I have to add **True Ol School **to the list, for like 4 or 5 characters, LOL. I’ve ran into him a couple of times now, never seen him before, don’t know who he is (well, I have a couple of guesses) but he’s hands down one of the best all-around players I’ve ever played against (and that counts AfroCole, AfroLegend, Graham, Calipower, DGV, Kurropi, etc.).
Thanks to those who think I’m ok :lovin:
I main Gief. These guys that in the past or currently have gave me trouble:
Boxer: NinjaGolf2k6 (really knows how to kick Giefs ass), Mr x64, Hygiene
Honda: x kuroppi x, TheLoTheGreat <-- Damn HONDAS!
Blanka: BlueTallCans (I’m thinking hes top 5 on LIVE from any character), TWINTURBOCOBRA
Dictator: zaspacer (a while since we played), SLCVIC
Fei: Sirlin Prime, Jumpsuit, Rightupyouralley
Zangief: Haru Tejyo, x kurropi x
Ryu: DGV, gbryu916, BUT STILL
Ken: GoldenArch88, justgoforit <-- both have very good keep away games vs Gief.
DeeJay: Bruce Askew, Le0n0wski
Hawk: JigglyNorris (I see why people rage quit on me now…)
Guile: Marsgatti2009, TO13GO13
Dhalsim: SpritENZ
Akuma: XoSnakeEyezoX
Sagat: NAPPY NIGHTMARES (although hes an asshole)
Cammy: MiloDC (!!)
Plenty of excellent players.
People I’ve fought multiple times in XBL HDR matches who I always have to take seriously (in order per character):
Ryu: DGV, Calipower, Afrolegends, BUT STILL, gbryu, Shirase
Ken: SnakeEyes
Honda: kuroppi, NShogatsu, Thelo, EAMegaman
Chun-Li: Inr0w, Tara Rantella, DoablePolecat, CVital, Voltech, Zass, Airdash, Skankin Garbage
Guile: FifthnSomeBUD, TO13GO13, Marth, FrankDuxDimMak, NarcissusCaesar
Blanka: Airdash, zaspacer
Dhalsim: Afrocole, Eggo, Airdash, Cuthbert
Zangief: haru tejyo, kuroppi, evoanon
Cammy: Mr. Jangara, DoablePolecat
Dee Jay: Afrolegends, Bruce Askew, Afrocole, Le0n0wski
Fei Long: Sirlin, Calipower, BUT STILL
T.Hawk: kuroppi, JigglyNorris
Claw: Zass
Boxer: Afrolegends, NinjaGolf2K6, BUT STILL
Sagat: Calipower, NappyNightmares, Sirlin, RagingAsian
Dictator: atonalism, zaspacer, JigglyNorris, dek0r, Sirlin, Zass
Akuma: SnakeEyes
Feels like I’m leaving some people out…