Nova's Matchups

This match…I hate it so much because I have to kill my character lmaoo…but in all seriousness, I kind of agree with what you said about the air grab fight but I will say the Nova that throws out LESS j.H wins this match. In this match up, every j.H has to be well placed or else you’re looking at a dead Nova…INSTANTLY. Also, go low more often than you go high…as Nova players, WE KNOW to look for instant overhead so we either up back or stand block more than we normally would…clip dem legs. That’s all I got lol

I actually need some Nova experience… the only other player here is not quite up to snuff yet, so if you guys wanna give me some XBL experience that’d be dope lol.

Also, Zero. I don’t find that to be a 5-5 right now, at least for me.

I have a handful on my XBL list…we should make a lobby 1 day… my xbl is dougiieovrkll

Aite, I’m fucking tired from dojoleague today (we won woo) but I’ll hit you up in the next few days. Sadly, I think we’re opposite coasts so the connection might be bad.

Nova v Nova is fairly straightforward IMO; don’t be the one who commits to something first. You can have an answer to almost everything your opponent does if you have the reactions for it/know what to look for. speed tackle javelins, launcher box jumps, jump back H for Centurions/rocket punches, etc. Let them make the mistake. Smarter Novas you’ll have to play footsies.

I figured I would go around and post this on character forums so folks can check it out:

So I’m just now finally getting to play a really, really good Skrull, and after thinking about the matchup for a while I don’t think it’s in Nova’s favor. I’ll have more experience and a legit write-up later, but Skrull just has too many tools to shut Nova down.

Anyone have anything against Hulk? Stand H just totally blows up any kind of rushdown and mixups, and it seems like Gamma Rush seems like it has even odds of just going straight through the shield (not that the zoning is particularly scary against hulk anyways, seeing as Energy Javelin is so non-threatening).

I hate this matchup too, but you just have to back up and let him come to you. Unless you’re playing against a really patient Hulk you’ll crack his shell eventually. Also Shopping Cart should help you blow up armor every now and then.

only addition i would make is to add tron because she bodies me everytime… but considering i have played all of 2 players that touch her it’s more than likely me not knowing what to punish, her and doom are prolly both in that category for me…

trish i personally don’t find that trouble, sure she can stay away at odd angles at SJ height but she can’t really do a great job of preventing javelin throws and preventing your approach at the same time, plus she has to come down into nova’s world to fish for hits…

wtf my post turned bold after quoting you…

I’ve actually changed my mind in regards to the matchups. Nova beats Trish and goes even with Taskmaster. You just need to play the Trish matchup perfectly.

I dunno, whenever I got a hit or knockdown on Abegen’s Tron I didn’t have a problem fighting her. What sucks is that she can kill Nova super easily off of any touch. But I think it’s in Nova’s favor in neutral. Doom is 5-5 like most of Doom’s matchups.

As for Trish: one thing you can do is stay in the sweet spot that air Low Voltage and Hopscotch can’t cover and throw the javelin, or wait for them to get careless and go for a super jump air throw. The other is to stay at super-jump height at the other side of the screen and bait basically anything but Round Trip, then go for HRP M or H. Also, pick Strider. It’s an annoying fight but it’s still 5-5.

So going back to the Skrull matchup: this is easily one of Nova’s bad matchups, but good Skrulls are so few and far between that you might never encounter it. My friend however has probably the best point Skrull in the country along with Apologyman, and he agrees that the match is heavily in Skrull’s favor. The first problem is Elastic Slam H. You absolutely have to respect this and not blindly air dash in. The next problem is Rolling Hook. This gimps your zoning game and makes approaching on the ground difficult as well. Basically, Skrull can chill out at just past midscreen range and wait for you to do something. Lastly, it comes down to your opponent’s assist choice but Lariat and/or Bolts make the matchup lopsided. I’ll try to get more games in and figure something out.

i just struggle to land that first hit against her, feel lost in the neutral against her cause of her wonky hitboxes. what of her stuff is punishable, and what can i beat out on start up?

