(NOTE: 3S ONLY!) SBO WC Qualifier - Mar 25-26 @ FFA in California

If you were hot maybe I’d care.

Travelling to the USA tournaments is lame because:

  1. Console
  2. Everyone is a joke compared to Japan.

I’m interested in beating the Japanese, not squabbling around to be on top of the mongolian shit pile.

Just a record, Family Fun has traveled outside of California a few times. They went to Nebraska (including Pyro, Vic, and Frankie) and did very well when the sea of Japanese came a few years back in 2002, as well as a few coming to MWC randomly a couple of years ago…They do travel, but I mean, at this stage, what’s the point? Pyro has beaten Ricky and Justin multiple times now, and we can all say sticks this and sticks that, but he is clearly the best player in the US, and I see his point why he does not go to console tourneys, what’s the point? A lot of people just succumb to the console because EVL uses it, but he plays arcade only…like a lot of the Family Fun players…some of them may be assholes, but whatever, it is their choice and if Justin and Ricky can NOT beat Pyro, which they have not done in years now, there is no room for anyone to talk.

wow, this is funny shit. first off, bitches who dont play need to stfu. secondly, yes pyro does have his head in the clouds, but he is obviously smoking the comp. thats all that really matters. as of traveling, imma have to disagree with nate. traveling and winning is not easy. just cause there is a good source of players and skill at one location doesnt mean traveling out of town is a waste of time. home court advantage is a huge factor and im sure no one will argue with this. if you play, eat, and sleep at a certain area, im sure its easier to perform at win there aswell. not saying you gotta travel out of town to prove anything, but winning outside of home doesnt hurt anything. go to ATL, go to MWC, go to ECC, win all that shit, come back, talk more shit, no one will ever argue again… wtf is the problem?


Watts has spoken

Can I have an explanation of why Pyrolee’s name is Pyro? I wanna know.

OK I dont see why T.K.'s been a lil chump about this and staying quiet when HE told me that Pyro lost in Ne at N Cubed 2002 to one of the rugulars that uses Alex. Is this true?

He then said that Pyro said he got alot better then since then so he dosn’t feel the need to go back to Ne. I mean why would he think hes better than them when Ne placed higher than him in the singles tourney. tru karate said the results were

1st Izu
2nd Chikyuu
3rd KSK
4th I dont know another Japanese player
5th was Frankie
and Flash
7th was 2 Ne players and one was the guy who peace out Pyro!!

But again nobody talks about that.
A loss is a loss no matter how long ago it was.
I’m just saying if there are guys out there that can beat this guy why is he considered to be the best?
Has Pyro played this mystery Alex player from Ne since then?
Sure Ricky and Justin beat him before and from what I hear now they cant touch him but how do you know how good Ne and TX palyers are if you havn’t even played them since 2002?

I told you that like a year ago and your bringing it up now? I swear you cant tell people shit anymore! The guy that beat Pyro in that tourney is good but I doubt if he could win now. If they dont wanna come back to Ne its cool with me I been stop caring about that. So dont flame me for what some fanboy/girl is ranting about! People dont talk about it because Japan still won everything and like Watts said people play differently in different areas so we didn’t even get props for the wins we did get against japan cause they didn’t have their sticks they play on in Japan(even though they WON:confused: )

We tried to get a couple homies 2gether and hit up Famil Fun but its not like they were welcoming us with open arms get me so fug it now let it die C.B.

And next time you bring me in some shit pm me about 1st!!


and when i read amirs comments is :

trash trash trash trash im bad at dota trash trash trash

Wow and I thought guys on srk were dumb. This is a whole new level! :looney:

game has evolved many times since over since the emergence of japanese players consistently coming to america. and for some stupid idiot to come on here and talk shit, thats just plain retarded. who the fuck are you? what the fuck have you done? have you even played 3s before? where the fuck are you involved in the gaming scene? didnt think all this gaming shit comes around to just mad shit talking. you are just some stupid run of the mill internet idiot that doesnt do shit but eat corn and fucking talk smoke about shit you have no idea about. god why are people so dumb…


ps. sup chin!! eat a dick

Everyone just stfu…BITCHES

Those Nebraska results are incorrect. Pyro placed 7th, no Nebraska players placed ahead of him, only one tied with him IIRC. That was 2002. I respect Nebraska players, but none of them have ever evolved to the level of LA or NYC players…or even Austin players for that matter…Datrick is still their top placer at MWC, and for some reason he alone steps up to the competition at a major…granted he might lose local tourneys, but If I had to rank a top 10 list in the USA, it was still be rather scattered because Ricky and Justin seem to be able to beat everyone else except for Pyro…and even then, it’s even more unknown how well Family Fun would do against Ricky and Justin in a neutral tourney away from Family Fun…

I’ve always thought this…the person with the best natural 3s talent in the country is Frankie…he’s just hardcore and came up with more shit on his own than anyone…the best player in the USA is Pyro hands down…the most improved player is also Pyro…he manipulated his gameplay so much from where it was before, it’s not even funny. I would say it’s even more of an improvement than when GhettoD improved dramatically in 3s/A3…next most improved would be Vic, as he was at one point, strictly a Chun-Li player…after that it’s scattered…Flash, Hsien, Ken I, Amir, Yi, Mopreme, Watson, Valle, Arlieth and a few others are solid tourney players, and then players like BuffOtaku come up out of the blue and play only once in awhile and still compete with the best…What’s even more amazing is that people are STILL playing this game, and the fan base is growing…

You gotta be fucking kidding me!

Regardless. Let’s say that Pyro placed dead last in Nebraska. Why the hell would anyone care, let alone bring it up in a discussion like this?

Every single person that all of you are talking about plays against high-level players on a very regular basis. It’s 2006. If four years of dedication and constant practice aren’t enough to get someone on top of their game, I don’t know what is.

And christ, it’s a game. A hobby. Just cut it out.

:sad: Its so funny to see people hatin on Players THEY NEVER FUCKIN MET in their Life:rofl: Then When they see them they dont say shit:confused: Damn E-thugs:wasted:

Bottom line Where I come from if you have differences you fight and whoever wins is Right no matter what. So in this case you play him and when you lose Just:pray:STFU


thats what im saying… so that bitch from south africa… lets play

p.s. ead

has anyone ever thought that ffa just does not give a shit about travelling? people have lives outside of games, monetary issues, etc, etc if ffa dosn’t travel WHO GIVES A SHIT, you guys are acting like it’s YOUR fuckin arcade

u r the biggest groupie on this forum-how ofton do u suck pyro’s dick?seems like everyday 2 me


Um, I did not bring up the Nebraska results in general. I am just stating a fact. Someone was bringing up that an Alex player beat Pyro, and that the possibility exists that player is better than Pyro at this time.

And what are you talking about hobby and cutting things out? I was just making a point about something, so why are jumping on me about something I did not start?

The sad part is you want to suck my dick but I won’t let you.