Jill / Akuma may work. Jill is pretty much like Wolverine with less derpy normals. The only thing is you have to find a combo that will convert after Tatsu. It may be tough, but I’m sure it can be done. I may try this out since I kind of like the lockdown that Tatsu gives. I just can’t play that character worth a crap.
I tried using that set up. And honestly it isn’t bad at all, just don’t run Jill/Akuma/Dante in that order because the DHC options during a combo is pretty bad if you are using Raven Spike instead of Machine Gun Spray to end her combos.
Hey what do you guys think of Jill/Nova/Sent as a team?
You’ll have no neutral. Not sure how any of those assists would help each other. Beams will kill you. But then again, I may try messing around with Jill / Dorm / RR.
LOL that was my second choice, a Jill/Dorm team :tup:
Maybe Jill/Dorm/Hawk
PS: Mind you Jill/Modok/Sent is still my main, I was just thinking of side Jill team I could use for fun and or as a secondary if its good enough.
I tried out Jill / Dorm and Jill / Akuma yesterday, and I couldn’t find anything with it. If Dark Hole locks down, then I get a 5 way mixup. If it hits, my most optimal combo is around 500k, that is if they don’t drop out of Dark Hole first. DHC into Chaotic Flame is great, and so is the THC for punishes. Other than that, I couldn’t find anything.
With Jill / Akuma, Tatsu is a great assist, you can use it the same way that Wolverine uses it. The only thing about it is that if Tatsu hits, sometimes they pop out too high for you to do any good. I haven’t tried a mini jump loop into combos, but it seems possible. I’ll test it out later tonight, I just thought of several things.
In other news, Dragon Touch w/ Ironfist is HILARIOUS.
Trying Jill/Dorm/Doom…
so basically i got the Jill/Dorm synergy, the Dorm/Doom shell and Jill’s TAC infinites.
Am i cool with this?
Sure, what are you running on Doom? Missiles? It might be a problem to mixup w/ that, but it provides great lockdown. If you can call Doom mid combo and reset them as the missiles come down you may have a good setup
Well im playing dorm on point with missile, so i can have jill’s cross counter and TACs on deck. Jill on point with plasma.
Just spent some time practicing the applications of Position Exchange with my team.
If either hit of Raccoon’s Spitfire assist is pushblocked, that’s a free command grab.
If Dog’s Cold Star is pushblocked, that’s a free command grab.
So far for me, PE has proven to be a poor choice without the pushblock guard break compared to Jill’s other regular mix-ups.
It helps to cancel a feral dash forward with the command grab so you more easily close whatever distance was made.
PE guard breaks will probably work just fine with any lockdown assist if the bad guy is grounded, really (missiles, drones?). The really nice thing about this is that you can’t get as much damage off of a PE confirm since it’s a grab that has to be followed up with L, so you’re better off using it when the bad guy is close to death, which is also when they’ll more likely be pushblocking to avoid chip damage.
Could be something to invest in when constructing a team for Jill, just throwing that out there.
Im starting to think the best team for jill is Jill/Strange/Dante. Dante pretty much turns her into zero without the insane damage (mixups/pressure-wise), it also gives her Anti airs, lockdown, and insane pressure. Bolts gives her the ability to go in and command grab guard breaks and mixups. Also, Jill/Dante is lacking damage, yet bolts fixes that due to being able to FoF loop and kill any character. Just a thought from my side.
An update too: As soon as I get a capturecard, im going to be uploading (and streaming) lab stuff, casuals, and im going to be making a series of videos covering punishes and matchups that people have trouble with as jill, dante, and magnus. Such as how to counter divekicks (somersault with jill obv), but also some of the wierder punishes like punishing reverb shock > guns. Or at least those are the plans. I havn’t been having much marvel time recently since having a life, but ill try to fit those in :P. I wanna get to it again.
Uhhh Jill dante does some decent damage dude. DHCing into either runs you about 800-900k depending on the combo. I don’t know about you guys but thats GOOD damage IMO
Hey! This is my first post on this forum, I registered here because I couldn’t make up my mind about my Jill team.
