stay in africa… be a dumb fuck… and eat a dick
That’s not funny at all. That is…
:looney: :looney: :looney: :looney: :looney: :looney: :looney:
i looked up FFA on google…it looked like a golf course…whatevs…those golf courses are to hot, nowhere to smoke blunt…unless you know doc.B:looney:
FFA is NOT a golf course.
its a bunch of shops and a bunch of chinks and gooks walking around in their circuit city church
uh, you talk about e-thug, yet you’re going into a thread you have no part in to complain? He told him to get out of africa cuz the guy’s location is africa. He didn’t make up africa on his own.
and this “the fact that you FFA guys think you’re better than someone else because you have “ranbats,” which is a japanese idea/term, is pathetic.” is just something you made up to make a point. didn’t he go to texas and beat everyone last year? go back to playing console.
they don’t have beef, it’s just srk makes shit up.
Man, I like j-wong over everyone the us when it comes to 3s. Give him two weeks to learn yun lol. He’s just nicer than everyone. I like combo (when using a real character) over a lot of ppl in 3s too. Also, what is the entry fee for sbo-quals? I would like to enter, but I don’t have a team, and yet, I’m better than everyone.
I’d like to see paul lee/valle/watts on a team getting hype.
Piff/The Capo/Jha Jah(aka Jal Jal) aka the first lady of the set should grace a lot of nubbycakes.
P.S. throw a marvel tournament as well, I can run it if you need helpy.
Its funny how people defend this guy Pyro when they know he and some other Family Fun people are real assholes.:wonder:
They act like people dont have souls and are not real. He acts as if hes cool but hes the one that wants to be Asian with a name like Pyro Lee and is white as trailor park trash and behaves like tpt.
Probably has everything handed to him and never had to work for anything and has the nerve to talk to people likes a fucking God. Rashaii that moron!:annoy:
This website isn’t for your fucking intertainment and to dis people to “press there buttons”. Thats a fucking lame ass excuse for being an asshole. “Its the internet people say shit” or this one"dont get all butt hurt" tell that to a real person when you see them IN person and see if you dont have something hurting on you and I bet it wont be your butt. Because to some people content of character is more important than how good you are at a fucking game and they wont let you get away with how you act on the net just because your good. If I were guy I’d kick your ass myself mr pyro lee.
I would like to see him round robin all the good 3s players in the US and see how he would do because I DOUBT you beat all of them! You couldn’t even win that last tourney in your own arcadeI bet thats why you coonvinced the tourney throwers to hurry up and have another one because you couldn’t settle for being a loser for too long.:lol:
Please do something at SBO this year because if you dont your just like the people you dis all the time(the mongolians) that talk alot of shit and do decent but never win.
the reason why people from FFA dont travel is that they dont have to to play good comp. fact stated.
FFA has the highest concentrated group of people with great 3s skills (didnt say all of the best) in one location.
named people all u srkers know: pyro, 5 star, vic, tom (arlieth, sry if i spelled it wrong), sextaro, amir.
and guess what, there are a shit load of people that play there that are really good too that aren’t “named” to people not within the area of FFA. i mean a shit load of people play 3s and actually have skill. (sry not naming all cuase there are a lot, u guys know who u are anyways)
coming from a person who played at FFA for like 4 years, FFAers dont really need to travel. they can throw their own tourney and have a good turnout. great matches have been played over the years and will continue to do so. so why spend money to travel for a tournament? this is not a question of console vs. arcade. this is a point of skill is always there, so why go anywhere else if u dont have too.
as for the ranbats, who the fuck cares if japan came up with it first. a ranbat keeps people at ffa playing and provides good matches. dont bash on them. go create your own cities ranbats.
edit: and yes a korean church has taken over a curcit city building in the same place where FFA is.
I have to say this: Pyro may have a mouth the size of Mongolia, but he actually has the skills to back it up. Dissing his character or his instigating is fair game, but he’s more than capable of taking the gold, consistently, in US tournaments.
Also, RanBats are scheduled every two weeks. He doesn’t have a say in tournament administration here. Popoblo, there’s a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to keep these ‘RanBat’ tournaments running smoothly, maintain the scene’s energy, and keep the arcade hardware in tip-top shape so that players can practice on quality setups. Be a bit more specific in whom you’re directing your criticism towards next time.
You guys. Are fucking. Ridiculous.
Pyro/others have gone to nor cal and won, why not just grace all of the us? I don’t understand. It’s clear a lot of ffa is really good, why not just travel and take ppl’s money. More shit to be talked that way. heh. Until that is to be seen, claiming to be the best when you haven’t gone anywhere in the U.S. (aside nor cal) is unfair to exceptional players like jwong/ricky that go everywhere and just win.
Actually, I had some plans regarding that (travelling FFA players) but circumstances keep mucking them up.
Anyone from FFA going to TS6?
Pyro is a cool guy irl and aside from the lightsided “im the best” comments to arouse laughter i dont see much cockiness at all… I approach him time to time asking some strat questions etc and he’ll answer trying to help me out… so hes not one of those asshole players that discourage new players at all. I also like Pyro (along with the rest of the rediculous FFA players) over anybody in the USA (no disses intented to any EC players or other locations with 3s populace, just my personal opinion). Im just thankful i can play and hopefully improve my game in the FFA/IF 3s environment…
peace out!
Didn’t Wong goto 3s tournaments at FFA and lost to Pyro? Clearly Pyro has beaten the best in the nation, he just doesn’t bother to goto every lil tournament. When if he’s in ranbats every 2 weeks, that only allows for the 1 week inbetween to goto other tournaments, which isn’t always garrunted to exist for those weeks.
Take a look at how many tournaments are running on 2-17-19th weekend
Game zone X
one in florida
and probably more
Can Pyro realisticly goto each of these tournaments if he’s at his ranbat?
Say, even there wasn’t a ranbat, which would he goto? Should he travel east to Break 5? Or MWC, or whereever else? No, it wouldn’t make sense. He might goto Game Zone X sin’t thats somewhat local, but why would he fly out if he isn’t going to have a challenge?
evolution = lil tourney. lol. Ranbats only started recently, majors have been around for at least 5 years minimum. Also, i didn’t say pyro needs to go to every tournament, i just said ffa guys should go and grace people in other regions, not only to erase any doubt, but for monetary reasons, bragging rights, and other such pleasures. Have a challenge? There are these two guys named ricky/jwong and they have pretty much dominated 3s in the us, locally and nationally. Last i heard, they were pretty good. Challenge? I’m sure he won’t be challenged as much, but more the reason to go and grace them. You should stop assuming shit that I didn’t even say. lol.
again who cares about traveling if u have comp there already…
no one said anyone has to go to all these major tourneys, its our choice to go if we want to. and again, pyro has gone to TS for an SBO quals and did win it. and if u bring up that “oh, well thats just one time he traveled, that really doesnt compare to wong and ricky who have traveled more”, who the fuck gives a shit. opinions are opinions.
why spend money if u enjoy the scene you are currently in. dont give me that “well pyro could take 1st and win his money back” either. what if he doesnt wanna travel? again who cares. comp is at his fingertips already at FFA.
FFA doesnt have to grace anyone with thier presence (sp?) if they dont have to. they have the right to reserve that. no one has the right to say one is better than the other for traveling. let the games they play between each other say that.
EDIT: Thanks nate. I hate 240 second rule.