Now you can become one of us. The Jill Valentine Team Building Thread

Double wack bots lol. I guess that is a really good Jill team but good lord do I hate sentinel with a passion… I’m enjoying Taskmaster Vertical arrow assist more then expected. Opening up characters with him is a challenege though without nobody backing him up.

One wack bot on my team is enough thank you LOL. I can always switch Modok to beam as well for certain matches. Sents great for giving Jill good corner hard tag combos as well with doks bomb assist you get 2 plasma storms for more than a mil in damage.

So I’ve been labbing it up with Jill / RR / Ammy. Man this team’s damage gets scaled to shit whenever Cold Star hits. I’m not really digging the resets that require blocking, and the angles that Ammy comes out in will get blown up by a forward tech in any of my old resets. I like the mixups that RR / Ammy shell provides, but Ammy isn’t cutting it for Jill, at least not to my liking. Have you guys found out anything with Jill / Ammy? I can’t find anything worthwhile. I’ll give it a test when I go to UCI tomorrow, but the lab results say not really great.

As much as I hate Strider, I think I might have to go back to him. Or maybe I will try out Jill / Hawkeye / RR in whatever order. I’ve started to use Jill / Sent / RR, and it’s working out for me pretty well. There’s a lot of mags, zero and wolverine at UCI so it’s hard to get a clean hit into the awesome resets, and when I do I kind of brain fart and forget what I’m doing or I do them too fast.

<3 RR anchor though, he makes many comebacks for me :slight_smile:

I’m pretty set on Jill / RR. Not sure who the 3rd should be now since there’s a lot of characters that might work well that I don’t know how to play, like Task, or Hawkeye.

Go with hawk he’s so much better than task, his speed and mobility and assists are better for the most part and Jill/Hawk is great for both RR/Jill/. Anchor Hawk might be a good idea for that
team though just so RR can get some usage out of triple arrow assist. I tried him out for a bit with Jill/Strange/Hawk it wasnt bad, i dropped strange to go with Jill/Modok/Sent in the end
it was just a better decision for me.

I wish you the best at UCI, is it being streamed on twitch?

So I started playing Re:Rev and the pull was too strong, so now I really want to make Chris/Jill team, problem is I dont really know who should round up the team.
I was thinking about someone with a vertical assist to help cover Chris’s blind angle, but reading up on this thread it seems Jill really wants horizontal coverage to help her get in. I suppose I could try and circumvent that by using Chris second but Ive always felt Chris needs two assists to cover his weaknesses, preferably one gtfo assist and one to cover his blind spot, with at least one, or hopefully both, of those being useful at extending his combos as well. I dont know anything about Jill though, I mean even on stream I think the only Jill player Ive ever seen is windzero, not even sure if he’s still using her at that, but I remember he used to run her last.
So anyways, whats the general consensus on what Jill needs most? Horizontal coverage, combo extensions, dhcs, gtfo?
Or more to the point who would be the best character to help round up a Chris/Jill team?

tl;dr Chris/Jill/?

It’s just casuals every Tuesday haha. We don’t stream it very often. Although I suppose someone needs to pick up the torch since Offcast is perma-moved for work. I’m trying not to learn more than one character at this point :.

Windz- I mean, he who shall not be mentioned, plays a jank team of point characters. Chris / Strider is good, and Jill / Strider is decent. There are several STARS videos floating around. I remember seeing a Chris / Jill / xx video somewhere, but I gotta dig it up. I think it might be Wesker but at that point you’re playing a fanboy team. If I find it I’ll link it.

You’re talking about this video, which is very old but still might have some useful set ups and what not…

I might also give hawkeye a try. I really don’t like the character but I do love his ALT which is enough of a reason for me to try him out.

Windz- I mean, he who shall not be mentioned, plays a jank team of point characters.

this gave me lulz

LOL im sorry but when you play Jill for like forever and you cant even nail basic combos during matches im just like shm.
IMO yes that team is ass, he should have just played Jill/Zero/Strider at least, lol.

I’ll say it once again.


One hit–>1.25m.

Yeah Viper does set up that raw tag a lot better than jill does, its just easier for viper anywhere on screen you hit with ex knuckle (or combo into it) and tag strange in for FOF loops.
Dead character. The only problem i see with that team is 2 characters with not so great assists other than that the damage is there for sure. I never liked Viper and Jill together though.
I would probably just use one or the other.

