combofiend when he was fighting Kaneblueriver since I would be fighting the winner of that, then Justin Wong, Combofiend, and Infrit in the finals).
-My pool was… very weird. We had like 3 separate Wright players (myself included), several Super-Skrulls (ugh), Dr. Stranges, Iron Mans, etc. Some other people thought how weird our pool was as well. Anyways, first match was a breeze. Can’t even remember it. Second match was against a Super-Skrull player, but I didn’t give him a chance to use his XF3 shenanigans and even Ace Attorneyed him (felt sooooooo good doing that to Super-Skrull). Next match was against a point Hawkeye player who beat me first match, then I pulled off a fraudulent victory with anchor Hulk happy birthdaying his team second match (I was angry at the 2/3 format allowing wins like this to matter, seriously), then pulled off a nice victory with Wright third match. He was probably the best player in my pool… next to me. jk lol. Last match was against a Zero May Cry player who, after losing the first match, I downloaded his playstyle and I believe I OCVed him twice with Wright the next two matches. Bam, out of my pool on the winner’s side.
-I played again about two hours later against Combofiend. I actually requested for my match to be streamed, but for one reason or another my request was denied. A shame, since no Wright player appeared on stream. Well, I lost 0-3 against Combofiend, but it would have still been awesome to be on stage. And who knows? I play better the more people cheer me on, so things could have been different, even slightly. Actually, I could have won game 2 against Combofiend, but I dropped a combo in Investigation Mode that would have allowed me to use Maya’s super repeatedly for the kill since he was in the corner. Oh well. The dude is amazing with grabs, though. I didn’t get command grabbed, but those air-throws were everywhere. I need to get better at teching.
-Second match in the second pool was against someone I didn’t recognize… who had about a dozen followers. Compared to the whopping amount of 0 people cheering for me, I felt a bit sheepish. Well, I actually won two matches in a row, but I noticed that my playstyle was off. I kept on dropping even the simplest of combos. Maybe it was my controller? He picked up on that and proceeded to win the next three games in a row. It’s actually pretty jarring having people cheer against me, since I don’t think that’s ever happened to me before in any of the games I played competitively before. “You can’t play Doom!” and the like.
-So yeah, after that I decided to stick around and play some more games until it was time to leave. During this time, I actually found out that the controller I was using was a PS1 controller, not a PS2. I was legitimately shocked, since having a 13+ year-old controller would explain how stiff the buttons were, especially on the D-pad, which I rely on for single direction inputs and left SRK motions. The thing is, no matter how much I tried, any PS2 controller I used would simply not work with the converter, even though I’m positive it was advertised as such. Well, live and learn. Hopefully, I’ll have a better controller for next EVO. I just wish I could have used the PS3 pad I’ve been using for months… sigh
-So yeah, Sunday I watched the finals. Hype. Incidentally, I got a ton of Streetpasses for my 3DS. I was surprised that so many people brought 3DSes. I almost managed to complete Puzzle Swap and also got to unlock Find Mii 2. Cool.
By the way, what team does Wolfstreet play?
I see, thank you for sharing your experience and Wolfstreet played:
Good post Poltergust. Can’t believe they wouldn’t stream you vs. Combofiend.
Since the new location for Season’s Beatings has been announced and it’s right by my house I’ll be able to attend and represent PW. This is gonna be my first major tournament also. Anyone else going?
As far as I know, it was because too many other matches for the stream were queued up. That’s the reason that was given to me, at least.