I’m leaning towards Jill/Spencer/Dante, but I’m not sure if Jam Session is going to be enough on its own to cover my neutral.
If that team is bad then I’d like to try Jill/Dante/Akuma, but then you can’t TOD and confirming off Akuma assist is pretty hard right?
I’m also thinking about Strange but I really dislike his playstyle.
So what other suggestions do you have? Except for Doom/Amaterasu/Rocket Racoon/etc… Just name a few characters that would do well with Jill/Dante(I don’t care if Dante is anchor or second).
Thanks in advance guys!
Put Strider in the back with Vajra and give Dante Weasel Shot and you have a pretty solid team and shell.
Could you give me your thoughts on the first two teams I mentioned? I’d appreciate it. ^^
I dislike Ouroboros
You have to think about what happens after Jill dies, because she will eventually. Is Spencer/Dante a good enough shell? I’m not sure about that because I don’t play either of those characters. What happens when Jill gets snapped out? Jill / Dante is pretty decent but what about Dante / Jill? I guess you could arrow kick + teleport and it would be pretty good, but I think Dante needs his wall bounce, no?
Anyway, I’d say just try it out and play a bunch of people. You will soon figure out what you need in the team.
I still think the best team is Jill / Sent / IM, or Jill / IM / Sent. However, Maziodyne’s Jill / Strange / Dante is a close second.
I don’t play Strange or Dante so I can’t tell you about that lol, but from the video, any raven spike -> FoF loops is pretty good.
I don’t have the best idea about what Spencer could contribute to Jill if anything since I don’t play him. Armor Piercer uses the wallbounce which Spencer needs for TODs I think and Jill needs for damage and corner carry, but I guess she could benefit from being able to ground enemies with Wire Grapple as a tricky reset that will let you feral dash in any direction with relative safety. That said, you’ll have to modify your combos to omit a wallbounce if you want TODs. Personally, I’d rather have someone who offered another neutral assist for mix-ups and overall coverage as well as a better DHC for raw damage without having to spend too much. I like to think that you have to have the threat of an assist on-screen when feral dashing around. It’s dangerous without one. Dante is nice with Jam Session for anti-air threat or Weasel Shot for lockdown and is an alright anchor, too.
Jill / Dante has a great DHC for good damage, but also an amazing THC that keeps them locked down while you go for mix-ups and chip if it gets blocked. Whether you go with Weasel Shot or Jam Session can be left up to preference and match-up. Jill with Akuma’s spin kick seems pretty good on paper since it eats projectiles, travels a fair distance and forces a defense; but I personally always just get my assist bopped each time I try. Maybe you’ll have better luck. You can get pretty tricky with it if you use the trick that varies assist timings with feral dash. You’re going to have a tough time because of how awkward it can often be to land a good move or string of moves after it connects. In my experience, standing is a very reliable follow-up to a full combo. If you manage to get a full combo off of the assist, that’s still about 600k damage at least, so you’re still two-touching everyone.
In case you need help getting started, here’s a combo I just made up on the spot that does anywhere from 636k to 660k depending on how many of Akuma’s kicks connect:
:a2: > > :h: > :qcf::l: > Somersault > :d::d::s: > Roundhouse > :d::d::s: > feral dash forward > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :qcf::uf:
> Somersault > :qcf::atk::atk:
You’ll have to figure out as it happens how to best approach after the assist connects. The combo is designed to be as reliable as possible with moves that cover a lot of ground. With a little practice, it shouldn’t miss often.
Just a few tips with Jill/Dante. Arrow kick helps dante out more then you would expect. When going for a stinger make sure you call out arrow kick to make it safe. And even if jill hits them, you still get a pretty decent combo with dante afterwards, just remember that you’ve used your wall bounce already. Also Dante/Jill DHC is booty butt cheeks if you are outside the corner. You are better off using Devil trigger, Million Dollars, or just going for a reset with dante. You CAN DHC into Raven Spike right before the last shot of MD and Jill will end up right infront of your opponent while they are still in that spinning state. From there on, you can put your opponent in a mix up of your choice.
Thanks for the answers guys.