Im putting Jill/Strange/Dante on hold for the moment even though i still plan to use them as a secondary team later. Im doing that until i get Jill/Modok/Sent down to a science.
(See what i did there. :wink:

Just uploaded this and thought i would share it, I will put all future vids in the video thread. Thanks guys. (720p)

Yeah, I considered Wesker for all of a minute, but like you said at that point its just a fanboy team, I guess the same could be said of Chris/Jill but at least Jill can sort of double as a gtfo/combo extension for Chris, even if the grfo is kinda limited to alpha counters, while Chris can provide some horizontal coverage with gunshot, so I feel they do have synergy between them to make them work in the same team, given a good anchor that can can cover their weaknesses.

Oh wow, vanilla, hadnt seen a combo video of it in ages, man I miss those life bars, but yeah, I think most if not all the combos should still work, but while they are cool I dont think they justify putting Wesker on that team given the loss of neutral control. :confused:

Wow, I thought I was the only one who felt that way, its like you took the words right out of my mouth. Ronin is the only thing thats made me want to use Hawkeye, …well that and watching Flocker at vxg, goddamn was he sick.

Ouch -_-’

So taking whats been said into account how does Chris/Jill/Strider or Chris/Jill/Ronin sound?
Or is just better to run Chris and Jill in separate teams altogether?

Oh, the FoF loop, I didn’t even think about that. I was talking about pure Viper Damage. As long as your execution is solid, you should be killing off any raw hit and DHCing into Raven Spike. The DHC from Viper–> Jill is really iffy though.

The assists work if you’re really technical. I tend to use Arrow Kick to set up a VB or BK feint overhead then go into my normal BnB and Kill.

Or I can RF seismo To cover Arrow Kick as an extended hitbox.

Jill has some pretty disgusting setups with Viper on BK assist. Truly disgusting.

Good stuff by the way, with Jill/Sent if you don’t want to raw tag you can use Drones to impeed your groundbounce and do double/triple cart or choose to impeed your wall-bounce instead. There’s a lot of combo synergy with the two.

thanks, you can also go into FOF loops off of vipers gaurd break then raw tag.


Ouch -_-’

So taking whats been said into account how does Chris/Jill/Strider or Chris/Jill/Ronin sound?
Or is just better to run Chris and Jill in separate teams altogether?

I would personally run them on separate teams, but if you do want to use them together i would go with Jill/Chris/Strider_Dante or maybe even Jill/Chris/Sent,
I used to fool around with that team as well. Chris/Sent seems to work okay for that one player named yoshi (Chris/Spencer/Sent). Just some food for though just my opinion as well.
I like strider on that team cause he covers Jill and Chris’s weakness’s. You could also run Chris/Jill/Dante (Machine Gun/Arrow Kick_Somersault/Jam Session).
When i pick out Jill teams i like synergy, balance, and some type of shell going for it.

Pretty nice stuff you have there dude. It would take a lot to bring me to use sentinel but kudos to you and anybody else that makes him work.

yeah modok and sent are nuts together and jill getting a free combo off of anything is nice too, i will upload another combo tonight.
sentinel has always been a favorite of mine since mvc2 too bad hes no where near that good. if he were to get upgraded i would say
Speed up his flight, 1.1Mil in health, and slightly longer range Rocket Punch.

im assuming youre using Blaster for Modok? Isnt it difficult to convert off of it? converting off of plasma beam / tatsu / etc seems kinda awkward.

With Plasma Beam you can go straight for the jump loops or try to land a Cartwheel to keep them from moving to far so I don’t think it is don’t awkward.

well i only use the plasma beam for certain match ups but i use the bomb for the most part, sometimes i will start modok on point, it worked out great for
me when someone tried to lame me out with trish the other day so i tagged in modok and bodied him. she is not laming out modok, matter of fact i lamed her
out, lol. with the plasma beam you can instant over head doom sized characters who are crouching with a quick J.M before the blast hits (then do a falling H-S on the
way down to convert and it doesnt have to be near the corner) , i got the idea watching one of moons matches where he did that with modok/amy.

for the most part i use the bomb cause its too good for jill or use modok first, it makes any throw attempt a dead character for the most part no matter what distance and even after a SJ
grab. Modok with drones is stupid Pigg taught me that in the early umvc3 days.