Not just Good Players on XBOXLIVE, but the best!

So there are so many people always saying this guy is really good with this character or this and that, but I am wanting to know everyone’s opinion who the top three people are on XboxLive with each character. Only people who have been playing sufficient amount of time should answer this.
I am wanting to know who are the players that you see the name and immediately makes you get up and have to play for real rather than just messing around. So pick top three for each character!

E. Honda- Thelothegreat, EA megaman, Mr. x64
Dhalsim - SpritEnz, EMP Sabin, Fatboy SRK

…so on lets see what you guys come up with

-you can’t nominate yourself

Guile - Elton Chong, Marasgatti2009, FifthandsomeBud

don’t we have enough of this here? Take that shit to XBL forums plz.

actually we don’t. We have a lot of people who think they know what they are talking about claim this guy is good this guy isn’t. I would say PSN people too, but most aren’t that great. Your cammy is pretty good from what i’ve seen but nothing special compared to the japanese cammys on XBOX live. I hope to see that cammy at EVO by the way


Currently playing players only with than 65 ping are the ones I am going to rate. There are some other good players in each character. However many don’t play anymore, or their ping is too high for me to accurately assess their skill level.

KEN:Westicle (spelling?), xSnake Eyesx
Chun: Zass30, Skankin Garbage
Guile: FifthandSOmebud, Marasgatti2009
Geif: xKurropix
Honda: xKurropix, EAgameman, Mad Possum
Blanka: SG10x, FifthandSomeBud, Decoy

Hawk: xSnakeyesx
DJ: Bruce Askew

Claw: Blacmore
Sasgat: Lyghts Out (Spelling?)

:tup: Can’t beleive I got nominated for something. Heh.

Off the top of my head:

Blanka: BlueTallCans, Empiron, Real Decoy

Ryu: DVG, gbryu, RoyalFlush

Ken: Damdai, Westsyde

Balrog: NinjaGolf2k6, SMQ (hate him, but he’s good)

Gief: TailsTheFox, Snakeeyes, Damdai, evoanon tons of people from the HF days that I can’t remember right now

Honda: Thelo, Megaman, Changati, kurropi, mad possum

Sagat: KJ, lightsout (hate him too but I must admit he knows how to tigertigertiger)

Cammy: Syxx (brain fade, but I’ve met a lot of good Cammys but forgot their names)

DeeJay: Bruce Askew, Leonoski

Hawk: Weaksauce, JigglyNorris, Mardoz, RagingStormX

Bison: zaspacer, SLCVLC, Force of Will, Maverick, CCT, SFIILegend

Fei: Jumpsuit, Evo

Guile: Marsgatti2009, FithnSumBud, zaspacer, narcious caesar

Sim: Fatboy, Eggo, SweetJV, Sabin

Chun: Voltech, dishragger, mongolorobocop

Akuma: Snakeeyes, Damdai

Vega: William209, Blacomore

All that is off the top of my head. I need to write these down someday.

Curious, do you think our games are laggy? They always seem good to me. GGs last night too.

yo thanks for the mention but I don’t play on XBL I play on PSN :slight_smile:

ya i’ll be at evo handin out dem beatings :slight_smile:

Sorry. Thought I played you on XBL before. Maybe it was a PSN tournament. Your Chun was good too.

Ryu: dgv, cvital, sirlin
Ken: damdai
Chun: beef bowl, mongolorobocop
Guile: narcicus caesar
Gief: haru tejyo
Honda: mad possum, ea megaman x kurroppi x
Blanka: empirion
Sim: eggo, geneijin87, sweetjv

Hawk: jiggly norris
DJ: bruce askew, dgv

Claw: afro legends
Boxer: but still, hygiene
Sagat: pez man 81
Dic: cvital, jiggly norris

Man u made my day lol, I’d also like to mention aqua snake and ramza as damn good fei players…we got some good players representing the dragon:karate:

Oh and check out CalmDownMoneky…he’s got a really slick honda that gives me a real hard time.

