[Nov 5, 2011] Canada Cup 2011, Calgary AB 2k bonus Mvc3 and SSF4AE, $5000 5vs5 international match

CCG is back with our flagship event The Canada Cup 2011. International 5 on 5 (Europe, USA, Japan, Korea, Canada, Singapore and 2 more teams) additional information will be added later. This event is very limited please register before its too late. Last year 360 people registered and our event will be capped at 500 this year.
Check our website for updates www.canada-cup.ca

Early badge can be purchased at Video Game Trader of Canada please check them out at

so you don’t need to line up at the event.

Vesperarcade is streaming the Event.


Day 1 - Saturday, Nov 5th, 2011
Day 2 - Sunday, Nov 6th, 2011

Sheraton Cavalier
2620 32nd Ave N.E
Calgary AB T1Y 6B8

Phone: (403) 291-0107 · Toll-Free: 1-800-325-3535

Why register entry early? Our event will be capped at 500 players so to insure you a spot to play please don’t delay. Why Register for games early? Seeding by region, if you register early then less likely run into people from your own City or Country early in the tournament. Onsite registration you will just randomly put in any available spot in the brackets if the brackets are not filled.

Venue fee
$40 Early registration
$50 Starts Oct. 5th 2011, ends Nov 1st 2011
$60 Onsite registration
$10 entry fee per player for all tournaments
Standard 70/20/10 prize distribution for all tournaments, unless we exceed over 300 players per game TBV

Onsite registration times
11:30pm Nov 4th Ends all SIDE GAME Registration
10:00am Nov 5th Ends all Mvc3 and SSF4AE Registration


Marvel VS Capcom 3 Singles +$2000 Bonus pot
Double elimination
2/3 games per match
3/5 for grand finals
Winner during a match may not switch characters

Super Street Fighter 4 Singles +$2000 Bonus pot
Double elimination
2/3 games per match
3/5 games for grand finals
Winner during a match may not switch characters

BlazBlue CC
Tekken 6
3rd Strike
Rules to be posted on the website

EXHIBITION EVENT $5000 cash prize

International 5 vs 5 all countries (Currently Canada USA Japan Korea Singapore Europe)

5-on-5 Double elimination
Winner-stays format
Character lock in effect throughout
No duplicate characters per region in SSF4AE
Teammates must all hail from the same region (Born or residing from that region)
Distrabution 70/20/10


Badge pick up starts at 8pm Friday 4th, 2011
Team Canada Qualifiers 10pm

Day 1 - Nov 5th, 2011
08:00am - Doors open
09:00am - Side games HDR, Tekken 6, Mk9, 3rd Strike, BBCS, possible extension of time
11:00am - Mvc3
01:00pm - Mvc3 possible extension of time
03:00pm - SSF4AE
05:00pm - SSF4AE possible extension of time
09:30pm - International 5 vs 5 1st half

Day 2 - Nov 6th, 2011
08:00am - Doors open
11:00am - TBV
01:00pm -
04:00am -
06:00pm -
09:00pm -

Lap Chi Duong


Royal Estates Investments Ltd.


James Chen
Ultra David
Mike Ross


Justin Wong
Mike Ross

Tokido as Captain
Shungoko Neurosis

Europe 1
Ryan Hart as Captain
Evans (Fei)
Louffy (Rose)
Coungster (Honda)
Andreas (Rufus)

Europe 2
Kenpachi (Yun)
Starnab (Fei)
Boris (El Furete)
Skatan (Sakura)
Problem X (Seth)

Laugh as Captain


Xian is Captain
Real Deal

Japan 2 Elive



Winner of Blue Like Candy (10/08/2011 - Edmonton, Alberta)

Will be seeded in SSF4AE at CC2011 and will get a VIP pass with a chance to play for qualifers for Team Canada.

Qualifers for VSB road to The Canada Cup 2011 will win a ticket to the event with a VIP pass and will be seeded for SSF4AE with a chance to play for qualifers for Team Canada [Oct 22, 2011] VSB Presents: The Road To Canada Cup (SSF4:AE)

Winner of T12 Wolfkrone SSF4AE won a ticket to the Canada Cup 2011 provided by http://www.omegacollectables.com/ CCG will be providing VIP pass and seeding.

Congrats Wolfkrone.

A battle of the countries sounds pretty sick

Its not an easy Job getting them here.

Updated prize pools, commentators.

No KOF 13? Is coming out 10/25.

Possibly I’ll keep you posted.

Cool, thanks.

Be coming to Calgary again!!! Run this back!!! GOGOGO

I’ll make sure i’m not in your bracket this time!!

How confident are you in putting together a Team Korea and Europe? Putting together a Canadian team should be a piece of cake, Team USA shouldn’t be too hard since we live next door. There are a lot of sponsored Japanese players now so I guess something can be worked out. But outside of EVO we rarely see European players, sponsored or not. From Korea we have 3 very well known players, none of them sponsored and have been coming by there own means as far as I know. Shinji and Weirdo Neo have repped Korea several times, but they no longer live in Korea so I assume they wouldn’t be able to fill in those spots even if they came. So I was just curious about that if you have anything to add.

Whether or not you are able to put together the 5 complete teams, big props to you for even trying. I’m surprised it has taken this long for someone to try and do a multi Nation vs Nation(continent in Europe’s case) team tourney(SBR from last year doesn’t count).

Well we did this at the redemtion suite at EVO already, i keep in touch with all the players and get updates.

Run the shot money match?

Yah man 1k, 1st to 7 on Sunday? Free $$$!!!

holy shit, 1k money match with shots involved?? Jesus Justin just remember who you’re dealing with here… you lose a couple matches and you might be hooped hahaha

updated team captains and team korea

update it seems Poongko can not attend at this moment,

Just a heads up everyone, October 5th the venue fee for pre-registration will be going up to $50.

Team Singapore updated.

Sucks to hear about Poongko. According to what I’m seeing on the front page, he’s already going to be in the US and the Netherlands just weeks before CC. I guess even the machine has his limits.