Cole, make that Kyle guy with his Rufus play me, I challenged him a couple days ago and don’t know how to reach him!
Everyone knows that I’m number one and I just don’t have access to the Dojo, so these rankings are skewed to begin with.
youll wreck him.
=] @ Mandel challenging me. <3 It will happen, sir.
If I may make a suggestion, though, to the challenge system. This is the way we did challenges (for the most part) when I played tennis in HS, and I thought it worked well. None, some, or most of these ideas could potentially be implemented [Note I am using he for simplicitys sake. Sorry Mor. =)]:
-Brackets are as follows:
1st - 2nd (or 3rd) (FT 10. must win by 2)
3rd or 4th - 9th (FT 10)
10th - 18th (FT 7)
19th - 27th (FT 5)
28th - 36th (3/5)
37th - 45th (2/3)
(These can be adjusted as more people are added, such as 11th-20th, 21st-30th etc.)
Anybody can challenge anyone else within their bracket to the aforementioned game score limit (e.g. 27th ch. 20th, FT 5)
If the challenger wins, he takes the challengees place, but the challengee only moves down 1 spot (instead of swapping spots) (e.g. 18th w. 11th and takes 11th spot, 11th moves to 12th, 12th to 13th… 17th to 18th)
Only the top 3 within any given bracket can challenge only the bottom 3 of the above bracket (e.g. 37th, 38th, or 39th ch. 36th, 35th, or 34th)
A player in the top/bottom 3 spots within a bracket cannot be challenged until he has the opportunity to challenge into a higher position, but a top/bottom 3 spot player must issue an upward challenge within 3 days of attaining that spot, otherwise he is open to receiving a challenge. (This only applies to a player moving upward. A player moving downward from a higher position can be challenged at any time). Also if a top/bottom 3 spot player challenges and loses, he must accept a minimum of 2 challenges within 3 days time before being able to challenge upward again. If no challenges are issued, or if he loses to his first challenger, he is free to challenge upward again. (e.g. 24th is challenged by 27th and loses, moving him to 25th. He has 3 days to challenge out of the bottom 3 in his bracket before he can be challenged by 28th, 29th, or 30th, but must accept 2 challenges within 3 days time if he challenges up and loses).
Any of the time restrictions in the above rule can be overridden if both challenger/challenge mutually agree.
Personally, I think this gives a player a better opportunity to move up faster in the rankings should he desire without having to coordinate the scheduling of a ton of challenges. In the current system, 45th place would have to play 16 FT. 10 matches (potentially 304 rounds) to get a shot at 1st or 2nd, whereas 45th place in the above system would only need 10 matches (maximum 95 rounds).
Obviously, the people in the top/bottom 3 spots within a bracket are in the hot spots. The middle 3 positions, however, will not be without significance, as a bottom 3 player may still choose to challenge a middle 3 player if the top 3 positions are exempt at the moment and not be open to challenges from a lower bracket. This will also encourage players to be active in the rankings to avoid being moved down and out of a bracket and have to challenge up again to reclaim their spot. Also, since there is no time restraint on issuing challenges after a loss for a middle 3 player, he may immediately issue another challenge if an opportunity exists.
Again, none, some, or many of these ideas could be implemented into the current system. If yall think this idea sucks, no biggie.
Regardless, I think it would be helpful, Cole, if you could update the list with current challenges and when they were issued so players could know when a person is open to being challenged again.
Wait, so I can challenge Mandel?
Edit: This is Dugg.
I challenge mandel/nolan/wenzel/king/row/trace/k-chow/tanaka/awesome jones/future FT10 in that order
(basically people who are old and I don’t get to play much)
lets do it
top players get nothing?? what the hell do u guys want? blowjobs while playing??
dont post this stupid trash.
champions never walk alone. they always have a very solid support staff. in our case this support staff is the community itself.
None of u guys will ever be top level unless the community is just as top level. You are only as good as the scene that surrounds you.
Level up the scene, and in return the scene levels you up.
Real talk.