This is of the top of my head so nobody get mad if I forget your tag, LOL

Ken - DGV, Royal Phlush, Westcyde
Ryu - Damdai, DGV, Calipower
DJ - Afro Legends, Bruce Askew
Gief - Kurropi, Cigarbob, Damdai
Bison - Cvital, Mr.CCT, De Mavrick, Calipower
Guile - Marsgatti2009, FrankDuxDimMak, Fifthnsomebud
Hawk - Kurropi, Jiggly Norris, Slayer KFK
Cammy - R.Phlush, played a few others, can’t remember their tags
Sagat - KJ out da 17th, Lyghts Out, Sirlin
Fei - Jumpsuit, sirlin, rightupyouralley
Chun - Voltech, Beef Bowl, Mongolorobokop
Vega - Immortalbmw
Honda - Thelo, EA megaman, Chaghatai
’Rog - Afro Legends, Vanilla Tears, SMQ91
Blanka - Bluetallcans, Fifthnsomebud, Decoy
Dhalsim - Sweet JV, John Rambo, Cuthbert 80, Fatboy

If the standard is “immediately makes you get up and have to play for real rather than just messing around”, then the only people who do that to me are Sirlin Prime, Bruce Askew, and Westcyde. Other than that, messin’ around, laughin’, and watchin’ all the cool shit people do in the Player rooms is what I’m all about.

Thanks for the mention. You are easily one of the best Balrog players in the world in my opinion. You can probably take out the Japanese Elite with your skill.

Best players? Hard one, but the top honors in my book go to:

Blanka - Empirion, TWINTURBOCOBRA
Ryu - Mikeidge, gbryu916
Ken - GoldenArch88, MiriadX
Balrog - Mr. x64, NinjaGolf2K (I’ll never understand the name lol but great boxer)
Gief - Evoanon, Haru Tejyo
Cammy - Mr. Jangara
Sagat - Lyghts out, XLegionarius
Honda - ThelotheGreat, kuroppix
Dee Jay - Leonowski, mute chibi something lol
Hawk - Mordoz
Dictator - Force of Will
Fei - Played so many but can’t remember names on this one
Guile - FifthNsomebud, Marsgatti2009
Sim - Eggo, SpritENZ
Chun - SkankinGarbage, Voltech SRK
Akuma - ooo Somobetto ooo, Alias Jopes
Vega - Opemai, ChampJackson (Hate him, but good)

These players I can vouch for from personal experience and fighting them. Their skills are top notch, and they don’t use the same BS that most players with that character use. Incredible fighters, I thank you each for the memorable matches, as well as the cans of whoop ass that each of you handed me LOL

I’ve wanted to fight the legendary Sharizord and Blacmore as a Vega player myself, but I guess I haven’t had the pleasure yet…

Haha, thanks. I still have a LONG way to go though. Fireballs are my achillies heal :looney:

Looking through this list I can actually remember doing very well against some of these names - even beating them! I’m feeling pretty proud at the moment, all these players are the highest of quality. Probably DGV gave me my worst beating: the one time I faced him, he perfected me twice. lol.

Here are the best I’ve played that I can remember:

M. Bison (Dic) - DE Mavrick, jigglynorris
Ryu - DGV, Mikeidge, billjmninja, Raakham
Ken - Westcyde, Zwie NL
Cammy - Bruce Askew
Dee Jay - DE Mavrick
Blanka - BlueTallCans, Empirion, TheGrey (forgot his name, something-Gray)
Fei-Long - Aqua Snake, Ramza86, Shunthanos
Akuma - damdai
Honda - thelothegreat
Guile - Elton Chong, PFW91, Mr. Irrepressible
Chun-Li - etsuro

And now…the worst!

P5N1 PSYKUP 68 - good player but a huge dick
brandtopia - ragequit on me 4+ times
SMQ91 - he’s a dick…don’t see all the hype
Audio MaxSteele - turtles jumping back air-FB’s with Akuma…and that’s it!
scar7humb - raqequit on me in ranked and then called ME a dick when I caught him in player matches

Hey, thanks for the mention.

Oh, I think you were thinking of Grey Invader for Blanka.

Voltech’s Chun-li is the best i’ve been able to play.

No Calipower or Afrolegends mentioned here…? They must really not be playing online anymore… Newer people to ST/Remix haven’t seen enough apparently


Those guys probably go without saying. I saw them on GGPO a lot but I think I’ve only seen Calipower once on HDR.