[Nov 5, 2011] Canada Cup 2011, Calgary AB 2k bonus Mvc3 and SSF4AE, $5000 5vs5 international match

i contend that you’re backpedalling because you had no idea what you were talking about and now you’re trying to save face

its ok, you didnt know that he’s balling out of control and basically held this event so his friends could have an awesome time, thats fine

must be nice having so much money. oh well, more power to him, if only we all could be so fortunate.

This thread needs a “dislike” or “bullshit” button for posts at this point.

Yep. Once you start taking people’s money (aside from donations), you take on more responsibilities. When you fail to provide any of the things you charged for, it should come as no surprise that people will be upset and want their money back.


very very very classy:

Well, the 2011 Canada Cup has finally come to an end for all of the CCG staff; even after the tournament came to a close our team still had a venue to clean out and donated equipment to get back to its rightful owners. So forgive me that this is a few days coming.

First off, I want to thank all of our event staff who made this weekend so successful. If it wasn’t for the hard work and dedication of our crew of volunteers none of this would have been possible. These are the people that keep our fighting game communities vibrant and thriving and I cannot stress enough how their constant support makes everything we try to do a reality.
I also want to thank everyone in attendance this weekend; I hope you all had a phenomenal experience. In the last two years we have strived to create tournament experiences that can be enjoyed by players of every skill level and walk of life. More importantly, for Canadian players who don’t have the luxury to travel south of the border to majors to see your favourite players compete. We do this all for you.
I also want to formally apologize to everyone who was watching at home this weekend. This year Canada Cup Gaming created a tournament experience that did a lot of things that have never been tried before. Along with these new ideas came immense costs. Immense costs, which were primarily covered by personal finances. In an attempt to mitigate this we tried something no tournament organizer has attempted in North America: a premium / PPV model in conjunction with our partners at TwitchTV.

Our reasoning behind the now notorious $8.95 price point was based around the recently aired SBO in Japan, requiring viewers to purchase approximately $20 in credits to view the weekend’s event. We did not want to freeze out people unable or unwilling to pay so we offered two options: a premium stream devoid of ads along with the option of streaming in 720p and an ad supported stream capped at 360p.

There is no easy way to say this but there were failings on both sides of the stream. Not only did the stream encounter numerous fluctuations in uptime and lag both days, but there were also numerous problems with quality for our premium viewers, as well as mid-match ad pop-ins for people viewing the free version of the stream.

I feel that no one party is 100% responsible for what happened this weekend, but for whatever stake we hold in this, I want to let everyone out there know that I am sorry that you did not receive the viewing experience I hoped everyone could have.

In an effort to make amends to those of you whose ad supported viewing experience was less than stellar, we and our partners at TwitchTV have decided that it is only right to make the Canada Cup 2011 Archives which were previously only available to Premium subscribers free to everyone.

To our premium subscribers, if you are dissatisfied with this weekend’s experience, please e-mail us at info@canada-cup.ca and we will do whatever is possible to make amends.

Troy Kirkland
Canada Cup Gaming"

thats the kind of apology/statement that earns you back a lot of credit. I heartily approve and give two thumbs up. looking forward to canada cup 2012!