New to the forum. It’s shuma gorath mystic ray a good anti air for jill? And what team seems better for you guys, jill/ dante/ iron man or jill/ iron man/ shuma gorath?
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<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/84273/fim7904">fim7904</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>New to the forum. It’s shuma gorath mystic ray a good anti air for jill? And what team seems better for you guys, jill/ dante/ iron man or jill/ iron man/ shuma gorath?</div>
I’m torn on Mystic Ray. It’s really great because that thing is never ever going to miss, it forces a defense, lets you get in, and isn’t terribly slow. Unfortunately, it’s not that scary to get hit by the tail end, so characters that want to camp you in flight can just ride the Mystic Ray to stay in the air longer, making it kind of counter-productive in situations where you’d really want an anti-air to stop that.<br><br>Which assists are you using? Jill/Dante/Ironman sounds better personally just because of the execution barrier and lack of payoff for the work put in to constantly breach it with Ironman and Shuma. I really don’t like Dante’s assists with Jill, though.<br><br>I apologize. I wish we had more than a pinch of players to offer their input, as I consider my character experience somewhat limited.<br>
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<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/81795/Gazelle%20Excess">Gazelle Excess</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Im looking for an anchor for my team<div>current team jill/frank/dante and or jill/frank/skrull </div><div>the main problem is weskers and spencer players</div><div><br></div><div>ps: i dont want to play with strider </div><div><br></div><div>thanks guys</div></div>
If Strider is out of the question, you could try Dr. Doom McFattenstein with Missiles if you think you can handle fatty fatty two-by-four hanging around in the open. Spencer and Wesker would tear him apart in that time, though.<br><br>One character I think has potential synergy with Jill who hasn’t really been paired with her much is Taskmaster. His upward arrows were a nice anti-air when I was playing with him since they send characters careening into the ground, but he was too dull for me. Maybe try him?<br>
I’d play with Task arrows if Task didn’t hate my guts. Seriously I can’t seem to get anything done with that guy. :. But Task uparrows is great.<br>
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<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/58443/Gangie">Gangie</a> said:</div>
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<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/84273/fim7904">fim7904</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>New to the forum. It’s shuma gorath mystic ray a good anti air for jill? And what team seems better for you guys, jill/ dante/ iron man or jill/ iron man/ shuma gorath?</div>
I’m torn on Mystic Ray. It’s really great because that thing is never ever going to miss, it forces a defense, lets you get in, and isn’t terribly slow. Unfortunately, it’s not that scary to get hit by the tail end, so characters that want to camp you in flight can just ride the Mystic Ray to stay in the air longer, making it kind of counter-productive in situations where you’d really want an anti-air to stop that.<br><br>Which assists are you using? Jill/Dante/Ironman sounds better personally just because of the execution barrier and lack of payoff for the work put in to constantly breach it with Ironman and Shuma. I really don’t like Dante’s assists with Jill, though.<br><br>I apologize. I wish we had more than a pinch of players to offer their input, as I consider my character experience somewhat limited.<br></div>
As a shuma main, I have to disagree.<div><br></div><div>Mystic Ray IS terribly slow. It comes in at 47 frames. Many players can easily bop it and Jill doesn’t have much options of protecting it. </div><div><br></div><div>The main focal point of it is as a mid-range assist for the OTG to help with Roundhouse–>Arrow kick shenanigans and the like. Unfortunately, it’s not that great of an assist. </div>
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<div class=“QuoteText”><a href="/profile/45634/NonSexualRice">NonSexualRice</a> said:As a shuma main, I have to disagree.<div><br></div><div>Mystic Ray IS terribly slow. It comes in at 47 frames. Many players can easily bop it and Jill doesn’t have much options of protecting it. </div><div><br></div><div>The main focal point of it is as a mid-range assist for the OTG to help with Roundhouse–>Arrow kick shenanigans and the like. Unfortunately, it’s not that great of an assist. </div></div>
Weird, I always thought it was faster than that. As far as I can tell, his other assists are also so worthless that they may as well be forgotten.<br>
I thought I could use it to punish things like doom’s photon array spam from super jump height and things similar to that.
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<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/84273/fim7904">fim7904</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>I thought I could use it to punish things like doom’s photon array spam from super jump height and things similar to that.</div>
Photon Array is a hyper, so using Mystic Ray on reaction to that will likely just wreck your assist since it’s not only too slow to effectively respond, but it will probably just get beaten. If you mean Photon Shot, then Doom is just going to fly and spam again if he gets hit by it and takes negligible damage, unfortunately. You can’t spam assists as fast as anyone can spam their projectiles, either. Even if they’re trying to force a time out, Mystic Ray will do little if anything to pull you out of that hole.<br>
If you’re having problems with Doom zoning like that, pick up a Vajra.
I put doom back on my team for his hidden missiles…not a fan of doom but i might pick up iron man for his anti air options
I think ill try out taskmaster i just have to make sure to find a way to level frank up with him but i think his up arrow hyper cause a hard knock down
Btw, there’s an easier version.