Alright I was wondering about the challenge system itself…
can people deny a challenge?
do you have to wait for someone who you want to challenge to run their challenge even if the person they want to challenge isn’t there?
everytime I want to challenge someone…they’re like oh I have to challenge so and so even though the person isn’t there…
can we make it to where if someone is present they cannot deny a challenge if people who they can challenge aren’t present?
I mean come on…stop being weak…
I have something specific in mind for challenging you. I would like to challenge you to a ft29 as you’ll be celebrating your 29th birthday here pretty soon. Are you up for 29 games against MANDEL?! I plan on challenging Jared to a ft22 (or however old he’s turning).
My dear friend, you CAN challenge me! And I accept.
I accept your challenge also my friend! =D
Well, what would I get from participating in something like this other than practice that I would’ve gotten anyway from playing Super Street Fighter IV as much as I’m already planning to? I’m ranked what? 30th? I already have three challenges on the table from Dugg, Carlos, and Nate Douville. Why would anybody wanna challenge lil ol me? But yknow what? I accept all of them. If people wanna challenge me that’s fine and dandy. If I seek out people to challenge, it’s because I have something specific in mind, there’s methods to my madness.
And as far as Mickey goes, me and him have a specific way we plan on practicing for Super. Cole already mentioned in his post about people who know how to level up. I’d say Mickey and I know very well how to do that. We’re not excluding ourselves by any means from this as we’re openly accepting challenges (and in my case, dishing out challenges). S Blade mentioned that if a person is firm in their beliefs in their abilities that a ranking doesn’t matter. He’s dead on. That’s how I feel. I like to think of my participation in this, as mirroring your participation in season one Frank as far as interest goes. You definitely showed that you weren’t in full agreement with how the system went as you had your own methods and ideas for leveling up, but you were apart of it. Think of us no differently.
With that said, Jared, what’s up? FT 22? FT23? How old are you turning?
Yeah IDK if it is clear but you can’t just challenge anyone. If you are ranked below 15th you can challenge 1, 2 or 3 spots ahead of you. 15+ can challenge 1 or 2 spots ahead and only 2nd can challenge 1st. This is how I understand it anyway.
Also, Cole can you explain (and maybe add this to the first page) how it works when someone you challenged challenges another person. Is there a priority system for challenges?
22 my friend.
I posted on FB but I’ll put it on here. I challenge Famous Nate Douville.
I do what I want! =D
If people who are serious about the rankings object to what I’m doing (and I do respect those people and how they feel) then here’s what I propose.
1-Anybody who challenges me and wins doesn’t get a higher ranking. I’m #30 and unless you’re below me, you shouldn’t go higher.
2-I could make the “Challenge Deezo” thread.
People are challenging me for a reason obviously. I’m gonna answer the call to arms. Rankings system or not.
Alright dope. First to 22 it is then.
I doubt it.
I won’t go in the bathroom with you.
So… I’m too lazy to sift through the drama and unneeded stuff. But one doesn’t have to necessarily have to go to the dojo to raise their ‘rank’? If this is true, I’m calling out whoever is a couple seats higher than me. =D
EDIT: Just read Cole stating “It doesn’t have to be at the Dojo, it can be online if you like.” Sweet! This means I’d like to CHALLENGE NOLAN. Since you’re 3 seats above me, FT10!
I think Noland’s system would work out will better than the one we have now. It would be easier to get on top, but harder to stay there since so many other people are going to want that spot.
Cole, you should consider his suggestion. The system still has the same intentions as yours, but it just has a different structure.
Rofl, FT22! lol.
How about the Ask jalapNo: ADHD Thread, people were like “Nawwwwww!” but you get yo challenge thread dawg!
Well then if you are taking any challenge Mandel
I challenge thee to a FT100…we can break this up into mini FT10’s throughout a series (I’d like to think it as a young’n vs an OG, a kind of reflection as to where I can see what I need to become and I think it would be an all around fun time)
do you accept? I say we could at least crank one out every twars and even translate into super if you’d like
Anyone below me who wants to challenge me if there is an open setup and I’m not planning on playing someone soon…come at me I don’t care your rank, if you beat me… cole willingly we’ll swap spots…except bisquick…once I pass you…unless rule wise you are allowed to lose to me again…that’s a no…