[Nov 5, 2011] Canada Cup 2011, Calgary AB 2k bonus Mvc3 and SSF4AE, $5000 5vs5 international match

Let me tell you, it isn’t. Twitch.tv will still survive and Canada Cup will happen again, but having a black eye that people will remember down the line sucks.

stream was a huge ripoff for people who paid. people who didn’t pay were subjected to the most ridiculous bombardment of ads ever seen in a stream.

this is an example of how not to run a stream, and yes, it does suck that it has overshadowed the actual matches. but maybe if people could watch the matches today for free, instead of being charged nearly $10 to see them, people would be talking about them instead of about how terrible the stream was.

lets just hope everyone remembers this disaster next time a tourney organizer starts thinking about how to handle streaming for their event.

edit: and how the hell do people know how much the tourney organizers spent on this event? Did I miss the part where they showed the budget for the event? are the organizers filing bankruptcy over this? did they spend “TENS of thousands of dollars and get nothing back”? these claims sound utterly ridiculous, and have to be untrue. no one in the fgc is sitting around with 20-30 grand that they want to burn on a tourney just because they feel like spending all their money.

Paying for a stream isn’t a problem. It’s when promises aren’t delivered and when there are issues with the stream. if I have the option to pay I will only do it for a perfect product.

Simple math. Count how many international players there were. Add up all the flight costs for each of them that aren’t part of team EG or Complexity. Meaning the guys from Singapore, Korea, most of Japan, Europe.

I know for a fact that top players from Montreal and Toronto received free flights and VIP pass that gave them access to catered food for the whole week-end.

You may not have the drive and resources to organize such a great event, but others do.

you’re talking like the organizers personally wrote checks to pay for flights etc. you don’t think sponsors put up any money? an entire team of elive players all with the name “elive”, and lap himself gave them all cash that he earned from his real job just for the sake of having a tourney, not because he thought he could recoup the losses and get the event to break (or nearly) break even?

i know lots of tourney organizers end up spending money and not breaking even, but you’re trying to make it sound like the TO’s for canada cup are going to be living on the streets because of how much they invested in a tourney that didn’t even make its money back.

lets just say you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about and you should shut the hell up. Lapchi probably spent well over 50 000 for this event out of his own pocket. Who the fuck are you? Are you from Calgary? Have you ever met Lapchi? No?

Then shut the fuck up and stop making baseless claims on how much you feel like people who play games’ incomes are like. As someone who knows the organizers personally, yes, they did fork out that much money for our enjoyment, and our enjoyment alone. People who think ccg is into fighting games for profit should come to the event, see how much work these guys put in, and see how great of a time every single participant had, then say that.

The stream from all accounts needed some work, lesson learned - it was va’s 2nd stream during one of the most high profile tournaments ever outside of sbo

Calm down. Maybe one person said he did it for profit.

you dont spit in the boss’ face and not get any guff back. people wondering if they “really” spent that much money to get everyone out there, they did

Yeah, I mean, I’d heard over $30,000 got spent just out of the pocket of the people setting it up bringing people over for the purpose of trying to not only put out an awesome tournament, but for trying to establish Canada itself as a place to be for tournaments, which says a lot about them overall. Besides, anything to help put Canada’s scene on the map more is something I can only support. And I was watching the free stream and personally only had a problem with it once over the weekend, which is pretty good.

Doing this for profit and paying for players to come out are two different things. I’m stunned about the latter and can’t believe anyone would do that.

come on guys, advertisements are necessary for revenue and let me tell you, i dont know facts but i highly doubt Canada Cup made their money back from this event. just be grateful for the amazing fights. talks about the long list of advertisements will not live past 2 weeks but the amazing fights will live on forever and next years Canada Cup will be even better. if there were no advtisements then there would be no events, i dont know about you but i’m not willing to lose money or even work for free just to entertain the rest of the world.
iplaywinner’s hate article was irresponsible and out of line. perhaps they can hold a tournament of that scale and have zero advertisements? hmmm?? either put up or shut up and enjoy the stream.

They didn’t criticize the event, just the stream, and from the sounds of it the criticism is totally valid

The criticism was 100% on point. If you’re going to have a stream and play an ad in the middle of a key match, yes I wouldn’t bother watching the stream if you told me that beforehand. And not delivering on the premium package is unacceptable. You’re asked for a service and if you don’t provide it you should refund the money. It’s how businesses work. If you don’t you will never get someone to buy it again due to all the bad press they got in the first place.

Everyone knew there would be ads, but the frequency and awkward placements of the ads was just silly.

none of us in the stream booth knew about the problem with ads, namely that when you hit the ad button commercials kick in for everyone instantly, even if their stream has fallen behind by 5, 10, 25, or 40 seconds. that is what led to matches getting interrupted by ads. If we had known, we would have talked for 30-45 seconds after a match and THEN said we were going to commercial to allow time for the ppl who didn’t refresh their stream to finish watching the match.

It made no sense for it to work like that anyway - Twitch.TV jumped on that and announced yesterday they will be changing it so that ads are still properly synced to each person watching the stream. So that’s good. The frequency of ads on the free stream I won’t comment on, but I think its kinda dumb the premium subscribers are bitching about the twitch TV commercial that was 30 seconds long and only played twice per hour or something like that, when it was a break between matches anyway…

They were told it would be ad-free. It wasn’t. What’s stupid about it? If I pay for no ads, I want none there. Their complaints are legit.

one minute per hour… pick something else to complain about.

That’s not up to you to decide if it’s acceptable or not. If you advertise a package as “ad-free” it should be ad-free or at least say you’ll get an ad twice an hour. What are you not getting about this?

I don’t think that’ll take long…

wait, i spit in someones face? what are you talking about? I am contending that only lap himself (and his accountant) knows how much money he lost, if that’s a spit in the face then you’re absolutely insane.

SRK hasn’t matured in all these years, has it? You guys are glancing over the very legitimate concern customers have brought up. Do you think any business will just look over the complaints of their customers like this? It doesn’t matter if you think this is a small issue, those who paid think it’s a big issue worth voicing complaints about. You’re putting out a low-quality product when other tournament organizers may look to do the same. If this issue isn’t addressed you’ll compromise it for future majors not just for Canada Cup but for any major looking to promote premium streams. The tournament organizers may address the issue in the future but for now you clowns who aren’t involved are speaking for Canada Cup further degrading the tournament’s integrity. You’re doing more damage than the actual stream was doing at this point.

I’m sure the tournament organizers have listened to the people complaining since the problems with the premium package and moderating in the chat stream. Twitch.tv already addressed the problem on their end and came out with a resolution. For those of you who are whining about a legitimate complain I suggest you fuck right off because you’re what’s wrong with SRK and are a hindrance in its and the scene’s improvement.