Log trap > dash > H, flip kick, somersault > j.H, j.S > H, 4.H, Cartwheel > somersault > MGS = 654,700
im thinking of jill(arrow kick)/storm(whirlwind aka the horizontal assist i think)/vergil(rising sun or rapid slash)
or jill(arrow kick)/dr. strangelove(bolts)/vergil(rapid slash)
even though i dont have an anti air I have storm for air support. I feel like this team has very high synergy
ive been messing around with it and jill has some nasty mixups with storms assist. I just dont know how much storms assist holds up as a safe way to help jill approach. And with the strange team since bolts go over the head of opponent there isnt a safe way to approach anyone with since rapid slash gets blown up pretty easily.
I guess right now its jill/???/vergil
maybe jill/vergil/frank
saw a way to get frank to level 4 easily with the rapid slash loop
In my experience, Jill hates Vergil because he just doesn’t offer her anything she wants. Storm is cool because of the DHC/THC with hail, but I could never figure her, and her assists also just don’t help much.
Opinions on Jill / Doom / Ammy?
Cold Star and Missiles both give her a perpetual lockdown, one an anti-air acting as a potential combo extension, and the other pretty safe and extremely mean mixing up in the corner or on incoming. Once Jill goes down, you get that stupid Doom/Dog THC mixup thing, and Dog is a cheap anchor. Seems pretty good to me on paper.
I can’t help much with which assist to pick for Jill in the instance that she’s switched out, though, knowing little to nothing about Doom or Dog. Neither really needs Cartwheel, I think, and I can’t imagine either of them put in a position that would call for a Somersault CC gamble. I think Doom could reset with it to end his combos and go for an air throw, but it seems kind of pointless. Arrow Kick is probably your best bet since neither has a wallbounce anyway; it’s easy to slip into combos and gives you one more pressure option.
Jill Doom Ammy is the team I run. Jill can’t protect missiles very well at all, so keep that in mind. You can use missiles against bad teams fine, but it gets blown up pretty bad when you’re playing against a solid team since she has no way to protect it really.
She can use beam well though, just learn to use 236A/236B/ jump series to confirm from it. Learn Doom TAC infinites, and Jill fake TAC options to beat mashing S (using DKD to bring them back to the ground). You get really good resets with both beam and cold star.
Like Gangie mentioned, arrow kick works well with the team. Somersault works also if you want an option to kill bad pressure for basically free. All in all it’s a good team, but has issues getting in against really good teams.
I need to remember that flip kick loops are just the best way to go from such wonky confirms. The damage scaling still eats me up inside, though.
So, I’m either going to be running
Jill / Strider / Ammy
Jill / IM / Doom
Jill / Hawkeye / Strider
Opinions? Pros / cons to each ? Compare / contrast each?
It’s hard for me to say since I don’t consider myself terribly knowledgeable with too many characters, but I’ll still throw in my two cents that you can take by the grain of salt.
Jill / Strider / Dog will make you extremely mean in the corner, which is great since Jill has really good corner carry. On top of her wallbounces, her Ensnarement move throws bad guys really far behind her, and Cartwheel groundbounces long enough to feral dash to whatever side you need to be on to make the corner behind her. If you put Dog second, that might even be a nice THC so that you wouldn’t be sacrificing as much damage since you can OTG with MGS and beat the snot out of them while they’re getting swung around by Okami Shuffle. I don’t know for certain, though, that’s just a hypothesis.
Jill / IM / Doom is difficult to say because of all the viable assist options available to you, though I would go with Unibeam / Missiles since you still have Iron Man’s needs to consider once Jill inevitably goes down. One thing I know I adore is Iron Man’s absurdly powerful Proton Cannon DHC, so you have that. I’ve read testimonies of those who like Unibeam, and others who like Repulsor; and any of Doom’s assists can help, though it would be wastefully redundant to have two assists that accomplish the same thing. Unibeam is nice since it’s got decent speed, good durability, and keeps bad guys grounded for easier confirms; but you’ll be scaled to high heaven. Plasma Beam I think is faster and almost as durable, but it sweeps bad guys off their feet, so you’ll be stuck doing Flip Kick loops if it hits, which is tough since with Unibeam, you can essentially go for a mix-up or a combo depending on whether or not it gets blocked without having to change much of anything. Repulsor also adds to the mix-up game being kind of tough to block already, especially on incoming. Feral dash behind and it gets really tricky. Same trick can go for Vajra or Missiles, actually. Dash at the last minute to get behind before the hit comes, and they’ll have a hard time blocking. Missiles, of course, will also make it difficult for the baddies to take to the skies, but it’s still tough to cover.
Jill / Hawkeye / Strider is sacrificing lockdown for speed with Triple Arrows, which is fast as hell, but doesn’t help her tech chase too much, I think. You’ll probably have no issue rushing in safe and sound without ever having to worry about Hawkeye getting slapped, and the arrows may even connect if you cross up, but it doesn’t let her reset all that well, which is one of her strongest points. With lockdown like Cold Star or Shopping Cart, you can effectively shut down one of their tech directions and bop any assist they might call during recovery, making your pursuit that much easier and possibly netting you some serious pain on the assist, an assist kill, or even double kill. Triple Arrow also won’t clear the ground of projectiles as well as a beam would, but there aren’t too many situations I can think of in which that weakness would really show itself.