I’m not sure. Keep in mind I got like 10 games in, and that’s the extent of my Tron experience, but from what I could tell it didn’t seem like a bad matchup for Nova at all. Her approach pretty much boils down to jump H which can be shut down by Grav Pulse H or Centurion Rush H, and she can’t do anything substantial from full-screen, so just space her out. From what I can tell her normals are pretty bad. I guess part of it depends on what assists you and your opponent are running, too.

Nah man. You’re VERY mistaken. Skrull gets BODIED by Nova. 6-4 in Nova’s favor. I play Pain from Miami who’s Skrull is much much better than Apologyman’s. Apologyman’s Frank is OD, but his Skrull is lackluster IMO. According to Houshen, Pain has the best Skrull in the U.S with Nasty and Rubeks from Texas. Anyway, I know the match very very well as Pain is one of my main training buddies. Don’t blindly airdash. He has no options to you off of him. Cr.M and Cent Rushes really hurt him here. Don’t become obvious with the airdashes and it’s in Nova’s favor. Don’t be obvious with Javelins or Pulses. Just rush him down. You can bait a rolling hook and beat it with your cr.M. Punish the startup of his command grabs if he’s being obvious. Once you’re in he’s fucked. Pretty much. You’ll be able to mix him up much easier than he can you. Force him to block and that shit is free…

In regards to Trish, I fight likely the best Trish in the U.S every week. Green Ace and DisgruntledGOA are the best Trish’s I’ve seen. I know the matchup very very well. You just need to outzone her and force her to come to you. Once she’s going in you can force her to block mixups. Don’t blindly airdash in and she’ll antiair you for free.

Its a shame I never get to go out to any of the Houston stuff since so many good players reside in those parts. I have to say just in my little town alone Cap gives me the absolute most problems when I’m running Nova. Skrull used to be the bane of my existence for some time until I just learned the match up some and figured out the right time to punish his moves. I always instinctively call Frank out or try to box dash j.H to clip Cap but I know half the time I’ll just end up getting clipped by the god forsaken air L shield slash every time.

I hate fighting Cap with Nova. It can actually be slightly in Caps favor. I feel that Cap rapes airdash type characters. Magneto struggles vs Cap as well and I feel it’s the same principle with Nova. You gotta play the matchup perfect or else you lose. He’s really annoying to fight…

Punish his attempts to shield slash you, punish whiffed anti-ground kicks, don’t airdash into shield slashes, and be careful putting pulses while you’re close to him since he can charging star. That’s about it really…

How effective is Cent Rush pressure? Like lets say I called Frank and then I went in with Cent Rush L or M. I think someone mentioned using Cent Rush L to slide under him during the Shield Slash or Cent Rush M to be above the shield but still be able to hit him.

Cap is definitely an annoying fight for Nova, but it can be won. You can try and play the matchup perfectly, or you can approach the whole thing backwards and just run away from him the whole time.
Most good Caps hold down-back and/or throw air shield slashes and wait for you to air-dash in. They are obnoxiously patient and if you play the game their way you will lose. So you have to do things that Cap just can’t deal with: chill at super jump height with Grav Pulse H and flight. Cap has literally no option against this until you hit the ground, or if he has Vajra. You still have to maneuver a bit to stay unpredictable using HRP and air dashes (and occasionally j.S when you’re coming down), but literally the only significant thing he can do to you without Vajra is air throw you. Once they get impatient and try to be near you during your descent, their options become considerably less safe and you start to gain some ground.
I hate playing matchups like this (even as Doom), but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I’ve tried getting under and over the Slash with Cent Rush L/M, but you have to bank on him not using the versions that beat either option (SS L beats Cent Rush L, M beats M). It’s too much of a guess. However, Cent Rush H is the ultimate non-guess, and the armor will plow right through the shield if timed right. This can make approaching him easier but there’s still Charging Star to worry about, so just be careful.

edit: One more addition to my flying-away strategy- try to reach super-jump height with an up air dash and flying, not actually super-jumping, so you can call assists like plasma beam to keep him from calling assists. Just don’t spam it or you’ll lose your assist.

Interesting. Ugh I hate Cap so damn much. I’ll take all of that into consideration the next time I play the guys who use Cap thanks alot for the tips! :slight_smile: I feel like they just get away with murder with all of the damn mostly safe Shield Slash into Charging Star shenanigans.