Not just Good Players on XBOXLIVE, but the best!

thanks to the people that mentioned me but i really dont think i deserve it. i would LOVE to play calipower and DGV with my ryu to see how i measure up, but i dont think my 6 months of playing seriously will hold up to guys with almost 20 years of experience.

if xbox live were around when these games first came out, i think the pool of top players would be very diffferent. i can say that i have played this game since it came out in 92…but always against the cpu in the arcades, and the cpu at home. if there was a thriving arcade scene where i live, and i had the quarters every week to waste, maybe i would be a top contender!

playing against real people made street fighter a whole new game for me. i like it more now that i did when i was 12 and it first came out. in NJ, the only places i can remember playing real people are great adventure, rarely in a boardwalk arcade, and east brunswick mall… where many a hoodlums would hang out and try to beat me up for winning! cant get good that way.

something tells me that these guys are getting ready for SF IV at evo. they are so good at super turbo they probably dont need the practice.

Ken - dav 35, tiradouken, goldenarch88
Ryu - ragingasain01, tiradouken, butstill, jameswalton101
DJ - “tschesece”, or something like that…bruce askew
Gief - haru teyjo, evoanon
Bison - De Mavrick, mack daddi
Guile - Marsgatti2009, Fifthnsomebud
Hawk - Kurropi, Jiggly Norris
Cammy - spiritenz, mr jangara
Sagat - nappynightmares, ragingasain01
Fei - billjmninja
Chun -
Vega - william209, champjackson
Honda - Thelo, mad possum
’Rog - mrx64
Blanka - empirion
Dhalsim - Cuthbert 80, geneijin87, eggo, promoted pamn - (STRANGE play style, this guy has, but very effective)
akuma - alias jopes. i dont respect anyone that uses akuma seriously…but, this is the guy ive played that is best.

an honorable mention…ive played mostly on xboxlive, but ventured over to PSN for a bit. BLTIZFU is unbelievably good with every character. every match felt like i was up against the best guy ive ever played for that character. (disclaimer) PSN’s network is atrocious…reversals are almost impossible to land, and the games lag intermittently.

I’m just listing the players I’ve faced that are currently active. I’m also listing just one for each. These are the guys that give me the most problems. I haven’t played much so I’ll add names as I encounter the players for the other characters.

Ryu - ?

Ken - ?

Chun Li - Nipul Herr

Blanka - Emperion

E. Honda - Mad Possum

Zangief - ?

Dhalsim - Fatboy SRK

DeeJay - Bruce Askew

Cammy - ?

Fei Long - ?

Guile - ?

Sagat - ?

Vega - ?

Balrog - ?

M. Bison - ?

T. Hawk - ?

Hawk - Jiggly, Me

^ Well said.


Not if you’re forgetting Kuroppi. :slight_smile:

Best Hawks: JigglyNorris, Kuroppi, Gridman

Btw, why aren’t you ever on Live OJ? I sent you an FR like back in March…

True mate, there was this asian Hawk player who uses Hawk really good to. Granted our connection was garbage but u can tell the guy had skill.

sorry, i forgot kuroppi. ive never got to play with him (unfortunately) but ive heard nothingbut good things. so yes

hawk - jiggly, myself, kuroppi.

gief - besides haru, no one REALLY sticks out. kind of unfortunate

fei - aqua snake, embrio, and from what ive heard jumpsuit (want to play)

honda - thelo, EAmega, sqratch

chun - skankin, voltech

ryu - dgv

guile - brian, marsgatti

dj - bruce askew, le0nowski

sagat - really no one

blanka - emperion, decoy

ken - again, no one really

boxer - mr x64 i think, and brian has got a great boxer

vega - no one

sim - eggo, fatboy (never played), sweetjv (never played…yet :] )

cammy - faux123

dict - fortis ronin, uhmm sultan sw1ng

off the top of my head

Aqua uses the CW a lot better then me, and Jumpsuit is just overall really solid and perfect with his execution. Personally, from what I have observed the best fei’s online would consist of Jumpsuit,Ramaz,Aqua Snake and me.


oh good topic (:

I will add all the players mentioned here, I’m a rubbish, but I wanna improve my game ! There is almost no hdr players in France, so i have no versus =/

See you soon.

I would love to play!

However… Boston to San Diego… Don’t expect much of a match. Wait to play me at EVO before pass you judgement.

High ping matchs benefit Hawk a great deal on online versus Sim. Many of Sim’s counters are reaction based. Reaction based counters are difficult to pull off when key frames are missing. No way around it.

MAN, I have had some of the most epic sets with you, Sim versus Blanka. One of my favorite memories on GGPO was a set you and I played. SOOOOOOO many close matches, tons of Zero Vitality wins between us. I had to pull out a Hakase strong FB/Throw trap on your jump-in for the win on one match. One pixel/ one frame of animation, that is what it came down to.

GOD DAMN, I LOVED GGPO. The net code on that was awesome. Don’t get me wrong, HDRs net cde is good. But, it falls apart over great distances, at least to the level that I would deem just about unplayable for competive practice. If you live past Texas, HDR drops too many frames from San Diego. You can’t take the matches to seriously.


No our games are playable.:karate:

Your honda is very solid.

As of right now though, I think the two best honda players are Kurropi, and EA GameMan. They are very different in their gameplay styles. But are the best at what they do.

  • Kurropi really konws how to break a solid fireball zone. (superb spacer)
  • EA gameMan can combo you like no one else. (TOD, and great mix ups)

for me the 2 best honda players I’ve played on xbl are curbulo and calm down monkey

Tanatez is the best fei long player I’ve met

Zangied - hitwari, phillal

chunners - voltron (or voltech) and phillal

guile - marsgatti2009, elton chong, diceman, TO13GO13

ryu/ken…theres so many excellent ryu/kens cant name em all, dav35, markyboy, vader00, dgv, mono027, many more too just cant remember their tags

bison - mr psycho, mackdaddi

balrog - smq91 by far the deadliest balrog I’ve come across

dhalsim - eggo, beil

cammy - zwaire NL

DeeJay - Tschesae

the only players who has really impressed me is damdai online, & john choi offline.

But i haven’t play with so much players here to compare.

xbl brian & mad possum are good too

They were both on my list (multiple times, LOL).

Calipower used to play HD Remix all the time, for awhile we would be in a player room together for a couple of hours every night during the week (since he’s on west coast and I get home very late from work). Now every time he comes on he’s playing SF4 :(.

I don’t know if Afro has a 360, I’ve only ran into him a couple times on Remix. He’s still on my friends list but he hasn’t signed on in months. It’s not like the good ol’ days of AE where Afro was on all the time to kick our butts, LOL.

i wont be naming all characters, just ones that stand out in my head that i’ve played personally.

hawk - weaksauce srk, jiggly norris

gief - haru

fei - jumpsuit

honda - ea megaman, mad possum

chun - cvital, skankin garbage, voltech

ryu - dgv

guile - 5th n sum budd

dj - bruce askew

blanka - real decoy, emperion, grey invador

boxer - zetra, vanilla tears

vega - william209, unclebuck

sim - sweetjv, fatboy, efc e

cammy - milodc (i think thats his handle?)

dict - fortis ronin, sultan of swing(sp?)