I REALLY want to see some vids! Is there any chance of some Youtube’ing?
TechMonkey recorded everything. They should be up soon.
Not sure if this is it but here’s a video of NCR2009, uploaded a week ago. It features John Choi (Rog) v. Alex Valle (Ryu).
That’s Norcal regionals, not Northeast championships. Choi and Valle didn’t travel east for this
Still, an excellent match!
The full list has been updated, on the first page.
Questions I pose to myself:
-Is Ken top tier?
-Is Damdai’s Ken only top tier, because he is playing people lower tier than him?
-Is Damdai just, in general, top tier?
Perhaps we’ll know this by entering a bunch of Vegas, Balrogs, and Dee-Jays in the next WWL. Ken isn’t top tier but his jab SRK is probably the single deadliest move if used in the right hands.
Yeah or the Ryu to really show us all how godlike top tier shotos are (calling Choi) :-/
Deejay has an advantage against Ken?
I agree, the jab shoryu is phenomenal.
Guys, I beat his Ken with my Guile and he counter picked me with Sim. Jesus.
Any vids up yet? :clapdos:
Oh yeah, I’m going to Naptown Clash 3.
Damdai is just top tier. Although see, I never get past Ken because I play Cammy… I can beat his Sim, I can beat his Gief… Ken is just a whole different ballgame.
So, the moral of the story, Damdai to win WWL Season 2 or do you pick the field?